07 May 1959 to 11 December 1970: University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates
- Series
- 1959-1970
List University of Tasmania graduates conferred between 07 May 1959 to 11 December 1970
University of Tasmania
19 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
07 May 1959 to 11 December 1970: University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates
List University of Tasmania graduates conferred between 07 May 1959 to 11 December 1970
University of Tasmania
25 June 1890 to 23 April 1959: University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates
List University of Tasmania graduates conferred since the university's formation in 1890 to 23 April 1959 In the first few decades it also includes graduates from other universities in the Empire whose degrees were conferred at the University of Tasmania as ad eundem gradum degrees. The first graduates were conferred on 25 June 1890.
University of Tasmania
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Eight small captioned black and white postcards in proprietary envelope. From envelope - Beauty Spots in Australia, 8 Real Photographs for your Snapshot Album, Published by the Rose Stereographic Co. Armadale, Victoria
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Eight small captioned black and white fold out images in proprietary post-able envelope. From envelope - Join us in a trip around St. Helens Tasmania. Southern series Registered. On reverse - Postage rates within the British Empire. Without correspondence, in an unsealed envelope, will be 3d. If correspondence is added, postage will be 3 1/2d whether envelope is sealed or unsealed. Foreign rate, 7 1/2 d
The Royal Society of Tasmania: Records of Meetings
Records of The Royal Society of Tasmania. Includes Council, Annual, General & Special meeting minutes.
• Digital copies of these records 1993-2017 are held at https://eprints.utas.edu.au/view/collections/roysoctascouncilmins.html
NOTE: Annual Reports of the Society are available as bound copies - Morris Miller-Royal Society Rare-Book (Q 93 .R642)
The Royal Society of Tasmania
Photographs, prints and drawings
Part of Cotton Family Papers
Photographs of the Cotton family and friends also prints and drawing collected by them
Cotton Family
Part of Walker Family Papers
Photograph collection consists of Walker family photographs and photographs of local Tasmanian scenes. Some unidentified portraits by unknown photographers. Daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, carte de visite, cabinet portraits, stereoscopic views, Hobart streetscapes and Tasmanian scenes
James Backhouse Walker
Part of Ralph Middenway Collection
12 colour digital photographs 72dpi JPG
Ralph Middenway
Part of Leake Papers
Papers concerning the children and grandchildren of John and Elizabeth Leake
John Leake
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Ten captioned fold out colour images in proprietary post-able envelope. Showing views of Hobart and New Norfolk.
From envelope : A Colorful Souvenir of New Norfolk, Tas. Derwent Valley with Hobart. Up-to-Date Views. G & G Series.
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
One hand coloured panorama image, captioned & numbered 23 , in proprietary envelope showing a panorama of New Norfolk.
From envelope - Valentine's Snapshots. Eight real photographs. Hand coloured. Beauty spots around Hobart, Tasmania No.3. Published by the Valentine Publishing Co., Melbourne and Sydney.
Valentine Publishing
Mrs C.H. Leake (Clara Jane nee Bell)
Part of Leake Papers
Papers concerning xxx
John Leake
Part of George Musgrave Parker : Correspondence and research records
Charles Henry Leake and family
Part of Leake Papers
Papers concerning xxx
John Leake
Brothers and sisters of A.I.Clark
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Andrew Inglis Clark
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Seven small captioned black & white images in proprietary envelope showing views of Launceston.
From envelope - Valentine's Snapshots. Eight real photographs. Launceston, Tas, No. 1. Published by The Valentine Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd. Melbourne and Sydney.
Valentine Publishing
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Seven small captioned and numbered hand coloured images in proprietary envelope showing views of Launceston.
From envelope - Valentine's Snapshots. Eight real photographs. Hand coloured. Launceston, Tasmania, No. 2. Published by the Valentine Publishing Co., Melbourne and Sydney.
Valentine Publishing
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Eighteen captioned fold out black and white images in proprietary post-able envelope. Showing views of Launceston.
From envelope : 18 Selected Views, Launceston, Tasmania Launceston. Produced by Murray View, Gympie, Q
Murray Views
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Family of John Leake after 1865
Part of Leake Papers
Papers concerning xxx
John Leake
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
4 items: autograph album; personal book of inspirational quotations; notebook of Minutes; biographical notes compiled by Eileen Barnard-Kettle
Margaret Sturge Watts
R.R. & E.J. Leake in South Australia
Part of Leake Papers
Papers concerning xxx
John Leake
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
5 folders of assorted papers
Margaret Sturge Watts
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Ten captioned fold out colour images in unidentified proprietary post-able envelope. Showing views of Huonville on one side and Hobart on the other.
