Showing 887 results

Authority record

James Barnard

  • Person
  • 1809-1897

James Barnard (1809 - 1897) was the son of John George Barnard of Blackfriars, London, a printer and, a freeman of the City of London Company of Stationers. James was apprenticed to his father to learn the printing trade in 1825. In 1838 he was appointed Government Printer , VDL. and arrived in Hobart with his wife and sister on the Pyramus in March 1839. He lived and worked in Macquarie Street (Surrey House). As well as a daughter, Emily, he had three sons, James, Henry Sultzer and Charles E. born in Tasmania. He was a member of the Royal Society of Tasmania for 56 years and seldom missed a meeting. He assisted in the establishment of the Tasmanian Museum and Public Library, and was the first chairman of the Queen's Domain Committee, and for many years a member of the Church of England Synod

James Backhouse Walker

  • Person
  • 1841-1899

James Backhouse Walker (1841-1899), solicitor and historian, was born on 14 October 1841 in Hobart Town, son of George Washington Walker, shopkeeper, and his wife Sarah Benson, daughter of Robert Mather. Educated at the High School, Government Domain, Hobart, and at the Friends School, York, England, he was first employed as junior clerk in the office of T. D. Chapman and later in his father's Hobart Savings Bank. But in 1872 he took articles and on 7 July 1876 was admitted as barrister, solicitor and proctor of the Supreme Court of Tasmania. Senior partner in the firm J. B. Walker and Wolfhagen he was also an active councillor of the Southern Law Society. From 1877 he was a member of the Tasmanian Club. in 1890 he was appointed member of the first council of the new university, and in 1898 became its second vice-chancellor. Fro more information see :

James Backhouse Cotton

  • Person
  • 1834-1906

Son of Frances and Anna Maria Cotton of Kelvedon. Born 18 July 1834 at Great Swan Point, Tasmania. Died 1 January 1906 in Ohio, USA

James Backhouse

  • Person
  • 1794-1869

James Backhouse was a naturalist and Quaker missionary of Darlington, and later, York, England. In 1831 he sailed for Australia, accompanied by George Washington Walker (1800-1859), with the financial support of the London Yearly Meeting. They arrived in Hobart in February 1832 and from then until their departure from Australia in 1838 they visited most of the scattered settlements throughout Australia. They spent three years in Van Diemens Land where they visited the penal settlements, reported to Lieut.-Governor Arthur on conditions and made suggestions for improvement of the prisons, chain gangs, assigned servants etc. They also encouraged the formation of benevolent services, such as the Ladies Committees for visiting prisoners on Elizabeth Fry's model, inspected hospitals and recommended humane treatment for the insane, as well as distributing religious tracts and school books. In 1833 they established a Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends in Hobart and in 1834 the Hobart Yearly Meeting. In 1837 they bought property for a Meeting House in Hobart. James
Backhouse also collected many botanical specimens and continued to correspond with the Tasmanian Society and the Royal Society. After his return to England, Backhouse published an account of his journeys as "A Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies" (London, 1843). For more information see :

James Alexander Bacon

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2013/1
  • Person
  • 15 May 1950 – 20 June 2004

James Alexander (Jim) Bacon (1950-2004), union official and politician, was born in Melbourne and educated at Scotch College. He worked as a union official for the Builders' Labourers Federation in Victoria and the Pilbara, before moving to Tasmania as state secretary of the Tasmanian branch, 1980-89. From 1989 to 1995, Bacon was secretary of the Tasmanian Trades and Labor Council. Gaining a massive vote, in 1996 Bacon was elected to the House of Assembly. He took over from Michael Field as Labor leader in 1997, and led the Party to successive electoral victories in 1998 and 2002. In 2004 he was Premier and Minister for Tourism, Parks and Heritage as well as Minister for the Arts. Under Bacon, Tasmania experienced stable government and economic prosperity. He resigned in 2004 due to ill-health. For more information see :

James Agnew

  • Person
  • 1815–1901

Agnew was an early member of the Tasmanian Society (later Royal Society), and in 1841 his first paper, 'Notes on the teeth and poison apparatus of the snakes of Tasman's peninsula', was published in the second volume of the Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science. In 1851 he was elected to the council of the Royal Society, and was its honorary secretary in 1861-81 and 1884-94. He became the first chairman of the board of management of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, and an early chairman of the trustees of the Hobart Public Library; he retained both offices until 1901. His ethnological pamphlet, Last of the Tasmanians, was published in Sydney in 1888.

James (Philosopher) Smith

  • Person
  • 1827-1897

James Smith (1827-1897) was born in George Town, son of John and Mary Ann (Grant) Smith. His father was shot when he was aged 5 and he was taken under the guardianship of John Guillan, a Launceston merchant and mill owner. After working in the mill, and then exploring the country west of the Tamar and prospecting for gold in Victoria, James Smith settled on land at the River Forth, and planted orchards. He discovered silver ore on Mt. Claud near Sheffield and, in December 1871, tin at Mount Bischoff and began mining in 1872 and in 1873 the Mt. Bischoff Tin Mining Company was formed. He then then returned to farming at "Westwood", Forth, and extended his property but continued to take an interest in mining and prospecting, having a laboratory built at his his home. He also took part in public affairs. He married Mary Jane (Pleas) in 1874 and had 6 chidren. He was widely known by the nickname "Philosopher" but the origin is not known. He read a lot and was a strict Christian and member of the Congregational Church, resigning from the Town Hall Committee over a proposal that a museum should be open on Sundays. For more information see

James Hamlyn Willis

  • Person
  • 1910 - 1995

Born in Oakleigh, Victoria, on 28 January 1910, died in Melbourne, Victoria, on 10 November 1995.
Served as a forestry officer in many locations throughout Victoria, 1931-1937. In October 1937 Willis joined the National Herbarium of Victoria as a taxonomic botanist, and spent the remainder of his working life there, until 28 January 1972. He rose to become Assistant Government Botanist, and Acting Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens and Herbarium. Throughout his life he collected avidly, both vascular and non-vascular plants, and fungi. For many years he was the focus of taxonomic work in Victoria, and wrote the 2-volume A Handbook to Plants in Victoria (1962, 1972) which for over 30 years was the standard reference not only for that State but for adjacent areas as well. He described 64 plant species alone or jointly and published about 883 books, papers and reviews. His herbarium is housed in MEL, but duplicates are widely distributed within Australia and overseas.

