07 May 1959 to 11 December 1970: University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates
- Series
- 1959-1970
List University of Tasmania graduates conferred between 07 May 1959 to 11 December 1970
University of Tasmania
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07 May 1959 to 11 December 1970: University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates
List University of Tasmania graduates conferred between 07 May 1959 to 11 December 1970
University of Tasmania
25 June 1890 to 23 April 1959: University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates
List University of Tasmania graduates conferred since the university's formation in 1890 to 23 April 1959 In the first few decades it also includes graduates from other universities in the Empire whose degrees were conferred at the University of Tasmania as ad eundem gradum degrees. The first graduates were conferred on 25 June 1890.
University of Tasmania
Collection consists of a series of 35mm slides that have been procuced from material held in other parts of the collection
Part of George Musgrave Parker : Correspondence and research records
Letters from descendants of settlers on the East Coast in answer to requests from Dr. Parker for historical information. Some include personal reminiscences or reference to documents or sketches (sometimes offering the loan of them) but others are vague or have no information. Also letters mainly about historical queries and East Coast families, correspondence with Angus Robertson and Miscellaneous invitations. Also included are a copy of the bylaws of the Swansea Rifle Club.
Part of Tasmanian South African Returned Soldiers Association Collection
Subscription receipt books for T.S.A.R.S.A.
Tasmanian South African Returned Soldiers Association
Treasurer's expenditure accounts and a notebook recording girls pocket money.
Girls Industrial School Hobart
Part of Edmund Morris Miller Collection
Collection of photocopies recieved from the History Department at UTAS. Copies of letters and reports.
Edmund Morris Miller
Part of Thomas Sheehy Collection
Sheehy acting as agent for Josiah Powell, solicitor, of Launceston.
Thomas Sheehy
Correspondence and papers relating to Agriculture and Industry.
William Ebenezer Shoobridge
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Andrew Inglis Clark
Part of Robert Cosgrove Collection
Papers relating to the A.L.P. Tasmania.
Robert Cosgrove
Correspondence, papers and letters to press relating to sugar beet and tobacco as alternative crops.
William Ebenezer Shoobridge
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Part of Tasmanian South African Returned Soldiers Association Collection
Annual reports of the Tasmanian South African Returned Soldiers Association for the years 1946, 1948 and 1957-1961
Tasmanian South African Returned Soldiers Association
Annual Reports and Regulations (1867, 1879-1944, 1867-8, 1879, 1882, 1886, 1888-90, 1944) They concern milestones of the School, its financial situation, staffing, donations, and outings or treats. Children who die are usually named.
Girls Industrial School Hobart
Annual Reports and Regulations
1867-8, 1879, 1882-3, 1886, 1888-90, 1894-1944, Constitution 1925
Girls Industrial School Hobart
Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) documents
Documents generated in connection with Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (ATCM). Includes papers generated for discussion at the ATCM and reports of the meetings. Many of the documents are reproduced in, or referred to in, W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV).
University of Tasmania
Antarctic Treaty regime documents
Documents concerning the formation and operation of the Antarctic Treaty. Includes documents about some of the related agreements and institutions that together comprise the Antarctic Treaty System. Many of the documents are reproduced or referred to in W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV).
University of Tasmania
Part of William Henty Collection
Series consists of letters of appointment and resignation
William Henty
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Arthur Tilney & E. Frances Cotton : 262 to 265
Part of Cotton Family Papers
Letters received by Arthur Tilney & E. Frances Cotton
Press articles relating to agriculture.
William Ebenezer Shoobridge
Correspondence relating to the Australian Natives' Association and the Y.M.C.A.
