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Knopwood Diary

  • Collection
  • 1805-1808

Diary of Rev. Robert Knopwood dated 1 January 1805 to 17 July 1808. The diary is headed 'Revd. Robert Knopwood, Chaplain, Hobart Town, Derwent River, Van Diemens Land'. It begins on Tuesday 1 January 1805, noting 'a general muster of all the prisoners in the colony it being New Years Day'. It is written in a neat hand, some words being abbreviated. Knopwood notes, for example, dining with the Governor and others , visiting the Government Farm, kangaroo shooting, fishing, the shortage of provisions in the colony, the weather, the arrival and departure of ships, occasionally christenings, etc. etc.
Some pages have been cut out leaving only the date (probably by R.K.)

Robert Knopwood

The Derwent Star and Van Diemen's Land Intelligencer

  • Collection
  • 1810

The Derwent Star and Van Diemen's Land Intelligence, Hobarts first and short lived newspaper was first issued on 8 January 1810. This issue No. 7, 3 April 1810 gives an account of the recent death and funeral of David Collins, Lieutenant Governor of Van Diemen's Land. Produced fortnightly by the government printer George Clark/Clarke, there were twelves issues published from 1810 to 1812.

George Clark

Andrew Gatenby : Militia substitute certificate

  • Collection
  • 1814

Militia substitute certificate dated December 1814. Certificate of enrolment of substitute to serve in place of A. Gatenby, Appleton le Moors, North Riding of Yorkshire, namely Robert Graystock, wheelwright. Until the 19th century militia units were used in home defence and maintaining law and order in vulnerable locations such as Ireland and the south coast of England. Militia units did not have to serve overseas, but they were seen as a useful reserve of trained men. Bounties were offered to militiamen who exchanged into the regular Army for overseas service.
Many of the men serving in the militia were substitutes serving on behalf of those whose names had been drawn in the county ballot. These substitutes often made a charge for taking over the duties. When the militia was fully embodied on a permanent footing during periods of war, a higher figure could be demanded and obtained. The regiment benefited by receiving experienced soldiers instead of raw recruits.


Andrew Gatenby

William Sorell : Journal

  • Collection
  • 1823-1825

Collection consists of type written transcript of original diary of William Sorell Jnr. for the years 1823-1825.
In his journal Sorell made brief daily entries of his voyage out, his reception at Government House, the arrival of Lt. Governor Arthur, his new post as Registrar of the Supreme Court. The entries are brief but of particular interest are his references to the arrival of ships and his meeting officers and other people of note landing at Hobart. He makes occasional references to his work and cases in court and to Judge Pedder and his wife. Apart from his work Sorell's chief activities, as noted, were riding, walking, reading and dining with 'friends and officers of the Barracks and Convict Department. He attended church regularly on Sunday and mentions the arrival of an organ subscribed for by the in habitants (13, 14 April 1825). He took occasional shooting trips, mainly to the Coal River (Richmond). Most of the entries are, however, brief and lacking in detail or descriptive accounts as may be illustrated by his reference to a proposal to transfer the capital to Brighton: 'Meeting at Government House. Removal to Brighton in a large Meeting. I attended. I think the Lt. Governor has made up his mind upon the removal.' (19 May 1825)
Transcript of original diary of William Sorell Jnr. made by L. Rodda and P.S. King. ( 83 pages) Photocopy only now held. Also a typed name index to diary to diary - on catalogue cards made by L. Rodda.

William Sorell

Grant of land at 31 Campbell Street, Hobart to Joshua Fergusson

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2017/2
  • Collection
  • 1827-03-26

Grant of land at 31 Campbell Street, Hobart to Joshua Fergusson made by his Excellency Colonel George Arthur Lieutenant Governor of Van Diemen's Land on the 26th day of March 1827. Subject to the payment of a yearly quit-rent of two pounds payable on the 31st day of January each year.
31 Campbell Street is the site of the University of Tasmania's major creative industries and performing arts development, 'The Hedberg', adjoining Hobart's historic Theatre Royal on the 'Wapping 4' site. The University of Tasmania opened at the Hedberg in Semester 1, 2020 after almost 10 years in conception, consultation, planning and construction stages. The project was led by Tasmanian firm Liminal Architecture and designed in collaboration with WOHA and Arup.
The significance of the Hedberg site in the heart of Wapping dates to the 1830s, when it was a lively convergence of working-class homes, industry and entertainment. Archaeological work was undertaken in consultation with the Tasmanian Heritage Council, and results from the archaeological investigation informed aspects of the design.
The heritage-listed facade of the Hedberg Brothers Garage on Collins Street is the University of Tasmania entrance at the Hedberg. Built in 1925, it has intrinsic heritage value as an early, unusual and important example of its type.