Jacob Mountgarrett

  • Person
  • c1773-1828

Jacob Mountgarrett (1773?-1828), colonial surgeon, was probably the son of Rev. John Mountgarrett, curate of Drumbanagher, near Killeavy, County Armagh, Ireland. He was admitted as a member of the Company of Surgeons, London, on 17 May 1798, and thus qualified as a naval surgeon third rate, for he had been in the navy since 1790, and had seen service in the Mediterranean and at Cape St Vincent. After being paid off in 1802, he joined H.M.S. Glatton carrying convicts to New South Wales, as surgeon. He arrived in March 1803 and was immediately appointed surgeon to the new settlement proposed at the Derwent. He sailed with Lieutenant John Bowen but when Lieutenant-Governor David Collins arrived next February he told Mountgarrett that his medical staff was complete and gave him the opportunity to return to Sydney. Mountgarrett refused and asked that he should be considered a settler. He was the first to harvest wheat in the colony. He was notorious as a bad debtor and was suspected of cattle stealing and misappropriating the stores and medicines for which he was responsible.
For more information see:

J. Paterson & Sons

  • Corporate body
  • 1904-1905

J. Paterson & Sons were blacksmiths, engineers, boilermakers and machinists of Orient Iron Works, Collins Street, Hobart.

J. Francis Mather

  • Person
  • 1844-1925

Joseph Francis Mather was the son of Joseph Benson Mather and step grandson of Esther Mather. He was clerk to Friends School Committee

Isaac Sharp

  • Person
  • 1806–1897

Sharp, Isaac (1806–1897), missionary, elder son of Isaac Sharp of Brighton, Sussex, and his first wife, Mary Likeman, was born in Brighton on 4 July 1806. His father had joined the Society of Friends upon his marriage, and at eleven the son was sent to a Quaker school at Earl's Colne, Essex. At twenty-four he went to Darlington as private secretary to Joseph Pease, succeeding afterwards to the management of the Pease estate near Middlesbrough. In February 1839, he married Hannah Procter; they had two daughters before her death, four years after the marriage.
For more information see :

Illustrated London News

  • Corporate body
  • 1842-2003

The Illustrated London News appeared first on Saturday 14 May 1842, as the world's first illustrated weekly news magazine. Founded by Herbert Ingram, it appeared weekly until 1971, then less frequently thereafter, and ceased publication in 2003. For more information see :

Hytten Hall

  • Corporate body
  • 1959–1980

Hytten Hall was a non-denominational residential college for 120 students located on the Sandy Bay Campus of the University of Tasmania. It closed in 1980. Named after Torleiv Hytten (1890-1980), professor of economics and first, full-time vice-chancellor of the University of Tasmania 1949-1957. The first warden of the college was George Wilson (1961-1974)

Hull Family

  • Family

Family members include Hugh Munro Hull, George Hull, Mrs G Emmett (nee Hull) and Florence Hull later Kenny. Florence Kenny was a leading Tasmanian Composer and at the height of her musical career, many of her songs were sung on concert platforms in Tasmania and on the mainland.
A A Hull was the son of George Hull. He moved to Queeensland and became a surveyor.
Hugh Munro Hull (1818-1882) was Clerk of the House of Assembly and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Tasmania. His publications included The Royal Kalendar and Guide to Tasmania (1858-1860), The Experience of Forty Years in Tasmania (1859), and Practical Hints to Emigrants (1871).
His son Hugh Synnot Hull (1852-1913) also worked a public servant. He had five sons, Hugh Munro Hull (1887-1913), Francis Allison Hull (1890-1910), Herman Arthur Munro Hull (1892-1929), Marcus Aitkin Hull (1895-1918), and William Denison Hull (1898-1976).
Amateur film-maker Herman Robert Hull (b.1926) was a son of Herman Arthur Munro Hull.
From TAHO record

