- AU TAS UTAS ITCCD 2017/18-451
- Item
- 1920s
Large concrete support columns forming cellar level of building
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Large concrete support columns forming cellar level of building
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory
Coloured aerial photograph of Cadbury factory and surrounding water. Taken August 1958
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory
Coloured aerial photograph of Cadbury factory and surrounding grounds. Taken August 1958
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory and surrounds
Coloured aerial photograph of Cadbury factory looking across to the Eastern shore. Taken August 1958
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory and surrounds
Coloured aerial photograph of Cadbury factory looking across to the Eastern shore. Taken August 1958
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Advert for Cadbury Dairy Milk block and Energy chocolate block
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Female employees sitting on lawn in front of Cadbury factory, taking a meal break
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Group of senior Cadbury managers seated on lawn outside factory
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Directors, A staff and state sales managers
Photographed March 12th 1951. Back row: L to R. V.A. Benjafield, D.R. Campbell, J.W.C. Wyett, Miss D.A. Wyly, K.W.G. Mason, W.A. Smith, B.A. Wells (F.B.R. absent from Claremont) Middle row: L to R. A. Watts, D.S. Newman (Victoria) A.H. Seaton (S. Sustralia) B.C. Johnston (Queensland) E.F. McDade (N.S.W.) I. Van Assche (W. Australia) W.A. Hopkins (Tasmania) Front row: L to R. V.G. Burley, J.P.D. Lloyd, V.C. Smith, H.V. McKernan, R.A. Smith (absent from Claremont)
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Group photograph of representatives attending a conference in 1963. Most are wearing triangular tags with the number seven clearly visible
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Two men talking at the entrance to the Cadbury factory
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Gates and entrance to the Cadbury factory
Gates and entrance to the Cadbury factory, with staff walking between buildings
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial photograph of Cadbury factory and surrounding area, with Windermere in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Factory and river from the air
Cadbury factory and Derwent River, with Mount Wellington in distance
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Mount Wellington and Cadbury factory
Colour photograph taken from golf course looking back to Cadbury factory, with Mount Wellington in distance
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Employee housing and Cadbury Factory
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory with employee housing in foreground and Derwent River in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial shot of Chigwell and Cadbury Factory
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory with employee housing in foreground and Chigwell in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Employees repairing clock on tower at Cadbury Factory, minimal safety equipment in use
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Construction of new flour room, Cadbury Factory
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Entrance gates to Cadbury Factory with employees seated outside. Clock tower in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Four men with golf clubs standing on course
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Two children walking along a track through a grassy field with tall trees on brow of hill. Small boy is searching through the grass with a stick
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Group of managers outside Cadbury Factory, photograph taken 1955
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Group of workers seated outside building. Back of photograph indicates names. Back row – McKeran, indecipherable, Ainsworth, Cooper, indecipherable. Front row – White, indecipherable, Dulio, Erskine, Doolin
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial shot of Cadbury Factory
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory with employee housing in foreground, Derwent River in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Large building and several houses with fields in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Part of a prefabricated building being moved. Light coloured Humber car parked on side of road
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Photograph of J. Tonks in uniform issues to Cadbury car drivers and check lodge staff, taken January 1958. Information written on back of photograph
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Female workers having a tea break in the staff canteen. Photograph taken 1952
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Women seated outside in the sun, with one reading a newspaper
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Packing machines, Cadbury Factory
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Group photograph of Cadbury management
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Employees attending Christmas lunch at Cadbury Factory
Colin Dennison (Curator)
View across Derwent River to Mount Wellington
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Display of assorted Cadbury products, including Milk, Fruit and Nut, Turkish Delight, Barley Sugar, Nestle Milk Chocolate, Old Gold, Cherry Nut Milk, Toasted Almond, Vitality, Vogue and Milk Tray
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial photograph of Claremont
Coloured aerial photograph of Cadbury factory and surrounding suburbs. Taken August 1958
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory and surrounds
Coloured aerial photograph of Cadbury factory and surrounding suburbs with Mount Wellington in background. Taken August 1958
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory and surrounds
Coloured aerial photograph of Cadbury factory and surrounding suburbs with Mount Wellington in background. Taken August 1958
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Sports day at Claremont Primary School. Large group of parents watching races. What appears to be smoke haze covers Mount Wellington in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Cadbury chocolate advertisement
Advertising material showing Cadbury’s glass and a half of milk with block of chocolate
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Clearing grounds at Cadbury Factory
Bulldozer clearing land with part of the Cadbury factory in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Ccocoa mass on conveyor belt, Cadbury factory
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Display of Cadbury chocolate, including Vogue boxed chocolates at 2 shillings and tuppence, Dairy Milk chocolate blocks, and boxed Milk Tray chocolates
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Group of senior Cadbury employees gathered at social occasion
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Employees attending a social function. Groups seated at tables with drinks and gift bags of Cadbury chocolates
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Cadburys Red Label drinking chocolate
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Bags of Cadbury Gold Coast cocoa beans being emptied into a hopper
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Street on the Cadbury estate overlooking the Derwent River
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial photograph of Cadbury factory and estate houses in foreground, with Derwent River and northern suburbs in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Cadbury factory and Derwent River, with snow covered Mount Wellington in distance. Photograph taken 1956
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Alterations to Cadbury factory
Aerial photograph showing new three story building being added to Cadbury factory
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial photograph of Cadbury factory and surrounding area
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial photograph of Cadbury factory and surrounding area, taken 1958
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Cadbury factory looking across the river toward Glenorchy. Photograph taken 1958
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial shot of Cadbury Factory
Cadbury factory and surrounds with Mount Wellington in background. Photograph slightly indistinct
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Cadbury Factory and Golf Course
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory with golf course in foreground
Colin Dennison (Curator)
View across lawn to trees with Cadbury clock tower visible
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Impromptu stage with microphone outside Cadbury building, with tubs of flowers, the Union Jack and Australian flags setting the scene
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Crowds attending a flower show with gladioli table in foreground
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Cadbury executive standing beside a small Piper aeroplane, and holding an overnight bag and folders embossed with the Cadbury logo
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Unnamed painting of Cadbury Factory with river in foreground and Mount Wellington behind
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Cadbury truck outside the entrance to the factory. Truck is most likely a Leyland Comet.