Colonial Secretary, Van Diemen's Land

Knopwood Sermons

  • Collection
  • 1801-1829

Manuscripts of sermons preached by Rev. Knopwood in Tasmania dated 1801 - 1829

Robert Knopwood

(Ross's) Hobart Town almanack and Van Diemen's Land annual

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC AY 1625 .H63
  • Collection
  • 1835

Includes a list of the 'Civil Establishment of Van Diemen's Land and its dependencies'; a list of the 'Military'; a list of 'Public Institutions'; a 'Return of convicts'; list and description of 'Newspapers and Journals published in Hobart Town'; an 'Index Plantarum, or an attempt towards a popular description of some of the most common and remarkable indigenous plants of Van Diemen's Land' [pp.61-114]; 'A shred of autobiography, containing various anecdotes, personal and historical, connected with these colonies' [by Jorgen Jorgensen - pp.115-180).
Includes also a 'Chronological view of events in Van Diemen's Land and other parts of the world, during the last two years'; an alphabetical 'Directory of the district of Hobart Town taken from the Jury List' ; a list of shipping arrivals and departures at Hobart for 1834; an essay on Circular Head by James Ross, addressed to Edward Curr Esq.
Annual first published in 1829 as 'Hobart Town Almanack' and continued until 1838 with variant titles: 'Van Diemen's Land Annual and Hobart Town Almanack', 'Ross's Van Diemen's Land Annual and Hobart-Town Almanack', 'Ross's Hobart Town Almanack, and Van Diemen's Land Annual', "Elliston's Hobart Town Almanack and Ross's Van Diemen's Land Annual'.

James Ross

Robert & Ann Mather Papers

  • Collection
  • 1821-1835

Papers relating to the voyage out and settlement of Robert Mather and his wife, Ann (Benson). Many of the papers (Ml0/16-20) consist of extracts from letters from Ann Mather to her brother, Rev. Samuel Benson, and sisters Isabella Whytall and Sarah Benson (m. Hammond 1832), in UK and were probably given to their niece, Sarah Benson Mather who married George Washington Walker in 1840, after Ann Mather's death in 1831.

Robert Mather

Dumaresq Collection

  • Collection
  • 1839

Collection consists of one framed and one folded in book form Map of Van Diemen's Land by George Frankland, dated 1839. Dedicated to the Land Holders of the Colony by their faithful servant, George Frankland, Surveyor General and Sole Commissioner of Crown Lands . The map shows : counties, hundreds, parishes, townships, reserves for townships, roads, houses, names of landholders. Inset plans of Hobart and Launceston (24cm X 21cm) Scale : 20 miles : 7cm Size : 80cm X 130cm

George Frankland

Dean Letters

  • Collection
  • 1850-1852

Two handwritten letters addressed to William Dean. One letter has engraving of Hobsons Bay and Williams Town, Port Phillip. HAM brothers, Engravers. Published by John Hunter, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne

William Dean

Hobart Town from the New Wharf - print

  • Collection
  • 1857

Coloured print Lloyd, Henry Grant, 1830-1904 :Hobart town from the new wharf.
W.L. Walton lith; H. Grant Lloyd del. [London, M & N Hanhart, ca. 1857].
Reprinted from the original by Foscan No. 438

Henry Grant Lloyd

Henry Lewis Garrett : Degree of Associate of Arts

  • Collection
  • 1863

Diploma of degree of Associate of Arts awarded to Henry Lewis Garrett of Hobart Town, who passed in English, Latin(with credit and prize) Greek, French (with credit) and pure mathematics and was placed in the second class Signed by H. Officer, president of the Tasmanian Council of Education. Seal of Tasmanian Council of Education 1859, red wax, lozenge shaped, backed paper: open book "Floreat Tasmania' on diamond pattern, in tin (separate from document). Diploma has decorative border of oak Leaves and acorns designed by Henry Hunter and engraved by Alfred Bock.