Hugh Synnot Hull

  • Person
  • 1851-1913

Hugh Synnot Hull (1851-1913) was the second son of Hugh Munro Hull (1818-1882) and his first wife Antoinette Martha (Aitkin), who died in 1852. His grandfather George Hull of Tolosa, Glenorchy, had settled in Tasmania in 1819 with his wife Anna (Munro), and the first two of their thirteen children.
Hugh Synnot Hull entered the civil service at the age of 15 in 1867 as a clerk in the Parliamentary Library, and in 1874 he was transferred to the Office of Stores. By 1879 he was earning 150 pound per annum and in 1893 he succeeded C H Huxtable as Government Storekeeper. Some of the Huxtables were also family friends. Hugh corresponded with his childhood friend Hugh Ralston Huxtable, who had gone to Edinburgh, UK and was for a short time engaged to Emily Agnes Huxtable. In 1878 Hugh became engaged to Laura Ann Allison, daughter of Frank Allison of Sandy Bay and was married to her on 10 January 1880 by Rev J Scott of St John's Presbyterian Church Hobart, at the Allison home in Sandy Bay. Hugh and Laura were both fond of music and were often invited to sing or play accompaniments to entertain friends or for charitable concerts. Hugh was a member of the Orpheus Choir, St Andrew's Church Choir and St Andrew's Choral Society. His cousin, Anna Hull of Glenorchy also wrote about a visit from Amy Sherwin, the Tasmanian singer, 'she sings splendidly', in 1878 (H11/61). Life was not easy for the couple as Hugh's salary was not high and although, as resident clerk to the Stores, he had a rent-free Government cottage in Castray Esplanade, this was rather small for a family. Indeed in 1893 he requested better accommodation as three rooms were insufficient for a family of 7, for as he pointed out, three children with croup had to occupy the same bedroom as their parents. They had four sons - Hugh, Frank, Herman and Max. Hugh obviously had difficulty in paying bills; there were many requests for payment and papers relating to debts. Hugh and his elder brother had inherited some small pieces of property at Glenorchy from their mother and grandfather. These were leased and had part planted as an orchard, but seemed to be more trouble than profit. Delays in finally settling and selling the property almost led to dispute between Hugh and Herbert, who by then was also in need of money. Herbert had settled in New Zealand, first in a job managing Clifden Station and later as sheep, cattle and rabbit inspector and registrar of brands at Balclutha, Otago. He married late in life, in 1892, to a girl he called 'Harty'. later married Charles Bellette Their first child was lost at birth but a boy was born later. As well as his eldest brother Herbert, Hugh had half brothers by his father's second marriage to Margaret Bassett Tremlett and also many cousins as his grandfather George, has 13 children : Georgina Rose (married P Emmett); Hugh Munro (married [1] A M Aitkin [2] M B Tremlett); Frederick George (married Sophia Turrell); Robert Edward (died 1841); Jane Harriet (married F A Downing; George Thomas William (married Miss Roberts); Temple Pearson Barnes; Henry Joscelyn (died 1893, married Mary Jane Wilkinson); Anna Munro (married T H Power); James Douglas (married Eliza Clothier); John Franklin Octavius (died 1874, married Mary Ann Lester); Alfred Arthur (married? Barnes); Mary Emily (married W M Davidson).

Hugh Munro Hull

  • Person
  • 1818-1882

Hugh Munro Hull (1818-1882), father of Hugh Synnot Hull (1851-1913) was a civil servant born in London, the eldest son of George Hull and his wife Anna, daughter of Captain Hugh Munro of the Coldstream Guards. He sailed for Sydney with his parents and sister in the convict transport Tyne, and in September 1819 arrived at the Derwent where his father became assistant commissary general. The family home was soon established on a 2560-acre (1036 ha) land grant at Tolosa, Glenorchy. For more information see :

Hugh McDonald Anderson

  • Person
  • 1927–2017

Historian, poet and journalist. He established an enviable reputation as an authority on convict broadsides and colonial ballads, on Victorian gold rush history, and on Australian literature. Hugh deserves to be considered a pioneering Australian social and cultural historian, alongside his better recognised achievements as a major folklorist. For mor information see and

Hubert Allan Nichols

  • Person
  • 1864-1940

Hubert Allan Nichols (1864-1940) was M.L.C. for Mersey and Meander, JP., Warden of Scone. He had worked as a timber feller until hurt in an accident in 1889 when he started work for the North West Post, Devonport. He was well known in sporting activities, especially axemen, and was secretary of many sporting clubs. He was also a seed potato grower and agent for farm supplies and sales and was a member of the Council of Agriculture and President of the Tasmanian Farmers and Stock Owners Association. Competitive woodchopping engrossed him. For many years Tasmanian handicapper, 'Chopper' Nichols wrote rules for the United Axemen's Association, which were accepted throughout Australia and New Zealand, and fostered the Ulverstone Carnival, one of Australia's premier meetings and long the venue for several world titles. In 1901 he established the Axemen's Journal.
For more information see:

Horace Newton Barber

  • 1914-1971

Horace Newton Barber (1914-1971), botanist and geneticist, was born on 26 May 1914 at Warburton, Cheshire, England, son of Horace Maximilian Barber, printer's traveller, and his wife Mary, née Newton. Educated at the County High School for Boys, Altrincham, and Manchester Grammar School, Newton read the natural science tripos at Emmanuel College, Cambridge (B.A., 1936; M.A., 1944; Sc.D., 1963). Supervised by C. D. Darlington, in 1936-40 Barber carried out research on plant and animal cytology at the John Innes Horticultural Institution, Merton, Surrey, for which he was awarded a Ph.D. by the University of London in 1942. In February 1941 he had joined the irregular army of applied scientists at the Ministry of Aircraft Production's telecommunications research establishment. He later served as a flight lieutenant with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve in the Mediterranean and South East Asia, and wrote an irreverent account of his wartime adventures in air force jargon for his family.
A lecturer in botany at the University of Sydney from March 1946, Barber married a fellow lecturer Nancy Patricia O'Grady at St Mary's Catholic Cathedral on 20 April that year. In 1947 he was appointed foundation professor of botany at the University of Tasmania and extracted from a surprised administration the basic requirements of 'glasshouses, an experimental garden and a gardener'. Enthusiastic and dedicated, he believed that the 'business of a professor is to teach his students' and did much to encourage high standards of biological instruction. His interest in undergraduates extended to a strong record of overseeing postgraduates, a number of whom went on to contribute as academics and research scientists to genetics and plant breeding.
Barber quickly applied his pre-war interests in cytology and genetics to Australian plants and animals. His curiosity in natural history and his more formal disciplinary interests led to a spread of publication in experimental cytology, taxonomy, physiological and selection genetics (particularly in Eucalyptus), in ecology and forestry, and in biogeography, palaeobotany and mycology. He travelled widely in the bush and, with the eye and ear of the trained observer, took every opportunity (both as raconteur and writer) to recreate the atmosphere, mood and even redolence of those journeys.
Dean of science (1951-55), Barber returned to Hobart after a year as a Rockefeller fellow (1953-54) at the California Institute of Technology, United States of America, to be plunged into the controversy over the dismissal of Professor Sydney Orr. In an anomalous position as chairman of the staff association (from 1955) and of the professorial board (1956-59), he served on Miss Kemp's and the vice-chancellor's committees of inquiry. A regular spokesman for the university council, he was elected to the Tasmanian Club.
His formal contributions to biological science had been acknowledged by his election as a fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (1958) and of the Royal Society, London (1963), and by his appointment as a trustee of the Australian Museum (1964). Barber's peregrinating and frequently informal contributions to academic discourse and scholarship were widely appreciated by colleagues, among whom he had the reputation of originating more ideas than any other botanist in Australia.

