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William Henty
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William Henty Collection
William Henty Collection
Letters of Appointment
Letters of Appointment
Draft letter of resignation
Draft letter of resignation
Correspondence with Sir John Franklin
Correspondence with Sir John Franklin
Correspondence with James MacArthur
Correspondence with James MacArthur
C. Darwin to William Henty
C. Darwin to William Henty
Henty to wife Matilda and Mary
Henty to wife Matilda and Mary
Diary of the voyage to V.D.L.
Diary of the voyage to V.D.L.
School book
School book
Henty to nephew Henry
Henty to nephew Henry
On improvements in cottage husbandry
On improvements in cottage husbandry
Publications and Press cuttings
Publications and Press cuttings
Hints & helps on conversation for a social (table) party in Brighton
Hints & helps on conversation for a social (table) party in Brighton
Poem : On the wreck of the Isabella
Poem : On the wreck of the Isabella
Press criticisms & obituary notice
Press criticisms & obituary notice
Miscellaneous press cuttings
Miscellaneous press cuttings