Henry Lewis Garrett

Dr George Fordyce Story Collection

  • Collection
  • 1821-1878

Collection consists of personal papers, medical case notes and accounts, student notes and exercises, botanical papers which include some correspondence with Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller, copies of electoral returns etc.

George Fordyce Story

Diploma of degree of Associate of Arts

  • Collection
  • 1878

Diploma of degree of Associate of Arts, awarded to Mary Friend Whitney Canaway of Hobart, by the Tasmanian Council of Education dated 17th October 1878. Includes wafer seal. Examined and passed in the following subjects. English with credit, French with credit, German, Italian with credit and Mathematics with credit. Mary Friend Whitney Canaway has been awarded the Councils first prize for English and the Councils first prize for Italian. Diploma has decorative border of oak leaves and acorns designed by Henry Hunter and engraved by Alfred Bock.

Mary Friend Whitney Canaway

Andrew Downie Papers

  • Collection
  • 1814-1879

Collection consists of mainly financial papers. Includes indenture, correspondence, sheep & wool business papers, bills & accounts

Andrew Downie

Fish caught at the Great Lake, Tasmania

  • Collection
  • 1890-1891

Handwritten documents recording fish caught at the Great Lake, Tasmania by Sir Robert George Crookshank Hamilton and party in the periods 22-27 March 1890 and 19-24 March 1891, giving number and weight of fish caught.

Robert George Crookshank Hamilton

Midwood Collection

  • Collection
  • c1903

Collection of framed caricatures drawn by Thomas Claude Wade Midwood depicting colleagues, members of Midwoods household and local Hobart characters. Most are identified.

Thomas Claude Wade Midwood

Risby Brothers Collection

  • Collection
  • 1823-1910

Collection consists of personal diaries and photographs relating to Risby Brothers, sawmillers and timber merchants

Thomas Risby

University of Tasmania Charter

  • UT377
  • Collection
  • 1899-1915

Documents relating to the University of Tasmania Charter

University of Tasmania

Bolton Stafford Bird Papers

  • Collection
  • 1887-1924

Collection consists of awards including a Royal warrant on parchment, an insignia for the Companion of the Order of St.Michael and St.George, photograph and various newspaper clippings of obituary.

Bolton Stafford Bird

University Badge

  • Collection
  • c1932

This badge, a smaller version of the cloth badge was probably a badge of the Tasmania University Union, and is based on the official Common Seal of the University, omitting the star and rose and the inscription, with the addition of a punning motto IN UNITATEM UNI.TAS, it also appears on the TUU magazine Platypus and may have been adopted in the 1920’s when the Union first sent teams to Inter-Varsity sports.
In April 1932 it was reported in Togatus that estimates had been received by the S.R.C. from a Melbourne firm for metal badges – ‘Mr Michells considered the Union did not need metal badges and would not be able to dispose of them. But Mr Smith’s motion that a hundred badges should be purchased at 1/6d was carried.”

University of Tasmania Library

Leake Papers

  • Collection
  • 1801-1932

Collection consists of some of the papers of John Leake (1780-1865) of Rosedale, near Campbell Town, pastoralist, justice of the peace, member of the Legislative Council and a former merchant of Hull and Hamburg, who settled with his family near Campbell Town, Tasmania, in 1823, and of his family, including his youngest son Charles Henry Leake (1819-1889) whose heirs inherited Rosedale.

John Leake

Gurney cartoon

  • Collection
  • c1939

Black and white line drawing with blue highlights, in three frames depicting an antique dealer and a factory time keeper discussing setting of clocks

Alexander George Gurney

The unpublished memoir of Sir Patrick Abercrombie

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2017/4
  • Collection
  • c1939

The unpublished memoirs of Sir Leslie Patrick Abercrombie, an English town planner, best known for the post-Second World War re-planning of London

Patrick Abercrombie

Alfred Harrap & Son Collection

  • Collection
  • 1857-1957

Collection consists of correspondence concerning wool shipment and an illustrated booklet compiled by C.B. Thomson and issued to celebrate the firms centenary entitled Alfred Harrap & Son Pty Ltd 1857 - 1957

Alfred Harrap & Son

UTAS Blazer

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2022/4-Uni
  • Collection
  • c1960