Hobart Town Turkish Bath Company

  • Corporate body
  • 1866-1892

The establishment of a Turkish Bath Company for Hobart Town was promoted at a public meeting held on 25 October 1866. 200 shares of £5 each were sold. The chairman of the Directors was Alfred Kennerley, later succeeded by Henry Llewellyn Roberts. The first secretary was W.G. Elliston. Land at the corner of Harrington and Collins Street (south side) was purchased from Mr Adcock for £400 pounds in 1867 and adjacent land with two houses purchased from Moses Cohen in 1874. The building was designed by Henry Hunter and with fittings etc., cost about £1500 pounds. The baths were opened to the public in September 1868 (two days a week for ladies and 4 days for men). The company was wound up in 1892 and the premises sold. The buildings were finally pulled down in 1933

Hobart Town Maternal & Dorcas Society

  • Corporate body
  • 1835-1949

The Hobart Maternal & Dorcas Society was formed in 1835 by a number of charitable ladies, firstly "to assist married women during the time of their confinement" and secondly "to extend relief to the poor, as funds admit, especially to children who may be in want of suitable clothing to attend the enfant, Sabbath or other schools". Boxes or bags were prepared containing clothing and blankets for the baby and mother, and soap and a bible. The bags were lent for a month, but food and other comforts were distributed as funds allowed. After the maternity Bonus Act of 1912 the Society more or less went into abeyance, except for special cases, and in 1949 it was finally wound up.
A brief history of the Society by W H Hudspeth was published in 1942 and is with the records. For more information see the digitised version at

Hobart Town Gazette

  • Corporate body

The Hobart Town gazette was established on 25 June 1825 by Ross and Howe, the newly appointed Government Printers, as the authorised publisher of government notices, taking over that role from The Hobart Town gazette and Van Diemen's Land advertiser, published by Andrew Bent. It was published a day after Bent's paper and used the same volume and issue numbering. The 2 papers were published in this way for 7 weeks, until Aug. 19, 1825 when Bent changed the title of Hobart Town gazette and Van Diemen's Land advertiser to Colonial times and Tasmanian advertiser. The Hobart Town gazette continued to be published, changing title in 1881 to Hobart gazette.

Hobart Chamber of Commerce

  • Corporate body
  • 1851-1984

The Hobart Chamber of Commerce was established in 1851, following a meeting of merchants and other business men held on 3 February 1851. Henry Hopkins, a well known Hobart merchant, presided over the meeting, which proposed that merchants, shipowners, ship masters, traders and manufacturers of Hobart Town should form themselves into an association to be styled the Hobart Town Chamber of Commerce to protect and promote their common commercial interests. There were to be 12 directors with a chairman, deputy chairman and secretary who were to meet every month and two general meetings were to be held every year. In 1856 the Chamber was granted the privilege of nominating three of the Wardens of the Marine Board.

Hilda Maggie Bridges

  • Person
  • 1881-1971

Hilda Maggie Bridges (1881-1971), writer, was born in Hobart on 19 October 1881 and educated at Scotch College there. Roy's lifelong companion, housekeeper and amanuensis, she still found time to produce thirteen novels, three children's tales and hundreds of short stories and sketches. Her first novel, Our Neighbours (London, 1922), was a tale of Melbourne suburban families, while her ensuing works were light narratives of mystery and romance set in Victoria or the east coast of Tasmania, the plots frequently depending upon smuggling, hidden treasure, secret caves and unknown identities. The characters are stereotyped, but her prose smooth, with effective, intimate descriptions of interior ornamentation, fashions and small natural scenes. Her main concern is entertainment but in Men Must Live (London, 1938) she touches upon the denudation of land by firewood carters, a matter of considerable personal concern. She died in Hobart on 11 September 1971 and was buried at Sorell. From

Hilda Bridges

  • Person
  • 19 October 1881 – 11 September 1971

Hilda Maggie Bridges was born in Sorell, Tasmania on 19 October 1881 to basketmaker Samuel and Laura Jane Bridges (née Wood). Her younger brother, Royal Tasman Bridges, (1885–1952) known as Roy, was a journalist and novelist, for whom she acted as housekeeper, secretary and companion. Bridges was educated at Scotch College, Hobart. She produce thirteen novels, three children's tales and hundreds of short stories and sketches. Her first novel, 'Our Neighbours' was published in London in 1922.

