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Upper Derwent Valley
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163 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Hop harvest

Black-and-white photograph shows men, women and children stripping hop cones into hessian-covered troughs, carrying baskets and sacks of harvested hops on the extensive hop grounds. The plant was cultivated widely at Glenorchy, Margate, Kingston and the Upper Derwent Valley area.

Walkers carrying roofing iron to K Col

Colour photograph shows bushwalkers carrying roofing iron along a path to the ridgeline of K Col near Mount Field West as part of project to build a hut to shelter bushwalkers and skiers. Hobart Walking Club's F.A. Peterson Memorial Hut was opened in 1960

Climbing Naturalist Peak in snow

Colour photograph shows five figures in the snow, walking or skiing to the top of Naturalist Peak near Mount Field West, in Mount Field National Park. Some marks on original physical scanned image

Bed of Eagle Tarn

Colour photograph shows partially dry lakebed of Eagle Tarn, in Mount Field National Park, with hut visible on the opposite shoreline. Sign nailed to tree reads: EAGLE TARN 3390FT

Moving firewood at Lake Dobson

Colour photographs shows three people in a small boat laden with firewood being moved from one side of Lake Dobson to another. Hut visible on shore and cleared path of zig-zag track up hill visible in background

Paddler on whitewater course at Bradys Lake

Colour photograph shows paddler on whitewater course on Woodwards Canal, a man-made water course carved between Bradys Lake and Bronte Lagoon by the Hydro Electric Commission during construction of a hydro-electric power scheme

Hobart Walking Club hut

Colour photograph shows smoke curling out of the flue from a woodheater or fireplace of the Hobart Walking Club timber hut at Mount Field National Park, with snowdrifts banked halfway up the walls of the hut

Farmer harvests grain at Glen Dhu

Colour photograph shows a farmer driving an International Harvester Farmall M tractor, with the Australian model name AM, pulling a trailed harvester in a paddock of rye at Glen Dhu, 1956. Placename distinct from other Glen Dhu, near Launceston.

Horsehoe Falls

An out-of-focus colour photograph shows Horseshoe Falls on the Russell River, above Russell Falls

Ice on Lake Dobson

Colour photograph shows a person standing on ice at Lake Dobson, with ridge of snow above treeline

Kayak slalom paddler Jonathan Males

Colour photograph shows Australian K1 champion Jonathan Males, a Tasmanian paddler competing at Bradys Lake slalom course, watched by several spectators on a bridge above and alongside the course. The course on Woodwards Canal, a man-made water course carved between Bradys Lake and Bronte Lagoon by the Hydro Electric Commission during construction of a hydro-electric power scheme

Assembling hut at K Col

Colour photograph shows people assembling the roof frame of a Hobart Walking Club hut at K Col, later named the FA. Peterson Memorial Hut and officially opened in 1960 by New Zealand adventurer Sir Edmund Hilary

View of the Lawrence Valley

Colour photograph shows man standing on a ridge on Mount Lord, looking across the Lawrence valley, where the Lawrence Rivulet flows. Man is standing amid tall specimens of Pandani, Richea pandanifolia.

Bark peels off log being loaded onto semi-trailer

Colour photograph shows a timber work cast in shadow as a log is lifted by a crane being used to load up a semi-trailer to carry logs from the Florentine Valley. Inscription on driver's door reads L.J. Reynolds, HAULAGE CONTRACTOR, Maydena, Phone 217

Logs from the Florentine Valley

Colour photograph shows a crane being used to load logs on a semi-trailer in the Florentine Valley. Inscription on driver's door reads L.J. Reynolds, HAULAGE CONTRACTOR, Maydena, Phone 217. Visible at lower left of image are people in street or travelling clothes on an outing to view timber workers in the bush

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