Black ladies UTAS blazer

University of Tasmania

Fuller Papers

  • Collection
  • 1916-1965

Collection consists of personal and business correspondence, financial records, scrapbook and cuttings scripts of broadcasts, stories and plays. Theatre programs, photographs and pins and badges. There is also material collected by Francis Ruby Fuller and Edwin Charles Fuller

William Edwin Fuller

Edmund Morris Miller Collection

  • Collection
  • 1903-1970

Collection consists of corresspondence recieved, and draft correspondence. Also includes Library Associations, personal records, university lecture notes and papers relating to the University Library. Notes and drafts of publications and lectures and photographs

Edmund Morris Miller

Drysdale Collection

  • Collection
  • 1954-1971

Material relating to the Tasmanian lottery, the origins of the Drysdales of Dollar and note of interview with Drysdale's daughter

Arthur James Drysdale

Olive Pink Collection

  • Collection
  • 1931 -1973

Sketches, mainly in pencil and crayon, made by Olive Muriel Pink of flowers found in the north of South Australia, Central and North Australia. The majority were made between June and December 1930, at various places along the railway between Port Augusta and Alice Springs. Later sketches were made in various parts of Australia between 1931 and 1960, but often without a note of the place and date. The sketches were often hurriedly made on pieces of thin, cheap paper, or even pieces of cardboard or brown paper. Some were coloured with crayon and a few, more finished drawings were coloured with watercolours. A later donation was made of books, personal belongings and sketches. A second series was received from the family of Olive Pink in 2016, this series includes Olive Pink's book collection, photographs, paintings, letters, items of clothing and other ephemera and memorabilia, some of which are nationally significant in their own right - such as the book plate made by Adrian Feint, notes and sketches done whilst camping with Daisy Bates, and photographs documenting life in Central Australia.

Olive Pink

Guiler Collection

  • Collection
  • 1953-1978

Collection consists of Thylacine Expedition 8 mm films, and notes on site locations etc. collected on location at Mt Nelson, Granville Harbour and Cape Portland , in Tasmania between 1953 and 1978 by Eric Guiler.
Reel 104 is an example of the films. All films are available for viewing at

Eric Rowland Guiler

George Wilson Collection

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1
  • Collection
  • 1932 - 1980

Collection consists of rugby memorabilia and other material relating to the life and work of George Wilson, master of Hytten Hall, the University of Tasmania's first residential college

George Thomas Jamieson Wilson

Library promotional video

  • Collection
  • 1981

Consists of one Library promotional video made in 1981, VHS cassette recording, 6.5 minutes. Script by Mary Howard and Peter Cohen, narrated by Meg Taylor, camera work by Michael Knott, Ross James and Eve Pettit, technical director Brian Rieusset, programme director Eve Pettit. Originally recorded on Umatic cassette for continuous playing over 1 hour, copied on to VHS by Brian Rieusset July, 1993, for University Archives (two showings over 15 minutes). Reformated to DVD in 2017. Includes typed copy of script.

University of Tasmania Library

Margaret Sturge Watts Collection

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2017/1
  • Collection
  • 1906

Papers of Margaret Sturge Watts include photo albums of relief work in Central Europe after World War I, an autograph album, visitors books, journals, an unpublished autobiography, newspaper cuttings and miscellaneous items including the notification and congratulatory letters for Margaret Watts' MBE in 1957 for her work in the 'assimiliation of new settlers.'

Margaret Sturge Watts

Portrait of Dan Sprod

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2021/2
  • Collection
  • c1985

Framed oil painting by Max Angus (1914-2017): a portrait of Dan Sprod (1924-2018), former Morris Miller Librarian (1966-75) and subsequently proprietor of Blubber Head Press and Astrolabe Antiquarian Books, seated at the window of his home in Sandy Bay holding a copy of the book Simpkinson de Wesselow authored by Max Angus and published by Blubber Head Press in 1985

Max Angus

School of Medicine

  • Collection
  • 1966-1988

Collection of School of Medicine files (1966-1981) containing newspaper clippings, class/graduation photographs (1984,1985,1987,1988), staff lists, job advertisements, seminar information, questionnaires.

University of Tasmania

University Studio Theatre - scrapbook

  • Collection
  • 1982-1999

Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings and theatre programs and posters from performances held in the Studio Theatre between 1982 and 1999. Some of the companies and organistions who featured at the theatre were: Salamaca Theatre Company,The Mummers Theatre Company, The Cygnet Peforming Arts group, Round Earth Company, The University's Conservatorium of Music, Breadline Theatre Company, Forum Music Theatre, The Performance Laboratory, The Old Nick Company, Apprentice Theatre, The Classics Society, The Hobart Raja Yoga Centre, the H.C Theatre Company, Misterioso Productions, Polygon Theatre & Launceston Repertory Society.