High School of Hobart Town

  • Corporate body
  • 1848-1885

The High School of Hobart Town was founded in 1848 by a group of gentleman connected with the Presbyterian and free churches including Rev. Dr. John Lillie, Minister of St. Andrews Church, Chairman of the Council, T.D. Chapman, who succeeded Lillie as Chairman of the Council of Shareholders, R.W. Nutt, Henry Hopkins, G.W. Walker, R. Officer and W. Robertson, who acted as treasurer. The shareholders were granted five acres on the Government Domain and A. Dawson drew up a plan for the building in 1848. Messrs. Cleghorn and Anderson tendered to build it for £3600 by November lJ349 and this was accepted. Money was raised by the original shares of £25 each, further shares and subscriptions raised in Tasmania and London, encouraged by the distribution of a prospectus and lithographic copies of Dawson's drawing of the proposed building (see Pro Hbt/112). Any shareholder subscribing £100 was entitled to educate one boy free of the annual tuition fee of £12 (for an example of a share certificate see R. 7/2). The object of the institution, as originally described, was 'the instruction of youth in the higher brances of learning, as taught in superior classical and mathematical schools in England', the ultimate object being 'to confer on Australian youth the inestimable advantages of an European University'. The school opened in 1850 and 56 boys were enrolled in the first quarter. The number had increased to 81 at the beginning of 1851. By 1859 boarders were being taken and a junior department had been started. The High School Council had in 1849 requested the Council of University College, London, to recommend a Head classical Master as Rector, at 400 a year, and a Mathematics master. A Mr. Eccleston was appointed but he died suddenly and Rev. Dr. John Lillie was appointed hon. Rector. George Brien M.A. was then appointed Classical Master and - Dobson as Mathematical Master, both receiving £400 a year, and Rev. Lillie remained Rector. In 1857 Rev. R.D. Paulett Harris was appointed Rector and remained until 1885, leasing the school from the shareholders from 1862. In 1885 the rights to the school were handed over to the Christ College Trust and the school became Christ College, surprisingly as J.P. Gell the first Warden of Christ's College originally opposed the foundation of the High School. The Christ College School in fact merged with the Hutchins School and in 1892 the High School building was sold to the new University of Tasmania. (See reports 1849, 1851, 1859 (H.8) and Wood's Almanack 1849 p. 108.

Herbert Hedley Scott

  • Person
  • 1866–1938

Herbert Hedley Scott (1866-1938), museum curator, was born on 15 August 1866 in London, second son of Peter Dewar Scott, accountant, and his wife Mary Susan, née Gale. In October 1887 Scott migrated to New Zealand for his health and after two years in business there settled at Launceston, Tasmania. He was a steward at the Launceston Club from March 1890 until he succeeded Alexander Morton as curator of the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery in May 1897 and managed the Museum for forty years. He is the longest serving Director. Scott completed a surprising amount of research. In 1905-07 he published a series of palaeontological brochures including important work on the skeleton of Nototherium tasmanicum (Tasmanian Geological Survey Record, no.4, 1915). From 1919 he published in the Royal Society of Tasmania's Papers and Proceedings, often in collaboration with Clive Lord: mostly palaeontological, some studies dealt with seals and whales of the Tasmanian coasts and a few with fossil botany. Under Scott additions to the Museum included the Zoological Gallery (1910), the Historical Wing (1927) and the Fall-Hartnoll Memorial Wing (1937). In 1927 he was instrumental in securing the important Beattie Collection of convict history from Hobart. Herbert Scott died at Launceston on 1 March 1938. For more information see:

Herbert Caleb Tapping

  • Person
  • 1873-1958

Accountant, Commissioner of Tax, Tasmania and Deputy Federal Commissioner of Taxation, 1933-1943. Husband of Mary Jane (Walker) Tapping (1869-1959) father of Pryor Caleb (1904-1988) and Zilva Mary (1907-1997).

Henry Propsting

  • 1810-1901

Henry Propsting (1810-1901) Transported to Van Diemen's Land in 1831 for the theft of two tame geese, Henry became a successful Tasmanian merchant and grazier, an alderman of the City of Hobart and father of twenty-six children. A regular attender of the Congregational Church changed his religious views to the Society of Friends, through the preaching of James Backhouse and George Washington Walker, who travelled through Tasmania during the thirties at the same time he became a "total abstainer,"
He was one of the original subscribers to the old High School, now the University building

Henry Montague Meredith

  • Person
  • 1854-1902

Eldest son of John Meredith and Maria Hammond, grandson of George and Mary Ann Meredith. Married Minna Holmes (1852-1917) daughter of Joseph Broadbent Holmes and Harriet Pawsey Philips, in 1883 in Greta, NSW. Henry Montague Meredith died in 1902, at age ~48. They had three children Hammond Meredith (1886-1945), Owen Maxwell Meredith (1888-1971), and Noelle Holmes Meredith (1891-1969)

Henry Meredith

  • 1821-1836

Son of George Meredith and Mary Evans. Educated at Robert Giblin's New Town Academy for boys. Thrown from a horse and died.

Henry Lewis Garrett

  • Person
  • 1847-1893

Henry Lewis (Harry) Garrett was born in 1847, the youngest of ten children of Alfred and Catherine Garrett. Educated at the Hutchins School, in 1863 he gained an Associate of Arts certificate. He became an accountant and later (1882) actuary of the Hobart Savings Bank, and in 1871 married Martha Fisher (b. 1843). They had five children between 1873 and 1886. The Garrett’s lived at Cottage Green, Battery Point, for the first few years of marriage, then moved to Casa Nova on the corner of Grosvenor and Princes Street in Sandy Bay. For more information see:
Wilson, Elisabeth. 'Do the Next Thing': Henry Lewis Garrett and the Evolution of the Hobart Brethren Assembly [online]. Tasmanian Historical Studies, Vol. 10, 2005: 96-112.;dn=143623924072226;res=IELHSS

Henry Jacob Hookey

  • Person
  • 1804-1878

Henry Jacob Hookey, formerly of Gray's Inn, in the County of Middlesex, but now of Launceston in Van Diemen's Land, Gentleman, Attorney of Her Majesty's Courts of Queen's Bench and Common Pleas at Westminster, and a Solicitor of the High Court of Chancery, apply to be admitted as Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor, and Proctor of the Supreme Court of Van Diemen's Land on the 28th day of January, 1839. Hookey was married to Elizabeth Jones (1814-1887) and lived at 'Thornleigh' Longford