William Ebenezer Shoobridge
Australian Relief Fund for Stricken Europe
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
1 hand-illustrated quarter-bound leather album of black and white photographs; 1 hand-illustrated cardboard album of black and white photographs; inscription; 1 printed Report
Margaret Sturge Watts
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
3 folders of loose-leaf typescript
Margaret Sturge Watts
B : Historical research notes and drafts
Part of George Musgrave Parker : Correspondence and research records
Some records of Great Swanport and the Municipality of Glamorgan 1820-1920 by G. Musgrave Parker' c.1950 . Typed draft, corrected ms., with ms notes and illustrations (snapshots or newspaper cuttings) in 16 chapters and 3 appendices. The draft is in an unfinished state; many gaps have been left for dates or other information to be added, and numerous ms. notes, clippings, etc. have been inserted or left loose in the folders.
Chapter 1 -Early history 1642-1821
Chapter 2 The pioneers 1821-1826
Chapter 3 Under military control 1826-1840
Chapter 4 The native problem in Great Swanport.
Chapter 5 Bushrangers in the district.
Chapter 6 Whaling sealing and some early exports.
Chapter 7 Civilian administration 1841-1859
Chapter 8 The Rural Municipal Council 1860-1920 (police, medical men, coroners, Registrar of Births, Deaths, Marriages).
Chapter 9 Sheep and wool, wattle bark and agriculture
Chapter 10 Coal, tin, gold and lime.
Chapter 11 Roads, bridges, jetties.
Chapter 12 Shipping on the coast.
Chapter 13 The story of the churches
Chapter 14 Parliament and the local representatives
Chapter 15 Education, postal history, societies & clubs.
Chapter 16 Growth of district and township, notable visitors, wars, other notable events and weather.
Appendix A Grants and location orders [Land].
Appendix B Local persons of note (brief biographical notes in alphabetical order)
Appendix C Diary of Adam Amos 1822-1825.
Illustrations included:
Ch. 1. J.A. Graham, first Warden 1860
Ch 2. Pompey's Pillar, Alexandria, Creek Hut (G. Meredith's first residence), Cambria, Cranbrook House, Glen Gala
Ch 3. Red Banks ~ 1890 and later, Apsley, Apslawn, Milton (J. Allen's residence), Swanwick, 'The White Hut' Little Swanport, Kebreden, Kelvedon Rocky Hills Station (including stereoscopic photos of the ruins of the tread mill and lime kiln.
Ch 4. Aborigines, Muirlands Little Swanport (residence of John Radford) , Waubadebar’s grave Bicheno.
Ch 6. Wineglass Bay, Trumpeter Bay, Schouten Island, Meredith's Fishery, a trypot.
Ch 7. Waterloo Point 1852 (watercolour sketch on grey card copied from original at Cambria by Mary Ann Walker 1928
Ch 8. Wardens (J.A. Graham, F. Shaw, Carmichael Lyne, F.C. Shaw, W.F.G. Calvert (news clippings), Council Chambers, Alfred W. Smith, Robert Gould, F. Lyne, G.F. Storey (Beattie's Studio), Dr. E.W. Pilgrim, Dr. E.C. McCarthy, Dr. G.S. Rundle (c. 1860-70)
Ch 9. Sheep, wool press, Picnic Place from Apsley, Mayfield Mill and outhouses (late 19th cent.), Oyster Bay pine.
Ch 10. Bicheno
Ch 11. Rocky Hills culvert, Spiky Bridge Swansea, Swansea jetty.
Ch 12. Cutter 'Thames', ketches 'Good Intent' - 'Foam'.
Ch 13. All Saints Church, Swansea, Bernard Shaw, Shaw memorial window, Bishops Nixon, Bromby, Sandford, Montgomery, Mercer (news clippings), Frank Morris Gill, Tomb of Rev. Thomas Dove Swansea, Swansea (including Catholic Church), Gala Kirk, Fr. Thomas Kelsh (news clipping).
Ch 14. E.T. Miles, John Lyne, F. Lyne, W.H. Bennett, James White, H. Lamb, W.W. Perkins, J. Murdoch, James Lord, J. Mitchell, J. Meredith, C. Meredith, W.J. McWilliams, A. Hearn.
Ch 16. Swansea views Appendix B Graveyard at Llandaff.
Part of John Henry O'Neil Collection
Biographical notes, press cuttings, and photographs.
