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George Musgrave Parker
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Photographs, postcards, prints and drawings

Photographs of Swansea and the East Coast of Tasmania , including some photographs taken by Dr. G.M. Parker, himself, between 1915 and 1950 (some with negatives) and others, including some earlier 19th century photographs and picture postcards, collected by Dr Parker from friends etc.There are also one or two drawings or news cuttings.

George Musgrave Parker

Milton: the residence of J. Allen

Photograph, thought to have been taken in the 1930's, of the rebuilt Milton Farm house. In 1826, young John Allen applied for and received a grant of land on Tasmania's east coast: four hundred acres on the west bank of Cygnet River. He named the property Milton, after his home village in England. In February 1828, he reaped his first harvest, but in that same month, an Aboriginal raiding party attacked the (undefended) property, after previously harassing Allen's neighbours John Lyne and George Meredith. Allen's house was robbed and torched and his wheat stack burnt; damage was estimated at £300. Subsequently awarded a two hundred acre extension to his land grant 'as a remuneration for the Aforesaid Loss', he set to work rebuilding, this time a two-storey house of stone.

George Musgrave Parker

Apslawn House

Photograph of front view of Apslawn House. A sandstone Georgian house built in the 1840's on 640 acres of land granted to John Lyne, MHA for Glamorgan ,1843-1865. Located on the Tasman Highway, Apslawn, 13km south-west of Bicheno.

George Musgrave Parker


Photograph thought to have been taken in the 1930's by G.M.P. of the rebuilt Milton Farm house. In 1826, young John Allen applied for and received a grant of land on Tasmania's east coast: four hundred acres on the west bank of Cygnet River. He named the property Milton, after his home village in England. In February 1828, he reaped his first harvest, but in that same month, an Aboriginal raiding party attacked the (undefended) property, after previously harassing Allen's neighbours John Lyne and George Meredith. Allen's house was robbed and torched and his wheat stack burnt; damage was estimated at £300. Subsequently awarded a two hundred acre extension to his land grant 'as a remuneration for the Aforesaid Loss', he set to work rebuilding, this time a two-storey house of stone.

George Musgrave Parker


Photograph of Malunnah at Orford, Tasmania. Built by writer & artist Louisa Anne Meredith and her husband Charles. The Merediths lived at the house from 1868 until 1888. This photograph was taken by Miss F.M. Kennedy of Swansea

George Musgrave Parker

Glen Gala House: brick house, croquet lawn

Photograph of Glen Gala House at Cranbrook. Adam Amos arrived in March 1821 in the Emerald along with George Meredith, and was advised to look for land on the unsettled east coast. Adam's capital entitled him to a grant of 1000 acres (405 ha) which he located on the Swan River at Cranbrook, and called Gala. Glen Gala is a two storey brick Victorian Georgian house constructed in 1860 on the original grant to Adam Amos

George Musgrave Parker

Apslawn House

Photograph of side view of Apslawn House. A sandstone Georgian house built in the 1840's on 640 acres of land granted to John Lyne, MHA for Glamorgan ,1843-1865. Located on the Tasman Highway, Apslawn, 13km south-west of Bicheno.

George Musgrave Parker

Chapter 7 : Photographs with Dr. G.M. Parker's manuscript draft book

Watercolours from chapter 7 :
• p3 "Waterloo Point". Watercolour on grey card. Endorsed "original was at Cambria dated 'Swansea 1852 R'. This copy was made by M.A. Walker 1928"
• p8 "Swanport" Watercolour on grey card. Copy by M.A. Walker of an original at Cambria: "F.M. to C.M. 1852"

George Musgrave Parker

Swansea: grave of Rev. Thomas Dove MA

Anglican Cemetery . Photograph taken by George Musgrave Parker
Front Inscription
In memoriam Rev Thomas Dove M.A. First Minister of this church born in Glasgow Scotland April 24th 1803
Arrived in Swanport in August 1844
And after labouring in this District as a Christian Minister for 38 years, he died at Swansea August 27th 1882 aged 79 years
Erected by his congregation.

George Musgrave Parker

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