Henry Hunter

  • Person
  • 1832-1892

Henry Hunter (1832-1892), architect, was born on 10 October 1832 at Nottingham, England, younger son of Walter Hunter, architect, and his wife Tomasina, née Dick. Educated at Sedgely Parish School, Wolverhampton, he studied architecture under his father and then at the Nottingham School of Design under T. S. Hammersley. Henry and his three sisters migrated to South Australia in 1848 with Walter and Tomasina and, after their parents died, to Hobart Town where they joined the eldest brother, George, who died on 31 October 1868. For more information see :

Henry Hellyer

  • Person
  • 1790 -1832

Henry Hellyer (1790 - 1832), surveyor for the Van Diemen's Land Company. Son of John Hellyer and Betsy (Maine) of Portchester, Hampshire, England. Hellyer arrived in Tasmania in 1826 and explored the north-west for the V.D.L.Co., especially the district between Port Sorell, Valentine's Peak and Black Buff. He named the country north and south of Valentine's Peak the Hampshire Hills and Surrey Hills and recommended it to the V.D.L.Co. In 1827 he was sent to layout a road from Emu Bay to the Hampshire Hills. He later surveyed most of the district from Black Buff to Mount Bischoff, the Cripps Range, Cradle Mountain and the Murchison River. In 1832, the mapping and surveying needed by the V.D.L.Co. being completed, he was appointed to the Government Survey Department, but committed suicide at Circular Head on 9 September 1832, believing that slanderous reports had been circulated. For more information

Henry Hall Baily

  • Person
  • 1865-1880

Henry Hall Baily was born in Tasmania but was trained at the London School of Photography in the early 1860s. A professional photographer, he exhibited in both Melbourne and Sydney while continuing to have a practice in Hobart, a practice his son, also called Henry, eventually took over. for more information see

Henry Grant Lloyd

  • Person
  • 1830-1904

Henry Grant Lloyd (1830-1904), artist, was born on 6 January 1830 at Chester, England, son of Lieutenant Henry Lloyd, Bengal Native Infantry, and his wife Charlotte, née Williams. His father retired to Van Diemen's Land in 1840 and bought land at New Norfolk, which he named Bryn Estyn after the family home in Wales. Henry Grant became a divinity student at Christ's College, Bishopsbourne, Tasmania, but in 1851 Bishop Nixon decided that he was not a suitable ordinand. In 1846-57 Lloyd sketched in Tasmania and by 1858 was painting in New South Wales. He was influenced by Conrad Martens and was probably one of his pupils. Lloyd painted sporadically in Martens's style until the 1870s but could not subdue his own spontaneous vision. In artistic style and temperament he was perhaps closer to Samuel Elyard than to the accomplished Martens. Lloyd may also have been influenced by J. S. Prout. For more information see :

Henry Charles Kingsmill

  • Person
  • 1843-1909)

Henry Charles Kingsmill (1843-1909) MA Cambridge was University lecturer in surveying and Government Meteorologist. He was born in Donegal, Ireland, the son of Rev. Henry Kingsmill of Trinity College Dublin. He graduated MA at Cambridge University and came to Australia for his health in 1873. He assisted with the N.S.W. Government land surveys on gold fields at Hill End Tambarooma, near Bathurst, and then taught in schools in Queensland. He came to Tasmania in 1882 to an appointment at Christ's College and later at the Hobart Technical School.
He was connected with the University from its foundation and gave advice on proposed courses in surveying and astronomy, acted as examiner and served on the University Council from 1893 (1893-5,1901-1909). He was instructor in mathmatics from 1896 and lecturer in surveying from 1904. In 1892 he took charge of the Government Observatory in Barrack Square where he was assisted by his sisters. He married Helen Mary Cruickshank, daughter of James Henry Robert Cruickshank (1841-1916) who was Acting Registrar of the University in 1892 and Registrar from 1894 until 1916.

Henry Brune Atkinson

  • Person
  • 1874-1960

Archdeacon Henry Brune Atkinson (1874-1960), clergyman and orchidologist, was the son of Rev. Henry D. Atkinson of Stanley and Sarah Ann (Ward). He was educated at Stanley State School, Launceston Church Grammar School and the University of Tasmania (BA 1899). He was ordained an Anglican priest in 1902 and served as Rector of Holy Trinity Church, Hobart and Archdeacon of Launceston and Darwin. From 1919 to 1925 he was Vice-Warden of the University Senate. He collected many specimens of orchid from Tasmania and some from NSW, Victoria and New Zealand. These were given to the Queen Victoria Museum, Launceston by his daughter. Rev. Atkinson married Helen Bertha Knight of Christ Church, New Zealand, in 1905 and they had one daughter, Sheila. For more information see

Henrietta Pierce

  • Person

Henrietta Pierce was secretary of the Missionary Helpers Union, Hobart. Taught at Friends School for eleven years from 1897

HELLP and Lithuanian Studies Society of the Tasmania University Union

  • 1975-1990

HELLP or Help the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Peoples Association was formed in Hobart in September 1974 to make people aware of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian nations continuing struggle for survival and self determination and to press for a reversal of the Australian Govenment's recognition of Russian sovereignty over them. Annual ecumenical services and vigils were held. and social functions etc to raise money. Baltic News was published quarterly from March 1975 with news of the persecution, prisoners of conscience etc. It was edited by Algimantas Taskunas, of the University's administrative staff, and ceased publication in December 1990 after the easing of Soviet control of the Baltic States.
The Lithuanian Studies Society of the Tasmania University Union was fOITI1ed in 1987 by a small group of students to make Australians more aware of Lithuania and
its heritage. Films and lectures on Lithuanian topics are presented regularly during term and workshops to demonstrate traditional Lithuanian crafts. Academic papers from these activities are published annually in the Society'S journal, Lithuanian Papers. The foundation President of the Society was Liz Watchorn, followed by Simon Taskunas. The Society's logo is the black iron wolf of Vilnius.