From envelope : A Colorful Souvenir of Huonville and Hobart, Tas.. Natural views.
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Eight captioned hand coloured images in proprietary envelope. Showing views of Hobart.
From envelope - Valentine's Snapshots. Eight real photographs. Hand Coloured Hobart, No. 1. Published by The Valentine Publishing Co. Melbourne and Sydney.
Valentine Publishing
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Seven captioned hand coloured images in proprietary envelope. Showing views of Hobart.
From envelope - Valentine's Snapshots. Eight real photographs. Hand Coloured Hobart, No. 1. Published by The Valentine Publishing Co. Melbourne and Sydney.
Valentine Publishing
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Eight captioned black and white images in proprietary envelope. Showing views of Hobart.
From envelope - Valentine's Snapshots. Eight real photographs. Hobart, No. 1. Published by The Valentine Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd. Melbourne and Sydney.
Valentine Publishing
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Arthur Tilney & E. Frances Cotton : 262 to 265
Part of Cotton Family Papers
Letters received by Arthur Tilney & E. Frances Cotton
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
21 pocket diaries
Margaret Sturge Watts
Children of John Leake 1823 - 1865
Part of Leake Papers
Papers concerning xxx
John Leake
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Part of Leake Papers
Papers and letters concerning Leake acting for friends and neighbours as executor of wills, trustee of settlements, or as charitable donor and adviser to friends or old neigbours from his Hamburg days fallen on bad times, as with the Graham family formerly of Hamburg.
John Leake
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
3 x travel diaries
Margaret Sturge Watts
George, John, James B, Joseph & Rachel Cotton : 219 to 261
Part of Cotton Family Papers
Miscellaneous material, including correspondence, relating to the children of Frances & Anna Maria Cotton
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains personal papers of George Wilson
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Local activities and other offices
Part of Leake Papers
Papers concerning xxx
John Leake
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
7 photo albums and 1 folder of loose photos
Margaret Sturge Watts
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Edward Octavius Cotton and Elizabeth (Grueber) : 184 to 218
Part of Cotton Family Papers
Papers and certificates of Edward Octavius Cotton, son of Francis and Anna Maria Cotton
Edward Octavius Cotton
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Twelve small captioned coloured fold out images in proprietary post-able envelope. From envelope - A Souvenir of Beautiful East Coast Tasmania, 12 Specially selected views in full color. Published by Nucolorvue Productions, Victoria. From inside "The East Coast, Tasmania. The tourist referes to the East Coast a the section from scottsdale in the north to Sorell in the south of the island. This route provides an immense array of natures most lavish scenery. The rich fertile valleys of Scottsdale and Derby, rugged alpine areas near Pyengana, beautiful george Bay at St. Helens are in themselves a sheer delight.
Lovely beaches, quiet lagoons, rugged granite peaks of Coles Bay and Bicheno, restful Swansea and Triabunna, vie with may other picturesque parts of this lovely coastline.
Excellent fishing, swimming, hiking and boating are easily available. Relics of the early pioneer days are readily found in many parts of the coast."
Nucolorvue Productions
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
3 folders of loose-leaf typescript
Margaret Sturge Watts
J.W. Story's Estate : 151 to 183
Part of Cotton Family Papers
Papers relating to Joseph William Story of Eastern Marshes, Oatlands, farmer (died 1864), by his will dated 9 March 1855, appointed his cousin G.F. Story and Francis Cotton his trustees and executors. Includes papers relating to Ponsonby Vale and Stone House Farms 1868-1874.
