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Olive Pink
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Exhibition notice

Hand written notice describing drawings made between June and December 1930 after five years of drought had ended at
beginning that year in Central Australia......" They were merely my own pencil records of one section of the many wonders of
nature in the interior of this continent "

Olive Pink

Olive Pink Collection

  • Collection
  • 1931 -1973

Sketches, mainly in pencil and crayon, made by Olive Muriel Pink of flowers found in the north of South Australia, Central and North Australia. The majority were made between June and December 1930, at various places along the railway between Port Augusta and Alice Springs. Later sketches were made in various parts of Australia between 1931 and 1960, but often without a note of the place and date. The sketches were often hurriedly made on pieces of thin, cheap paper, or even pieces of cardboard or brown paper. Some were coloured with crayon and a few, more finished drawings were coloured with watercolours. A later donation was made of books, personal belongings and sketches. A second series was received from the family of Olive Pink in 2016, this series includes Olive Pink's book collection, photographs, paintings, letters, items of clothing and other ephemera and memorabilia, some of which are nationally significant in their own right - such as the book plate made by Adrian Feint, notes and sketches done whilst camping with Daisy Bates, and photographs documenting life in Central Australia.

Olive Pink

John Hargrave : letters from Olive Pink

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2020/2
  • Collection
  • 1956-1974

Collection consists of letters written by Olive Pink to John Hargrave during the years 1956 to 1974. Written from Home Hut, Native Flora Reserve, Alice Springs. John Hargrave addressed variously as Dr Hargrave, Sir, Grandson, Boy, Nungari, John Hargrave, Yabulla/Yabbula/Yabbulla.

Olive Pink

Hatband and metal badge

Orange/yellow and white striped hatband and metal badge embossed with decorative GHS. Worn by Olive Pink while attending The Girls’ High School, Hobart ,Tasmania

Olive Pink

Girl’s High School Hobart

a) Orange/Yellow and white striped hatband and metal badge
Above items contained in the above Kodak photo envelope with annotations:-Miss Clark’s –Girls’ High School” Hobart, Tasmania -Hat badge and band (Olive’s), (private not State School). In old Barracks. Davey St and Barrack St.
b) Photograph of Gym class at Girls’ High School–postcard from Olive’s school friend Ursula Walker to Olive in Perth c. 1910

Olive Pink

Study from life by Olive Pink

Study from life by Olive Pink, done at a Julian Ashton's life class about 1913. Peter Rados, aged approximately 23 was killed in action on the 19 May 1915.

Olive Pink

Fierce: The story of Olive Pink

Fierce: The story of Olive Pink. An artistic adaptation of the life of the anthropologist and botanist Olive Pink who was once labelled "the fiercest white woman in captivity". It was inspired by historical and fictitious elements relating to an encounter between Miss Pink and the Warlpiri people of Lajamanu.
(Tracks Dance Theatre Performance. (DVD), Darwin 2001.)

Olive Pink

Clothing owned by Olive Pink

a. 1 Velvet beaded waistcoat/vest
b. 1 Cream lace short sleeved blouse
c. 1 Cream lace shawl
d. 2 Cream lace dresses/over-dresses
e. 1 Pair of cream gloves with fur trim
f. 1 Cream satin scarf/cravat
g. 1 Cream satin sash

Olive Pink

Calendar design

Indian ink with some colour sketch on tracing paper made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland.

Olive Pink

Handwritten note

1 handwritten note on paper - A kind of wild Hybicus [Hybiscus] which they stupidly call the "Desert Rose". Hardly anything less like "a rose" I cannot imagine. The buds however do look a tiny bit like rose buds (if one has plenty of imagination!)

Olive Pink

Card design

Indian ink with some colour sketch on tracing paper made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland.

Olive Pink

Card design

Indian ink with some colour sketch on tracing paper made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland.

Olive Pink

Calendar design

Indian ink with some colour sketch on tracing paper made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland.

Olive Pink

Calendar design

Indian ink with some colour sketch on tracing paper made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland.

Olive Pink

Card design

Indian ink with some colour sketch on tracing paper made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland.

Olive Pink

Calendar design

Indian ink with some colour sketch on tracing paper made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland.

Olive Pink

Calendar design

Indian ink with some colour sketch on paper made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland.

Olive Pink

Card design

Indian ink sketch on card made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland. Captioned (Charlton Ed) for Sydney Mail

Olive Pink

Brown paper cover

Brown paper cover which contained the calendar and card designs - written on by Olive Pink

Olive Pink


Watercolour on card sketched by Olive Pink, (date and location unknown)

Olive Pink


Watercolur and pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, from Sister Goulder (Vic), 12/9/49 (from North Road I think?)

Olive Pink


Watercolour on card sketched by Olive Pink, enroute to Parilyu (on sandhill), 17/9/43. Not identified by Olive Pink

Olive Pink

The Aborigines’ Protector

The Aborigines’ Protector, vol 2 no. 2 October 1946 –including Elkin, Prof. A.P., Aborigines and the Franchise.

Olive Pink

Native Welfare in Australia

Booklet entitled Native Welfare in Australia by Paul Hasluck published in Perth 1953. Paul Hasluck was a friend of Olive Pink–annotated by her with dates of his speeches

Olive Pink

Printed stationery

Two sheets of printed stationery –Home Hut (off) Native Flora Reserve Alice Springs Northern Territory

Olive Pink

Letter to TMAG

Letter to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) regarding donation of her Albert Namatjira paintings – copy of typed letter

Olive Pink


One sketch, thought to be of a laurel

Olive Pink

Harold Southern

Seven miscellaneous items relating to Harold Southern.

  1. The Third Battalion Magazine, August 1918 –belonging to Olive’s mother, Evaline .F. M. Pink –3rd Battalion Comfort Fund 1915-1918
  2. Memorials to Harold and Arthur Southern in Kings Park, Perth, who both died at Gallipoli on 2 May 1915
  3. Avenue of Honor Kings Park Perth –Order of Ceremony and Planting 3 August 1919. Southern brothers –nos. 65 and 67 memorials.
  4. Northern Territory Newsletter –September 1975–story of Olive Pink and Harold Southern (cover photo) written after her death.
  5. Newspaper article 18 . 12 . 1975 ‘The Romance of the Century. The story of Miss Pink and the dead captain she loved for 60 years...’
  6. Letter to Olive Pink from Bob Southern 13.11.1964
  7. Obituary of Harold Southern’s father Mr. A.W.L. Southern–Scotch College Reporter, May 1921

Olive Pink


Parachilna –‘first sketch on trip to Darwin 1930

Olive Pink

Photograph of Wallaby and Des

Black and white photo probably taken by Olive Pink –annotated on back as: “Wallaby” and “Des”, July 1941 –on termite mound –
‘When we three went on an exploring expedition on foot’.

Olive Pink

Photograph of " My Wurley"

One small black and white photograph - captioned ‘My Wurley’ –temporary accommodation. Once a Mohammedan prayer room.

Olive Pink

View outside gate

Black and white photograph of view outside of the gate at Olive Pinks flat in Ferntree, Hobart, Tasmania

Olive Pink

My camp

Black and white photograph of Olive Pinks camp at Thompsons Rock Hole

Olive Pink

Road to Springs from my flat

Black and white photograph of view of the road to the Springs at Mt Wellington from Olive Pinks flat in Ferntree, Hobart Tasmania

Olive Pink

Photographs of flats in Hobart

Six small photos of Ferntree flat, Mount Wellington where Olive Pink lived 1937-1938 and one photo of first flat in Hobart 1937 –Dot Miller’s home–all annotated on backs

Olive Pink

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