Harvey Stanley Hyde Blackburn

  • Person
  • 1876-1967

Harvey Stanley Hyde Blackburn (1876–1967) was an infamous member of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) who during World War I managed to fool medical staff at the time of his voluntary enlistment so that they did not observe his artificial left foot, which he had lost only a short time earlier.

Harry O'May

  • Person
  • 1872-1962

Henry (Harry) O'May (1872-1962), ferrymaster, was born on 27 February 1872 at Kangaroo Point (Bellerive), Tasmania, son of Robert O'May (d.1900), a boatman from Scotland, and his wife Ann, nee Roberts. Robert and his brothers Thomas and James establised (c.1865) O'May Bros ferry service which plied between Hobart Town and Kangaroo Bay.

Harry attended Bellerive State School and Scotch College, Hobart, but left at the age of 11 to work as a wharf-boy. He gained his river-master's and engineer's certificates, and in 1889 became skipper of the Silver Crown, the firm's fifth vessel. Following the deaths of Thomas and Robert O'May, James took over the management of the company; he was joined in partnership by Harry and George who inherited their father's share of the business. At Bellerive on 17 March 1902 Harry married with Presbyterian forms Frances Isobel Cottrell (d.1921), a 25 year old dressmaker; they were to have three children.

For more information see

Harold Charles Gatty

  • Person
  • 1903-1957

Harold Charles Gatty (5 Jan 1903 - 30 Aug 1957) was a Tasmanian aviator, adventurer and writer born in Campbell Town in 1903. He qualified as a marine navigator through the Royal Australian Naval College which lead to his interest in aerial navigation. He is noted for inventing an air sextant and an aero chronometer, but also his flying exploits , most notably, with Wiley Post, circumnavigating the earth in a record 8 days 15 hours 52 minutes, in 1931. For more information see :

Harold Alfred Southern

  • Person
  • 1889-1915

Worked in the Government Analyst’s Department in both Hobart and Perth. Southern was killed in action at Gallipoli 10 days after he landed – leading his men (as a Captain) at Pope’s Hill ( May 2nd 1915). He was a nephew of Benjamin Sheppard, who was the sculptor for the Boer War Memorial Soldier in Hobart Domain. Harold Southern, along with Mildred Lovett, Florence Rodway and Olive Pink were some of Benjamin Sheppard’s Art pupils.

Hal Wyatt

  • P2018/6
  • Person
  • 1923-2004

Hal Wyatt, born Hobart (1923-2004), a taxation officer, steam buff, restorer of historic machinery, sailor, and amateur photographer, took several thousand photographs in Tasmania over more than six decades. As a child, Hal Wyatt lived in several locations across Tasmania including Queenstown, Wynyard and Deloraine, following the postings of his father John Burgess Wyatt (1902-1975), who worked with the Postmaster General’s Department. Hal's mother was born into the Hale family, a line of watermen or boatmen, who worked on the Derwent River in the 19th and early 20th century. Hal’s paternal grandfather, Benjamin Wyatt, had been a photographer and publisher of scenic postcards in England, at Kingsbridge in the South Hams district of Devonshire. Hal Wyatt was educated at St Hilda’s School, Deloraine and Launceston State High School, where he completed his leaving examination and public service examination in 1941. He began work with the Australian Taxation Office in Hobart, then in the latter part of World War II enlisted with the Royal Australian Navy, joining the crew of the HMAS Junee, an Australian-built Bathurst class corvette, commissioned in 1944, completing missions off New Guinea. After the war, Hal returned to work for the ATO in Hobart, settling with his wife Joyce (nee Hope) at Howrah on the eastern shore of the Derwent River, where they raised three children, David, Marian and Kerin. In his spare time, he restored engines, ships and yachts and built a caravan for family holidays around Tasmania, many of which coincided with trips to look at steam trains and search for derelict engines and machinery. He was involved in the Ship Lovers’ Society of Tasmania, which was the precursor of the Maritime Museum of Tasmania, as well as the Tasmanian Transport Museum at Glenorchy.

Gustav Weindorfer

  • Person
  • 1874-1932

Austrian-born Weindorfer pioneer of conservation recognised Tasmania's potential for wilderness holidays and creating 'a national park for the people for all time', and became the catalyst for the formation of the Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park.

Greg Dickens

  • P2017/14
  • Person
  • 1945-

Greg Dickens is a retired cartographer, an amateur historian and photographer, who has been active in several national and state-based history organisations. He was born in 1945, at Brixham, Devon, and migrated to Australia with his family, aged five, settling in Tasmania. He was educated at Princes Street Primary School, Sandy Bay and New Town High School, before entering the Tasmanian Public Service in a 46-year career, working as a cartographer for both the Lands Department and Department of Mines, as well as engaging in field surveys and compiling reports on mining heritage for the Department of Mines (later Mineral Resources Tasmania). For one brief period he worked for the drafting and cartography division of Hobart printer and publisher Mercury-Walch. He composed many entries for The Companion to Tasmanian History on mining history subjects. Greg was formerly a member of the National Trust, the Tasmanian Transport Museum and the Tasmanian Historical Research Association. He remains active with the Australian Mining History Association and has written many articles for the association’s publications and annual conferences. During a lengthy sporting career, he played more than 400 games of football for Dunalley Football Club in the Tasman Football Association and a further 100 games for other competitions in southern Tasmania. Upon retirement from playing football, he has held roles with disciplinary tribunals, as a tribunal panel member and also as a coach and volunteer with the Southern Tasmania Junior Football League. He took many photographs of Tasmanian scenes with a 35mm Ricoh fixed lens film camera and a Pentax K1000 SLR camera.


