Identity area
Reference code
- 1846-1856 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
Framed H50 x W58cm birdseye pine? watercolour 21x30cm.
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Francis Russell Nixon (1803–79), first Anglican bishop of Tasmania, was born in Kent, the son of an Anglican clergyman. A graduate from Oxford, he served at Canterbury Cathedral before being appointed in 1842 as first bishop of Tasmania. He arrived in Hobart the following year, and held the bishopric until 1863. Nixon held 'high' views, making him ready to assert his church's claims against other denominations and against civil power; likewise he upheld episcopal authority within the church. Such attitudes aroused much tension. In the 1840s the most dramatic concerned Nixon's relationship with Lt-Governor JE Eardley-Wilmot whose recall (1846) he helped effect. From 1850 local Anglicans sundered on the issue of baptism's capacity to nullify original sin, Nixon affirming that against 'Low Church' opposition. The man seems to have lacked both missionary commitment and spiritual force. He said bitter things of Tasmania and its residents.
The record had its positives. Nixon denounced the social effect of convict transportation. He fostered church schools, notably Hutchins and Launceston Grammar. Despite early misgivings, in 1857 he established a Synod that eased the Church's managerial problems, and prepared for the end of state aid. If no missionary, Nixon yet travelled throughout his diocese, the Bass Strait islands included. His artistic talent found expression in his home Runnymede, in drawings, and in photographic work, most notably of Aborigines at Oyster Cove. With all the contests around him, the wonder might be that his tenure lasted so long. Retirement passed in Italy, with a third marriage and further fatherhood.
From https://www.utas.edu.au/library/companion_to_tasmanian_history/N/Nixon.htm
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Transfered from Christ College 2018
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Watercolour of Christ's College at Bishopbourne, Tasmania by Bishop Francis Russell Nixon founder of the College.
Modern typed note accompany painting.
Inscription on the back of the watercolour (in Gell's handwriting)
"The little pointed roof to the extreme left is the stand in the cricket ground. In the centre the Coll: Warden's rooms the left end, then the library, then the North buildings in which re the Sub-warden's rooms, terminated by the bell-tower.
To the right, barns, stables and out-houses.
The Western Mountains with Christ's College Jan .24th 1854"
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
System of arrangement
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction
This material is made available for personal research and study purposes under the University of Tasmania Standard Copyright Licence. For any further use permission should be obtained from the copyright owners. For assistance please contact Special.Collections@utas.edu.au
Language of material
Script of material
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
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