Francis Cotton
Political Appointments etc. & Federation
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Part of Friends' School Archive
Record of students activities, including diaries, school magazines, speech nights and garden parties. A pictorial record of the spirit and progress of the school is provided by an excellent series of photographs taken by the school photographic club, established and encouraged by some of the early masters. There are many photographs of the staff and pupils, boarders and other Friends on picnic excursions, girls playing cricket, boys playing marbles, sports teams, and views of the school inside and out. Many of the photographs were taken in the 1890s. Some were used to illustrate the school magazine School Echoes, started in 1890, which also contained many contributions from pupils describing school activities and topical events
Friends' School
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains miscellaneous material relating to George Wilson's time as a marriage celebrant
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Eight small captioned coloured fold out images in proprietary post-able envelope. From envelope - Camera Views, Devonport, Tas. On reverse - Produced by Murray Views, Gympie. Q, Copyright, Samuel Lee & Co. Printers
Francis Cotton : Appointments held : 134 to 150
Part of Cotton Family Papers
Francis Cotton's correspondence and papers relating to the Society of Friends. He paid many visits of concern to Friends in South Australia, Victoria and N.S.W. See also (Series C) general correspondence for letters from and relating to Friends.
Francis Cotton
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
4 visitors books
Margaret Sturge Watts
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains material relating to George Wilson's time at the University of Tasmania, 1945-1974
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
James and Caroline Grant and the Hammond family
Part of Meredith Family Papers
Consist of John and Meredith's family correspondence, correspondence with their children, relatives and friends
James Grant
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Francis Cotton : Family and general correspondence, personal papers : 66 to 133
Part of Cotton Family Papers
Personal papers, family and general corresponcence of Francis Cotton some regarding the Society of Friends,
Francis Cotton
Children of John and Maria Meredith
Part of Meredith Family Papers
Consist of John and Maria Meredith's family correspondence, correspondence with their children, relatives and friends
John Meredith
Australian Relief Fund for Stricken Europe
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
1 hand-illustrated quarter-bound leather album of black and white photographs; 1 hand-illustrated cardboard album of black and white photographs; inscription; 1 printed Report
Margaret Sturge Watts
Part of George Wilson Collection
File includes letters and mementos from Wilson's post-grad travelling scholarship to study at Cambridge University 1931-1933
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Eight small captioned black and white postcards in proprietary envelope. From envelope - For your Album, Murray's Snapshots - Series No. 2. produced by Murray Views Gympie, Queensland. Photographs like these allowed tourists to send many images of their holiday destination or hometown in the one small package.
Murray Views
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Eight small captioned black and white postcards in proprietary envelope. From envelope - For your Album, Murray's Snapshots - Series No. 1. produced by Murray Views Gympie, Queensland. Photographs like these allowed tourists to send many images of their holiday destination or hometown in the one small package.
Part of Cotton Family Papers
Diaries, Journals, memoranda and pocketbooks relating to farming activities
Cotton Family
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Three months in America, summer 1914
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
1 photocopy of diary, plus 1 hand-illustrated quarter-bound leather album of black and white photographs and colour postcards
Margaret Sturge Watts
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains realia relating to George Wilson's association with rugby
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Part of Meredith Family Papers
Collection consist of some of John and Maria Meredith's family correspondence, correspondence with their children, relatives and friends
John Meredith
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Andrew Inglis Clark
Part of Meredith Family Papers
Consist of George and Mary Meredith's family correspondence, correspondence with their children, children's schooling, friends and neighbours, household and servants, and George Meredith's business and magistracy correspondence
George Meredith
Part of Cotton Family Papers
Documents relating to the Cotton Family property including, plans, rents, leases and gants
Cotton Family
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains miscellaneous objects
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Diary or story of two years in Australasia
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
Margaret Sturge Watts
Printed works and press cuttings
Collection of printed works and press cuttings collected by Meston relating to Van Diemen's Land history
Archibald Lawrence Meston
Typescript copies of University theses
Archibald Lawrence Meston
Postcards from Dunwoodie and Montieth to Edith Sawyer
Part of Hayns & Burns Papers
Four postcards from Dunwoodie and Montieth to Edith Sawyer. These men enlisted and were sent to France.
Thomas Edgar Burns
Annual Reports and Regulations
1867-8, 1879, 1882-3, 1886, 1888-90, 1894-1944, Constitution 1925
Girls Industrial School Hobart
Transcripts from published works
Miscellaneous transcripts on historical subjects
Archibald Lawrence Meston
Documents comprise PDF images of the document collections compiled by W M Bush and as published by Oceana between 1982 and 2003 in "Antarctica and International Law: A Collection of Inter-State and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV). The volumes provide the text (or extracts) of relevant documents, along with annotations, cross references and indexes. These are reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press, USA. Images of the originals of documents are provided in other series.
