The School was founded in June 1862, originally as the 'Hobart Town Female Refuge' to provide a home for neglected girls and train them in washing, sewing and domestic work. It was managed by a committee of ladies elected by subscribers, usually under the patronage of the Governor's wife, but five gentlemen were elected as governors and formed an advisory committee. The School occupied various temporary houses until 1873 when the committee leased buildings in the Barracks, which premises were extended in 1879 when the School took the protestant girls from the Queen's Orphan School, New Town, which was being closed. In 1892 it moved to 'Kensington House', Davey Street (now the Trades Hall) and finally in 1924 it moved to 'Maylands', Pirie Street, New Town. The School took 30 to 40 girls, usually between 6 and 14, but occasionally younger, and the committee liked to keep them beyond their committal period until they were 16 and trained for service, unless there were suitable relatives. They were usually referred by a magistrate and supported by the Government, by relatives or by donations and the little earned by laundry and sewing work. The children were looked after by a matron and sub-matron and ladies of the committee visited in turn. As well as instruction in domestic work the children were given some basic education, by a Schoolmistress appointed after the transfer of the Orphan School girls in 1879, and after 1925 attended state school, and also received religious instruction from local ministers or Sunday school teachers.
In February 1945 the School was transferred to the Salvation Army.
From the Cyclopedia of Tasmania 1900 :
Thirty two years ago, under the auspices and with the active assistance of kind-hearted Lady Gore Browne, wife of the Governor of the day, the ladies of Hobart founded the Hobart Industrial School for Girls, an institution that has had an uninterrupted career of usefulness and success ever since. Its objects at first were mainly to reclaim the fallen, but after some experience it was wisely decided to take the young and train them in those paths which only lead to pleasantness and peace. There was no written constitution at the outset, but the principles under which it continued to be managed were, in 1890, embodied in a document which set forth :—" 1. That the school shall be for the education, maintenance, and training of such classes of children as described in the Industrial Schools Act, 1867. 2. That there shall be five governors elected to remain in office until their successors are appointed. That all subscribers be empowered to vote in the election of such Governors. 3. That the management and control of the school be vested in a committee of not less than ten, nor more than twenty, ladies, to be elected by the donors and subscribers. 4. That the committee of management have power to remove officers and fix salaries, and that they shall submit an annual report in January of each year." The class of girls admitted into the school consists of poor and unprotected children, who are sent by the administrator of charitable grants (Mr. F. R. Seager.) They range from very young children upwards, and no girl is allowed to leave the institution till she is sixteen years of age. The Government contribute 5s. per week for each child for the specified time she is committed to the care of the institution, in some cases two years and some five years. They are then supported until they leave by the funds of the institution. When an inmate is sufficiently trained for private service, arrangements are made by the committee in connection with the matron, for her discharge, to such employment as may seem fit, subject in each case to the approval of the managers. Instruction is given in reading, writing, and arithmetic, needlework, laundry work, cooking, and general housework. The school is Protestant unsectarian. About forty children pass through it each year. Of late years the subscriptions have been falling off, but the school is still sound financially, though more funds are required for special cases. The building now occupied as a school (formerly Kensington House), has cost over £4000, which has been practically paid for. It is well situated in Davey Street, and in every way suitable for the purpose. Among the pioneer workers who rendered special service to the school for years was Mrs. Crowther, widow of the late Hon. Dr. Crowther, who is still alive in England. The venerable honorary secretary, Mrs. Harriet M. Salier, has filled that position since the inception of the school. For thirty-two years she has devoted herself to forwarding its best interests, not only as secretary, but in every direction possible, and it has been and is with her truly " a labour of love." Her son, Mr. Fred. J. Salier, has been honorary treasurer for twenty years, and has also rendered most valuable service to the institution. The present president, Mrs. Hardy, daughter of Sir Henry Edward Fox Young, one of our late governors, is most indefatigable in attending to the interests of the school. Officers for 1899-1900 :— Patroness, Lady Gormanston ; president, Mrs. Hardy ; governors, Messrs. G. Patten Adams, Justice Clark, C. J. Maxwell, Fred. J. Salier, Hon. W. Crosby ; hon. treasurer, Fred. J. Salier ; committee, Mesdames G. Adams, James, Barnard, Barrett, D. Barclay, E. Burgess, H. Chapman, W. Crosby, E. L. Crowther, Cook, Kite, Davies, Montgomery, J. G. Parker, Perkins, C. J. Maxwell, Hudspeth, Bernard Shaw, Miss Nutt; hon. secretary, Mrs. Harriet M. Salier; hon. auditor, Mr. R. M. Johnston ; trustees, Messrs. Chas. Butler, C. E. Walch, F. J. Salier.