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Archibald Lawrence Meston
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Letters regarding astronomy and aborigines.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Letters from A. Biggs

Letters from A. Biggs (astronomical instruments, 1933)

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Draft letter on Aborigines

Draft of a letter by A.L. Meston on aborigines and the naming of V.D.L. undated

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Jorgen Jorgenson

Material relating to Jorgen Jorgenson including copies of diaries

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Diaries of Jorgen Jorgensen

  • Sub-item
  • 1826-1827
  • Part of Meston Papers

Copies of diaries of Jorgen Jorgensen, including Journey to Ouse Plateau, Repat of Jorgensen to V.D.L. Co. on route between Hobart and Circular Head, and Journal kept while exploring from Circular Head to the Pieman River, 1826-7.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Articles on Jorgensen

Two articles written by by A.L. Meston on Jorgen Jorgensen.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Cradle Mountain

Manuscript, miscellaneous papers and correspondence regarding Cradle Mountain

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Cradle Mountain by R.E. Smith

Manuscript of "Cradle Mountain" by R.E. Smith, with notes on wild life and climate by Gustav Weindorfer. dated 7 August

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Cradle Mountain miscellaneous papers

Miscellaneous papers re Cradle Mountain comprising correspondence regarding Franz Malcher, translation from Malcher's account of his trip to Tasmania, March 1914, notes on wild animals by G. Weindorfer and copy of his birth certificate, and copy of "Trip to the Summit of Cradle Mountain" by W.O. Weston, published in Examiner, Feb-March 1891 and miscellaneous notes.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Press cuttings

Press cuttings of articles on V.D.L. Co. published by Advocate 3 Nov. 1925 - 5 February 1927 and miscellaneous
cuttings re birds on Bass Strait Islands

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Secheron House

Notes on Secheron House, a colonial home built for Surveyor-General George Frankland in Hobart in 1831

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Sammy Cox

Sammy Cox (Samuel Jervis) "A Tasmanian William Buckley" by F.W. Hosken, from "Argus Cameron Supplement" 17 October 1931

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Meston Papers

  • Collection
  • 1933-1958

Research notes, correspondence and drafts of historical studies of the Van Diemen's Land Company, Jorgen Jorgensen, etc. by Archibald Lawrence Meston (1890-1951).

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Early days of the Tamar

Folder containing "Early Days on the Tamar"; 2 copies of a photograph of Launceston; photocopy of "Plan of Launceston" (from Ross: Hobart Town Almanack, 1832); printed broadside, "Ackerman's Exhibition", Launceston.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Lectures and talks

Folder containing manuscripts of lectures and talks.
• "Introductory Talk to a Course on Australian Literature" (W. E.A. Launceston);
• two press cuttings and notes on English and Scottish localities;
• "Lost Cities of Southern Rhodesia" (Schools Broadcast, 9th February 1938);
• W.H. Hudson (Schools Broadcast, 4th December 1939);
• "A Visit to Kruger National Park", 7th July 1939;
• "Geology of Tasmania"; Talk to Tasmanian Field Naturalists Club 1949.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Letters from A.L. Wayn

Eight letters from A.L. Wayn, State Secretary's Department, in reply to queries from A.L.M.; 2 articles by A.L.Wayn from Educational Record: "0use in the State Records"; from the State Records, second article. 1947.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Letter from R.S. Sanderson

Letter from R.S. Sanderson, Burnie, dated 10 September 1930, enclosing copy of "Notes on the life of Edward Curr by his Grandson, Frederick Curr."

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Letters re exploration of N.W. Tasmania from R.S. Sanderson

Folder containing 25 letters from R. Stuart Sanderson, Burnie, to A.L.Meston re
• exploration of N.W. Tasmania, 1927-1932.
• Copies of 2 letters from A.L.M. to Sanderson, 1930, 1932.
• "Brief History of the Port of Burnie", compiled by
R.S. Sanderson. Typescript 21p. 1921.
• "Notes on the North-West of Tasmania" by J. Sanderson. 5p. Typescript. 26 October 1948.
• "Discovery of tin at Mt.Bischoff" by R.S.Sanderson. 2p. Typescript.
• Extracts from personal diaries of R.D.Sanderson, Burnie. 6p.1884-1928.
• 3 photostats of maps of V.D.L's land grants from Lands Department, Hobart.
• 9 photographs, including 2 of Stonehenge, near Pruana South and 1 of Hellyer's tomb.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Ships 1816-1823

Typescript copy, alphabetically arranged, of arrival of vessels at Hobart Town and their departure from 1st June 1816 to the 31st December 1823.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Trip to the Frenchman Cap

Description of a trip to the Frenchman Cap, in February 1887 by Mr. T.B. Moore. Copied from Mr. Moore's mss. in January 1915. (Published in Hobart Mercury, 14 Apr. 1887. See RS5/9).