University of Tasmania
Marine living resources documents
Documents relevant to the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources, such as krill and fish. Includes documents relevant to the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources 1980, including negotiation of the Convention through the Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. Some of the documents are reproduced in, or referred to in, W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV).
University of Tasmania
Miscellaneous transcripts and manuscripts
Miscellaneous transcripts and manuscripts
Archibald Lawrence Meston
Manuscripts and records in Tasmanian State Archives
Copies of manuscripts and records in Tasmanian State Archives
Archibald Lawrence Meston
Part of Ronald Turner Ralph Collection
Collection of Uni Review programs, miscellaneous study materials, applications and correspondence and photographs
Ronald Turner Ralph
Miscellaneous Antarctic documents
Documents relevant to Antarctic affairs and related matters. Documents include consideration of Antarctic matters by non-governmental or inter-governmental bodies, including in the United Nations. Some of the material may have been generated by organisations interested in Antarctica, but not formally associated with the Antarctic Treaty System. May also include relevant press commentary. Some of the documents are reproduced in, or referred to in, W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV).
University of Tasmania
Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (SATCM) documents
Documents generated in connection with the Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (SATCM). Includes papers generated in connection with a SATCM and reports of the meetings which generally relate to the use of natural resources or claims by states to have achieved Antarctic Treaty Consultative Party status. Many of the documents are reproduced or referred to in W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV).
University of Tasmania
Part of Ronald Turner Ralph Collection
Collection of textbooks
Ronald Turner Ralph
Manuscripts in The Royal Society of Tasmania Collection
Copies of manuscripts written by Meston and held in The Royal Society of Tasmania Collection
Archibald Lawrence Meston
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection of newspaper cuttings : Collected by Mrs. W. E. Fuller, mainly relating to the bookshop, also to Repertory Theatre,
broadcasting, building of Hobart Bridge (Examiner 13 August 1963). Includes copy of the Illustrated Tasmanian Mail dated 13 December 1934.
William Edwin Fuller
Diary, pocketbooks and letters
Part of Fuller Papers
Diary and other material relating to Edwin Charles Fuller (1885-1921) father of W.E. Fuller
Diary dated 1888. Probably kept by E. C. Fuller. Occasional entries only. Refers to "Mother and Marion (e.g. took Mother & Marion to Black Bush), Charley, Bessie, Ada, Margaret and Mary (Margaret plans Mary disposes"); also to mining shares and mine claim especially "Castle Carey", and to council meetings ('.'attended council meeting in morning going through assessment roll").
William Edwin Fuller
Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) documents
Documents generated in connection with Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (ATCM). Includes papers generated for discussion at the ATCM and reports of the meetings. Many of the documents are reproduced in, or referred to in, W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV).
University of Tasmania
Letters and photographs from various people regarding research topics
Archibald Lawrence Meston
Part of Ronald Turner Ralph Collection
Practical work notes and notebooks
Ronald Turner Ralph
Donated by Olive Pink's nieces in 2016
Part of Olive Pink Collection
This series includes Olive Pink's book collection, photographs, paintings, letters, items of clothing and other ephemera and memorabilia, some of which are nationally significant in their own right - such as the book plate made by Adrian Feint, notes and sketches done whilst camping with Daisy Bates, and photographs documenting life in Central Australia.
Part of Ronald Turner Ralph Collection
Handwritten notes for assignments, exams and classwork for Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering
Ronald Turner Ralph
Research notes for "Van Diemen's Land Company, 1825-1842".
Archibald Lawrence Meston
Antarctic Treaty regime documents
Documents concerning the formation and operation of the Antarctic Treaty. Includes documents about some of the related agreements and institutions that together comprise the Antarctic Treaty System. Many of the documents are reproduced or referred to in W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV).
University of Tasmania
Sabina Meredith to brother John
Part of Meredith Family Papers
Letter from Sabina Meredith to brother John dated 11 July 1832. His writing better, young Gregsons read well, hopes John practices, Governor's [Arthur's] son going home to England to be educated -cannon salute on boarding ship, drawings and maps received from England for geography and history lessons.
Sabina Meredith
Notes on genealogy: Including families of Luttrell (ancestors of Mrs. A.L. (Winifred) Meston; Rockwell, including typed copy of letter written by J. Rockwell, an officer on H.M.S. Dreadnought, describing the battle of Trafalgar, photograph of Captain Rockwell, Master of P.S. "Kangaroo"; Churchill and Crocker families.
Archibald Lawrence Meston