One booklet entitled "Letters and press comments on the actions of the Hon. John Earle in the Great National Crisis, selected from a mass of correspondence by R.D. Lord 13 Feb. 1917. Printed by Stationary Co. Hobart
One pamphlet entitled 'The real truth about vivisection', published in 1933 by Walter R. Hadwen. Reprinted in Melbourne by the Melbourne branch of the British Union for abolition of vivisection.
Bishop's letter 'to the lay members of the Church of England in the Diocese of Tasmania', with extracts from his charge to the clergy, reports of the sustentation committees, and list of clergy.
Pamphlet produced by the Optics Research Group, Physics Department, University of Tasmania in May 1975, entitled Long Focal Length Photographic Objectives : Photographic Performance of 100 inch telephoto objective.