John Henry O'Neil
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection consists of material relating to Fullers bookshop : accounts, catalogues card and bookmarks, newspaper cuttings and book proofs
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Ronald Turner Ralph Collection
Twelve black notebooks dated between 1939 and 1941. Notes for the subjects of Physics, Pure Mathematics and Radio
Ronald Turner Ralph
Part of Ronald Turner Ralph Collection
Handwritten notes for assignments, exams and classwork for Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering
Ronald Turner Ralph
Part of Ronald Turner Ralph Collection
Practical work notes and notebooks
Ronald Turner Ralph
Part of Ronald Turner Ralph Collection
Collection of textbooks
Ronald Turner Ralph
Part of Ronald Turner Ralph Collection
Collection of Uni Review programs, miscellaneous study materials, applications and correspondence and photographs
Ronald Turner Ralph
Brothers and sisters of A.I.Clark
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Andrew Inglis Clark
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Eight small captioned black and white postcards in proprietary envelope. From envelope - For your Album, Murray's Snapshots - Series No. 2. produced by Murray Views Gympie, Queensland. Photographs like these allowed tourists to send many images of their holiday destination or hometown in the one small package.
Murray Views
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Eight small captioned black and white postcards in proprietary envelope. From envelope - For your Album, Murray's Snapshots - Series No. 1. produced by Murray Views Gympie, Queensland. Photographs like these allowed tourists to send many images of their holiday destination or hometown in the one small package.
Business correspondence and papers
Part of Thomas Sheehy Collection
Letter book and journals.
Thomas Sheehy
Business ventures of Alex McGregor & Co.
Part of Alexander McGregor Papers
Consists of lawyer's accounts, shares and other miscellaneous documents regarding business dealings.
Alexander McGregor
C : Press cuttings and pamphlets
Part of George Musgrave Parker : Correspondence and research records
Cuttings of historical interest from newspapers, chiefly Mercury, Australasian & Argus and The Critic, stuck in albums made from old catalogues (e.g. Army & Navy Stores) or old medical diaries. There are rough indexes to each volume except the first two. The volumes were originally numbered 16 - 42; no volumes 1 - 15 were received, possibly the numbers were left for the cuttings still loose in envelopes (see P.l/20) or they may refer to other notebooks and files. -1 - Indexes to newspaper cutting volumes 18 - 42
16 -1883 - 1907 Australasian, Argus & Mercury, including obituaries of Louisa Meredith (1895), Sir William Clarke (1897), James Bonwick, photos of Port Arthur by Dr. Fox, 1895; peal of bells from Port Arthur transferred to New Norfolk, 1897; visit of Duke and Duchess of Cornwall , 1901, including photographs of welcoming arches.)
17 - 1921 - 1924 'Notes by the Way' & 'historic land grants' by 'Historicus' in The Critic.
18 - c 1914 - 1924 'Notes by the Way' especially on aborigines and bushrangers. (partly indexed - see above)
19 – c. 1914 - 1924. As above, including extracts from Knopwood's journal. (Rough index)
20 - c 1914 - 1924 As above
21 - 1903 - 4, 1907, 1923 Miscellaneous cuttings (rough index) (Including centenary celebrations)
22 - 1924 - 1928 (includes Lyne family centenary 1926)
23 - 1928 Also includes some early cuttings including a description of Hobart, 1846
24 - 1929 - 1930
25 - 1930 - 1933
26 - 1933 to 1935
27 - 1935 to 1938
28 1942 to 1945
29 - 1945 to 1947
30 - 1948 to 1950
31 - 1950 to 1952 (including Buckland window mystery)
32 - 1952 to 1954
33 1954 to 1955
34 - 1955 - 1956
35 - 1957
36 - 1957 to 1958
37 - 1958 to 1959
38 1959 to 1960
39 - 1960 to 1961
40 - 1962
41 - 1962 to 1963
42 - 1963 to 1965
Part of Thomas Sheehy Collection
Includes record of cases, apprenticeship indentures, mortgages, leases and land titles
Thomas Sheehy
Charles Henry Leake and family
Part of Leake Papers
Papers concerning xxx
John Leake
Part of Leake Papers
Papers concerning the children and grandchildren of John and Elizabeth Leake
John Leake
Children of John and Maria Meredith
Part of Meredith Family Papers
Consist of John and Maria Meredith's family correspondence, correspondence with their children, relatives and friends
John Meredith
Children of John Leake 1823 - 1865
Part of Leake Papers
Papers concerning xxx
John Leake
Miscellaneous Committee Papers (c1910-1945) containing a draft of amended rules and a proposal for teaching cookery; a letter of resignation from Assistant Matron Spotswood in 1910 because 'I do not feel equal to the duties'; a letter to the Matron from Ada Hume about the health of a girl employed by her; an offer of damaged goods from an ironmonger; letters about the estate of Miss CA Fry (1921 and 1946): a list of girls in 1941; a notice of the meeting to confirm the transfer of the School to the Salvation Army in February 1944; inventories (1939 and 1945); and a newspaper cutting about the transfer of the School (1 February 1945).