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Macquarie's Journals

"Macquarie's Journals". Typed copy of diaries of visit to V.D.L., 1811-1821. From manuscript held in Mitchell Library, published in full, 1956.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Research material on the Van Diemen's Land Co.

Research material on Van Diemen's Land Company including:
• Brochure advertising land for sale, ca.1920;
• Sydney Stock Exchange, Investment Service. [Report] on Emu Railway Co., 1938;
• Mining Services [Report] on Mount Lyell Mining &Railway Co., Nov. 1939;
• copies of letters from J. Norton Smith, V.D.L. Co. to James Smith re Mt. Bischoff Tin Mine, 1873-79;
• Transcripts from Bigge's Report, 1820;
• Baptist Magazine, 1832; "Authentic Information regarding Van Diemen's Land Company" by F. Boucher, 1859 (Ferguson no. 7296).

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Ross v. Gurr

"Ross v. Gurr": transcripts from Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemens Land Almanac. 1833-35.

Archibald Lawrence Meston


"Sheep". Transcripts including letter to Pastoral Review, by R.S. Sanderson, 8 June 1928; "Early History of Saxony Sheep in Australia", by A.W.L. (Pastoral Review, 16 July 1928); transcripts from Historical Records of N.S.W. concerning John Macarthur's sheep interests.

Archibald Lawrence Meston


"Tasmania" File containing:
• Transcript from headstone on grave of Bart. B. Thomas, 1831;
• letter from Ronald Smith 1929;
• letters from W. Walker, 1927;
• note by A.W.S. Hume re J.H. Wedge;
• letter from Thomas Dunbabin, 1928, re Jorgen Jorgensen, with transcripts from Jorgensen's Diary;
• photograph of W.W. Elliston, photocopy of his handwriting and Coat of Arms;
• photograph of Stanley and The Nut;
• drawing of The Nut, Plan of Settlement Island (Sarah Island) Macquarie Harbour.

Archibald Lawrence Meston


"Archives" - Folder containing:
• "University of Tasmania. History Department.
• Brief General Survey of Tasmanian Historical Material in Mitchell Library, Sydney.
• Launceston Public Library. "List of Books in the Library on the Early History of Australia and Tasmania, Almanacs, and Tasmanian Newspaper ... Files." 1942. Duplicated.
• Hartwell, R.M. "Early Tasmanian Records and Problems, University of Sydney, 1947. 4p.
• "Tasmanian Newspaper Files in the Chief Secretary's Department, Hobart". Duplicated.
• "Shelf list of Early Tasmanian Newspapers in the State Library, Hobart, Tasmania". 6p. Typescript.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Van Diemen's Land Company documents

Collection of printed papers
• Van Diemen's Land Company: British Acts relating to the Company, 1825, 1847, 1863, 1877, 1916.
• Tasmanian Parliamentary Papers in re V.D.L. Co., 1859, 1889, 1911.
• Circular advertising land for sale 1858.
• Report of Emu Bay Railway Co. 1937
• V.D.L. Co. Annual Report, 1868/69, 1931/37.
• Report to V.D.L. Co. by James Bailey on the State of their properties, 10 Aug. 1881.
• Report on properties by Capt. James Rowe, 1886.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

News clippings

Collection of miscellaneous news clippings, history, animals, obituaries and reminiscences in notebooks and binder

Archibald Lawrence Meston


Collection of miscellaneous news clippings, dated 1930-31. History, animals, Frenchman's Cap, obituaries, reminiscences, ships. Arranged in a spring binder.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Literary matters

Collection of miscellaneous news clippings, dated 1928. Literary matters, in quarto note book, partly unused.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Notes on genealogy

Notes on genealogy: Including families of Luttrell (ancestors of Mrs. A.L. (Winifred) Meston; Rockwell, including typed copy of letter written by J. Rockwell, an officer on H.M.S. Dreadnought, describing the battle of Trafalgar, photograph of Captain Rockwell, Master of P.S. "Kangaroo"; Churchill and Crocker families.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Printed works

Printed works removed from Collection and placed in Library's Rare Book Collection or in Staff Publications:
• Howard, M.C. West Coast mineral areas, 1947.
• Miller, E.M. Literary beginnings in Tasmania. (Educational Record, Oct.15, 1948)
• Miller, E.M. The Tasmanian, Launceston's first newspaper.(Biblionews, vol.2, No.8, 1949). 2 copies and typed ms.
• Preshaw, A.S. The University of Tasmania throughout half a century. (Tasmanian Institute of Educational Research. Bull.No.6, 1940).
• Triebel, L.A. Whaling in Australasian Seas a century ago. (Educational Record, Feb. 1949).

Archibald Lawrence Meston

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