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Photograph of unknown man wearing a jacket, vest and tie
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Governor visiting Cadbury Factory
Governor of Tasmania and party inspecting Cadbury Factory. Men dressed in suits and ties, women wearing summer dresses, hats, gloves and carrying handbags
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Group of men attending a social event, one with glass in hand
Colin Dennison (Curator)
View of a snow covered Mount Wellington with row of poplars in foreground, taken on the Cadbury Estate
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Several small boats moored, with people fishing from end of jetty. Hills in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Visitors to Cadbury Factory, men wearing suits and ties, women in floral summer dresses, hats and carrying bags and gloves
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Group of friends sharing a drink at a social gathering
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Poster advertising Cadbury Milk Tray chocolates: popular chocolates for today. Quarter pound boxes selling for 2 shillings
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Tanker delivering milk to Cadbury Factory
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Part of a house loaded on the back of a truck prior to relocation, several workmen looking on
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Don Butler providing his small daughter with some of the party delights. Mrs Butler engrossed in backgroud. Information taken from back of photograph
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Wooden building being demolished inside the entrance gates of the Cadbury Factory. Workmen and mobile crane service in foreground
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Label review of Cadbury products
Label review undertaken at Claremont, November 1954. Items on shelves include Cadbury Selected Chocolates, Milk Tray Chocolates, Pascall Barley Sugar, Pascall Fruit Drops, Cadbury Toasted Almond Bars and Turkish Delight Bars
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Women playing golf at Claremont Golf Course, Derwent River and Mount Wellington in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
D Graham and K Holmes looking at printed information. Names taken from back of photograph
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Entrance gates and checkpoint to Cadbury factory. Clock tower visible in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Display of new Cadbury chocolate blocks with coconut in dairy milk chocolate, price 8 pence
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Ansett-ANA helicopter landed on lawned area at Cadbury factory, gentlemen with cases alighting
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Two men wearing suits seated in the sun outside a building at the Cadbury factory
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Site of demolished building, Cadbury factory
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Crane helping to demolish a building, Cadbury factory. Mount Wellington and surrounding suburbs seen in distance
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Staff attending dinner function
Cadbury employees attending a diner function, tables decorated with small bowls of flowers
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Two men seated at desk completing paperwork
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Cadbury factory taken from the bay with Mount Wellington in background
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Cadbury factory and employee housing.
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Barrels lined up on roof of Cadbury building. Clock tower visible
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial shot of Cadbury Factory
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory with employee housing in foreground
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Aerial shot of Cadbury Factory
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory with employee housing in foreground
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Employee housing and Cadbury Factory
Aerial photograph of Cadbury Factory with employee housing in foreground
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Group of Cadbury senior employees
Photograph of large group of managers taken on lawn at Cadbury Factory
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Governor leaving Cadbury Factory
Governor of Tasmania leaving Cadbury Factory after a visit
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Portraits of four unnamed men
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Two women being shown through Cadbury Factory, members of a visiting group including the Governor of Tasmania
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Seated man having a cup of tea, wearing a traditional African hat
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Constructing road on Cadbury Estate, employee housing visible
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Five men wearing suits and ties standing in front of a two story house
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Poster suggesting times when cocoa and drinking chocolate are used by various groups, including the under 12, 12 to 19 and 20 and over
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Large display of advertising material including items from J.Walch and Sons, posters promoting shoe week, various coats of arms, Bournville Cocoa, Port Huon and Cygnet apples and Frigidaire refrigerators
Colin Dennison (Curator)