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19 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Sabina Meredith to brother John

Letter from Sabina Meredith to brother John dated 11 July 1832. His writing better, young Gregsons read well, hopes John practices, Governor's [Arthur's] son going home to England to be educated -cannon salute on boarding ship, drawings and maps received from England for geography and history lessons.

Sabina Meredith

Sarah Rothwell

Sarah Rothwell (1807-1876), who married Thomas James Crouch (1805-1890), Under-Sheriff, on 20 February 1832, was the sister of John Rothwell and aunt of Sarah (Rothwell) Morris.

William Knibb Morris

James Gordon

Various letters, 1 memorandum of appointment, Executor papers and letters concerning the marriage of the widow of John Lakeland to T.H. White, transcripts of letters and draft of letter.

William Gunn

George and Mary Ann Meredith

Consist of George and Mary Meredith's family correspondence, correspondence with their children, children's schooling, friends and neighbours, household and servants, and George Meredith's business and magistracy correspondence

George Meredith

Trusteeships : Miscellaneous

  • Series
  • 1826-1854
  • Part of Leake Papers

Papers and letters concerning Leake acting for friends and neighbours as executor of wills, trustee of settlements, or as charitable donor and adviser to friends or old neigbours from his Hamburg days fallen on bad times, as with the Graham family formerly of Hamburg.

John Leake

Annual Reports

Annual Reports and Regulations (1867, 1879-1944, 1867-8, 1879, 1882, 1886, 1888-90, 1944) They concern milestones of the School, its financial situation, staffing, donations, and outings or treats. Children who die are usually named.

Girls Industrial School Hobart

William Gunn

Letters, and transcripts of letters to William Gunn, copy of notice in newspaper, Account ledger, Bank book, Executor accounts for the estate of William Gunn

William Gunn

Hugh Munro Hull

Three items relating to Hugh Munro Hull and the Southern Tasmanian Rifle Association.

Hugh Munro Hull

Francis Cotton : Appointments held : 134 to 150

Francis Cotton's correspondence and papers relating to the Society of Friends. He paid many visits of concern to Friends in South Australia, Victoria and N.S.W. See also (Series C) general correspondence for letters from and relating to Friends.

Francis Cotton

Property : 1 to 21

Documents relating to the Cotton Family property including, plans, rents, leases and gants

Cotton Family

J.W. Story's Estate : 151 to 183

Papers relating to Joseph William Story of Eastern Marshes, Oatlands, farmer (died 1864), by his will dated 9 March 1855, appointed his cousin G.F. Story and Francis Cotton his trustees and executors. Includes papers relating to Ponsonby Vale and Stone House Farms 1868-1874.

Francis Cotton

Diary, pocketbooks and letters

Diary and other material relating to Edwin Charles Fuller (1885-1921) father of W.E. Fuller
Diary dated 1888. Probably kept by E. C. Fuller. Occasional entries only. Refers to "Mother and Marion (e.g. took Mother & Marion to Black Bush), Charley, Bessie, Ada, Margaret and Mary (Margaret plans Mary disposes"); also to mining shares and mine claim especially "Castle Carey", and to council meetings ('.'attended council meeting in morning going through assessment roll").

William Edwin Fuller


The journals have been published as "Immense Enjoyment, the illustrated journals and letters of William L Wells 1884·1888, the life of an early Quaker family in Tasmania" edited by Faye Gardam and published by the Devon Wells Historical Soicety (1987) a copy is held at UTAS Library Cent.Quaker DU 194.3, .W45, A3 1987
Diaries, illustrated with sketches, written in duplicate copy books, using a lead point on thin copying paper with a blue "carbon" pad which printed both on the back of the copying paper to darken the faint impression made by the lead point as well as on to the slightly thicker copy paper pages which were perforated to tear out (the copy being darker and clearer writing than the "top"). In the last volume, however, the top flimsy pages were removed to send overseas (possibly now written with a pen) and the copy made with a blacker "carbon" was retained

William Levitt Wells

Edwin Charles Fuller

Diary and other material relating to Edwin Charles Fuller (1885-1921) father of W.E. Fuller

William Edwin Fuller


Miscellaneous documents , shipping consignments and records relating to various vessels owned by McGregor

Alexander McGregor

John and Maria Meredith

Collection consist of some of John and Maria Meredith's family correspondence, correspondence with their children, relatives and friends

John Meredith

Hugh Synnot Hull

The papers consist of letters to Hugh from his fiancee, family and friends, bills and papers relating to debts and some papers relating to the sale of a plot of land in Glenorchy. There are three items only of Hugh's father - all relating to the Southern Tasmanian Rifle Association.

Hugh Synnot Hull

Mary Rose Alice Leake

Papers of Mary Rose Alice Leake (1871-1931), second daughter of C.H. and C.J. Leake, married Wilfred Hudspeth.

John Leake

Helen Letitia Constance (Dolly) Leake

Papers of Helen Letitia Constance Leake, known as Dolly or occasionally Nellie. Dolly was the third and youngest daughter of C.H. and C.J. Leake, born 27 June 1874, died 11 December 1961.

John Leake

Robert James Morris

Robert James Morris (1880-1963), youngest son of William Knibb and Sarah Morris, became a bookseller in Hobart. On a visit to his relatives in England 1905-7 he corresponded with his brothers and sisters in Hobart.

William Knibb Morris


Miscellaneous documents regarding estates where McGregor was executor and trustee.

Alexander McGregor

Case papers

Includes record of cases, apprenticeship indentures, mortgages, leases and land titles

Thomas Sheehy

Farm : 22 to 65

Diaries, Journals, memoranda and pocketbooks relating to farming activities

Cotton Family

Susanna Earle

Material belonging to Susanna Jane Earle nee Blackmore, wife of John Earle relating to vegetarianism and vivisection and other miscellaneous items

Susanna Jane Earle

Library Associations

Correspondence about revival of Victorian Association including comments on public library system and a Library Federation of Australia and New Zealand

Edmund Morris Miller

Sarah Elizabeth Clara (Bessie) Leake

Papers of Sarah Elizabeth Clara Leake (1869-1929) usually known as Bessie, daughter of C.H. & CJ. Leake
married John Dowbiggin (Jack) Foster on 23 March 1892

John Leake

News clippings

Collection of miscellaneous news clippings, history, animals, obituaries and reminiscences in notebooks and binder

Archibald Lawrence Meston

John Earle

Material relating to John Earles parliamentary career including his appointment as attorney general, photographs and pamphlets

John Earle

Photographs of rifle teams

Group photographs of T.U.R.C. teams: Inver-varsity match at Adelaide 1930, Tasmanian and Sydney teams at the Australian Universities match Melbourne 1932, Hobart and Suburban Cup (T.U.R.C. winners) 1933, Inter-varsity 1933, Australian Universities match 1934 (2 photos, one with winners’ shield), group at Springs 1934. Photos mounted, named and signed.

McDonell Watkyn Woods

University of Tasmania

File contains material relating to George Wilson's time at the University of Tasmania, 1945-1974

George Thomas Jamieson Wilson

Travelling scholarship

File includes letters and mementos from Wilson's post-grad travelling scholarship to study at Cambridge University 1931-1933

George Thomas Jamieson Wilson

Results 1 to 100 of 309