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Archival description2 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Thomas Sheehy Collection
Thomas Sheehy Collection
Testamentary Causes
Testamentary Causes
Small Debts Act Jurisdiction
Small Debts Act Jurisdiction
Receipts from Land Titles Office
Receipts from Land Titles Office
Property: Applications under various Acts
Property: Applications under various Acts
Printed rules of the Hobart Gaol
Printed rules of the Hobart Gaol
Oath of Allegiance
Oath of Allegiance
Miscellaneous papers
Miscellaneous papers
Miscellaneous items
Miscellaneous items
Miscellaneous index
Miscellaneous index
Miscellaneous documents
Miscellaneous documents
Letters from Josiah Powell, Solicitor
Letters from Josiah Powell, Solicitor
Letter book
Letter book
Land Title Transfers
Land Title Transfers
Fees due to Josiah Powell from G.I. Roberts
Fees due to Josiah Powell from G.I. Roberts
Fees due from Josiah Powell
Fees due from Josiah Powell
Equity Case
Equity Case
Convent at Colebrook (Jerusalem)
Convent at Colebrook (Jerusalem)
Civil Causes
Civil Causes
Cases in Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction (Probate)
Cases in Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction (Probate)
Case papers
Case papers
Business correspondence and papers
Business correspondence and papers
Bankruptcy cases
Bankruptcy cases
Apprenticeship Indentures
Apprenticeship Indentures
Agent for J. Powell
Agent for J. Powell