University Studio Theatre

Oates Collection

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2022/3
  • Collection
  • 1951-1999

Collection consists of material produced and collected by Oates. Included are personal and professional papers , diaries, letters, research notes for publications and material relating to the "Singing Ship"

William Nicolle Oates

Tasmanian Society of Honorary Justices : Honour Board

  • Collection
  • 2001

Three photographs of the Honour Board of Tasmanian Society of Honorary Justices, located in hallway (Elizabeth Street entrance) Hobart Town Hall. Honour Board presented to Society by Mr F. G. Shepherd, QPM, JP. Historical notes : 1922 - 1994 dates/names confirmed by joint Society and University of Tasmania (History Department) research of available public records.
Photo credit. Mr. P. Baker. 12 December, 2000.

Tasmanian Society of Honorary Justices

Bacon Collection

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2013/1
  • Collection
  • c1996-2004

Collection consists of ephemeral material collected by Jim Bacon during his time as Premier of Tasmania

James Alexander Bacon

University Leaders

  • 2006

Publication -University leaders by Alexander, Alison. Includes photographs and biographies of the University of Tasmania’s Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors from the University's formation in 1890 to 2006.
Morris Miller-Rare-Book LG 715 .H6 A853 2006

Alison Alexander

Marjorie Bligh Photograph Collection

  • Collection
  • 1910-2011

Collection consists of a series of digital photographs taken for an exhibition of Marjorie Bligh's work held at the University of Tasmania, Morris Miller Library in 2011. They include photographs of Marjorie's personal photograph collection and photographs of her handcrafts.

Marjorie Bligh

Interview with Colin Dennison

  • Collection
  • 2018

Interview with Colin Dennison dated 25th August 2018. Interview conducted by Ben Ross ( concerning Colin’s lifetime of collecting photographs, postcards, stamps and other historical resources. Colin donated the collection to the University of Tasmania Library Special & Rare Collections.

Ben Ross

Ralph Middenway Collection

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/2
  • Collection
  • c1950-2018

Collection consists of 12 unaccessioned boxes

Ralph Middenway

George Musgrave Parker : Correspondence and research records

  • Collection
  • 1922-1965

Most of the papers consist of notes made about historical queries, a rough draft of his book, and correspondence with East Coast residents and others requesting information. There is also a collection of newspaper cuttings and pamphlets relating to the history of Tasmania, especially the East Coast and some photographs and snapshots. Dr Parker also collected some original historical documents~ chiefly from East Coast families (although those of Dr Storey and the Cotton families have now been returned to the Cotton archives (ref. C.7). Dr Parker's collection of Walch's Almanacs has been supplemented by others received from Walch's and is kept up to date and now forms a complete record set for Walch's records (kept for reference in the Archives Reading Room). Some early newspapers (including Colonial Times, Southern Cross, Launceston Courier) were transferred to the State Archives to fill gaps in their collection .

George Musgrave Parker

Andrew Inglis Clark Collection

  • Collection

Papers of A.I. Clark sr. include letters received from friends and colleagues, including American lawyers, a few papers relating to his legal practice, letters of appointment to political offices, papers relating to Australian federation and the Australian constitution and drafts of essays, speeches or articles on law, politics, philosophy and religion. Papers of A.I. Clark jr. include correspondence while serving in the army 1915 - 1919, correspondence with family and friends and family photographs, correspondence relating to his law practice and notes and articles on law, and notes on Tasmanian statutes and minutes of the editorial board on reprinting the Tasmanian Statutes (1935).

Andrew Inglis Clark

George Cartland Collection

  • Collection
  • n.d.

Collection consists of letters, map and obituaries .

George Cartland

TRST Combined Index

  • Collection
  • n.d.

Combined index to The Royal Society of Tasmania manuscript deposit collection.

Hilda Bridges Collection

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2013/2
  • Collection

Collection consists of material produced and collected by Hilda Bridges. Contains photographs, newspaper articles, material relating to Roy Bridges and his publications and many loose manuscripts and typescripts written by Hilda Bridges

Hilda Bridges