Girls Industrial School Hobart
Part of Chemistry Collection
Typescript copies of University theses
Archibald Lawrence Meston
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Correspondence and miscellaneous personal papers
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
5 folders of assorted papers
Margaret Sturge Watts
Part of Tasmanian South African Returned Soldiers Association Collection
Correspondence of T.S.A.R.S.A. relating to Hobart and Northern Branch reunions.
Tasmanian South African Returned Soldiers Association
Part of John Reynolds Collection
Miscellaneous correspondence and notes also correspondence relating to Philatelic Societies and stamps
John Reynolds
Correspondence relating to agriculture.
William Ebenezer Shoobridge
Letters and photographs from various people regarding research topics
Archibald Lawrence Meston
Part of William Henty Collection
Series consists of personal correspondence between family and friends
William Henty
Part of Clive Samson Collection
Correspondence relating to Clive Sansom.
Clive Sansom
Part of Herbert C. Tapping Collection
Correspondence relating to Herbert C. Tapping.
Herbert Caleb Tapping
Part of Fuller Papers
Series consists of personal correspondence and with the ABC , picture postcards, and the opening of the Bookshelf . One file of correspondence between Hilda Bridges to Frances Fuller, dated 1958 - 1964
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Correspondence : Friends and acquaintances
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Correspondence : Miscellaneous
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Part of Edmund Morris Miller Collection
General correspondence received, mainly on literary and bibliographic topics
Edmund Morris Miller
Correspondence, paintings by and related to Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
D : Photographs, Prints and Drawings
Part of George Musgrave Parker : Correspondence and research records
Photographs of Swansea and the East Coast of Tasmania and other parts of Tasmania, etc., including some photographs taken by Dr. G.M. Parker, himself, between 1915 and 1950 (some with negatives) and others, including some earlier 19th century photographs and picture postcards, collected by Dr Parker from friends etc. There are also one or two drawings or news cuttings.
George Musgrave Parker
Share certificates and miscellaneous papers relating to Daily Post.
William Ebenezer Shoobridge
Part of Marshall and Terry Family Papers
David Marshall married Helen Pillans Jackson, died in Queensland 1896.
George Marshall
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Eight small captioned coloured fold out images in proprietary post-able envelope. From envelope - Camera Views, Devonport, Tas. On reverse - Produced by Murray Views, Gympie. Q, Copyright, Samuel Lee & Co. Printers
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
21 pocket diaries
Margaret Sturge Watts
Diaries of Sarah E.E. Mitchell
Part of Mitchell Papers
From the age of 13 Sarah Mitchell daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property, visits of friends, an occasional trip to Hobart, as in August 1872, and her visit to Europe in 1900-1. The first three diaries are written in home made notebooks, the remainder in printed 'Letts' diaries. Some entries are 'cross written'. There is no diary for 1936.
Some of the journals include monthly cash accounts, mostly of small payments for such items as petticoats and gloves; also, for example in 1830, 'butter account' (including receipts, payments for carriage, etc.) and 'Kennedia' account (rent received, sheep bought
from father, taxes, rates etc.).
Sarah E.E. Mitchell
Diary or story of two years in Australasia
Part of Margaret Sturge Watts Collection
Margaret Sturge Watts
Diary, pocketbooks and letters
Part of Fuller Papers
Diary and other material relating to Edwin Charles Fuller (1885-1921) father of W.E. Fuller
Diary dated 1888. Probably kept by E. C. Fuller. Occasional entries only. Refers to "Mother and Marion (e.g. took Mother & Marion to Black Bush), Charley, Bessie, Ada, Margaret and Mary (Margaret plans Mary disposes"); also to mining shares and mine claim especially "Castle Carey", and to council meetings ('.'attended council meeting in morning going through assessment roll").
William Edwin Fuller
Collection consists of a series of glass lantern slides produced by Beattie of various locations around the University of Tasmania at Domain House.
Donated by Olive Pink's nieces in 2016
Part of Olive Pink Collection
This series includes Olive Pink's book collection, photographs, paintings, letters, items of clothing and other ephemera and memorabilia, some of which are nationally significant in their own right - such as the book plate made by Adrian Feint, notes and sketches done whilst camping with Daisy Bates, and photographs documenting life in Central Australia.
Dorothy Elizabeth (Dolly) Foster
Part of Leake Papers
Papers of Dorothy Elizabeth (Dolly) Foster (1893-1964) daughter of Sarah Elizabeth Clara Leake (Bessie) and John D. Foster
John Leake
Part of Edmund Morris Miller Collection
Copies and drafts of letters eent, meinly about his literary research and publications.
Edmund Morris Miller
Part of George Musgrave Parker : Correspondence and research records
Part of Asten Collection
Consists of minutes, associated papers and reports of E.E. Unwin relating to education.
Earnest Ewart Unwin
Part of De La Haye Postcard Collection
Twelve small captioned coloured fold out images in proprietary post-able envelope. From envelope - A Souvenir of Beautiful East Coast Tasmania, 12 Specially selected views in full color. Published by Nucolorvue Productions, Victoria. From inside "The East Coast, Tasmania. The tourist referes to the East Coast a the section from scottsdale in the north to Sorell in the south of the island. This route provides an immense array of natures most lavish scenery. The rich fertile valleys of Scottsdale and Derby, rugged alpine areas near Pyengana, beautiful george Bay at St. Helens are in themselves a sheer delight.
Lovely beaches, quiet lagoons, rugged granite peaks of Coles Bay and Bicheno, restful Swansea and Triabunna, vie with may other picturesque parts of this lovely coastline.
Excellent fishing, swimming, hiking and boating are easily available. Relics of the early pioneer days are readily found in many parts of the coast."
Nucolorvue Productions
Articles, notes and extracts on economics and politics.
William Ebenezer Shoobridge
Articles and notes on economics and war.
William Ebenezer Shoobridge
Articles and letters on the economy.
William Ebenezer Shoobridge
Edward Octavius Cotton and Elizabeth (Grueber) : 184 to 218
Part of Cotton Family Papers
Papers and certificates of Edward Octavius Cotton, son of Francis and Anna Maria Cotton
Edward Octavius Cotton
Part of Fuller Papers
Diary and other material relating to Edwin Charles Fuller (1885-1921) father of W.E. Fuller
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Execution of McGregor's Estate
Part of Alexander McGregor Papers
Papers relating to the settlement of the estate after the death of Alexander McGregor
Alexander McGregor
Part of Edmund Morris Miller Collection
Typescripts of extension lectures given in Adelaide in 1955 including programme and remarks about staff
Edmund Morris Miller
Part of Leake Papers
Series contains letter books of business correspondence, letters of introduction and correspondence with family, friends, neighbours, societies and charities
John Leake
Family of John Leake after 1865
Part of Leake Papers
Papers concerning xxx
John Leake
Part of Cotton Family Papers
Diaries, Journals, memoranda and pocketbooks relating to farming activities
Cotton Family