Graeme Raphael

  • P2017/20
  • Person
  • 1946-2013

Graeme Raphael was a councillor on both the Oatlands Council and the municipal body that replaced it, the Southern Midlands Council. He served on the board of the Oatlands/Bothwell Uniting Church Council and was a founding member of the Oatlands Historical Society. He worked for the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, as an apiary officer, and was also a member of the Tasmanian Beekeepers’ Association and committee member of the Parattah Railway Station, committee member of Neighbourhood Watch Tasmania Inc., Jubilee Hall and Progress Association and the Upper Coal River Landcare Group at Tunnack.

Grace Paterson Clark

  • Person

A.I. Clark married in 1878 Grace Paterson Ross, daughter of John Ross, a Hobart shipbuilder.
They had five sons: Alexander, a marine engineer; Andrew Inglis. another lawyer and judge:
Conway, an architect; Wendell, a medical practitioner, and Carrell, Clerk to the House of
Assembly. Another son, Melvin, died in infancy and there were two daughters, Ethel and Esma.

G.P. Fitzgerald & Co.

  • Corporate body
  • 1892-2013

G.P. Fitzgerald and Company was an emporium retail business begun by George Parker Fitzgerald in 1892. It was bought out by Charles Davis Ltd in 1986 and continued business as 'Fitzgeralds' to 1995 when Harris Scarfe assumed control. G.P. Fitzgerald was a founding Director of the famous Cascades Brewery in Hobart and was one of three office bearers.

Girls Industrial School Hobart

  • Corporate body
  • 1862-1945

The School was founded in June 1862, originally as the 'Hobart Town Female Refuge' to provide a home for neglected girls and train them in washing, sewing and domestic work. It was managed by a committee of ladies elected by subscribers, usually under the patronage of the Governor's wife, but five gentlemen were elected as governors and formed an advisory committee. The School occupied various temporary houses until 1873 when the committee leased buildings in the Barracks, which premises were extended in 1879 when the School took the protestant girls from the Queen's Orphan School, New Town, which was being closed. In 1892 it moved to 'Kensington House', Davey Street (now the Trades Hall) and finally in 1924 it moved to 'Maylands', Pirie Street, New Town. The School took 30 to 40 girls, usually between 6 and 14, but occasionally younger, and the committee liked to keep them beyond their committal period until they were 16 and trained for service, unless there were suitable relatives. They were usually referred by a magistrate and supported by the Government, by relatives or by donations and the little earned by laundry and sewing work. The children were looked after by a matron and sub-matron and ladies of the committee visited in turn. As well as instruction in domestic work the children were given some basic education, by a Schoolmistress appointed after the transfer of the Orphan School girls in 1879, and after 1925 attended state school, and also received religious instruction from local ministers or Sunday school teachers.
In February 1945 the School was transferred to the Salvation Army.
From the Cyclopedia of Tasmania 1900 :
Thirty two years ago, under the auspices and with the active assistance of kind-hearted Lady Gore Browne, wife of the Governor of the day, the ladies of Hobart founded the Hobart Industrial School for Girls, an institution that has had an uninterrupted career of usefulness and success ever since. Its objects at first were mainly to reclaim the fallen, but after some experience it was wisely decided to take the young and train them in those paths which only lead to pleasantness and peace. There was no written constitution at the outset, but the principles under which it continued to be managed were, in 1890, embodied in a document which set forth :—" 1. That the school shall be for the education, maintenance, and training of such classes of children as described in the Industrial Schools Act, 1867. 2. That there shall be five governors elected to remain in office until their successors are appointed. That all subscribers be empowered to vote in the election of such Governors. 3. That the management and control of the school be vested in a committee of not less than ten, nor more than twenty, ladies, to be elected by the donors and subscribers. 4. That the committee of management have power to remove officers and fix salaries, and that they shall submit an annual report in January of each year." The class of girls admitted into the school consists of poor and unprotected children, who are sent by the administrator of charitable grants (Mr. F. R. Seager.) They range from very young children upwards, and no girl is allowed to leave the institution till she is sixteen years of age. The Government contribute 5s. per week for each child for the specified time she is committed to the care of the institution, in some cases two years and some five years. They are then supported until they leave by the funds of the institution. When an inmate is sufficiently trained for private service, arrangements are made by the committee in connection with the matron, for her discharge, to such employment as may seem fit, subject in each case to the approval of the managers. Instruction is given in reading, writing, and arithmetic, needlework, laundry work, cooking, and general housework. The school is Protestant unsectarian. About forty children pass through it each year. Of late years the subscriptions have been falling off, but the school is still sound financially, though more funds are required for special cases. The building now occupied as a school (formerly Kensington House), has cost over £4000, which has been practically paid for. It is well situated in Davey Street, and in every way suitable for the purpose. Among the pioneer workers who rendered special service to the school for years was Mrs. Crowther, widow of the late Hon. Dr. Crowther, who is still alive in England. The venerable honorary secretary, Mrs. Harriet M. Salier, has filled that position since the inception of the school. For thirty-two years she has devoted herself to forwarding its best interests, not only as secretary, but in every direction possible, and it has been and is with her truly " a labour of love." Her son, Mr. Fred. J. Salier, has been honorary treasurer for twenty years, and has also rendered most valuable service to the institution. The present president, Mrs. Hardy, daughter of Sir Henry Edward Fox Young, one of our late governors, is most indefatigable in attending to the interests of the school. Officers for 1899-1900 :— Patroness, Lady Gormanston ; president, Mrs. Hardy ; governors, Messrs. G. Patten Adams, Justice Clark, C. J. Maxwell, Fred. J. Salier, Hon. W. Crosby ; hon. treasurer, Fred. J. Salier ; committee, Mesdames G. Adams, James, Barnard, Barrett, D. Barclay, E. Burgess, H. Chapman, W. Crosby, E. L. Crowther, Cook, Kite, Davies, Montgomery, J. G. Parker, Perkins, C. J. Maxwell, Hudspeth, Bernard Shaw, Miss Nutt; hon. secretary, Mrs. Harriet M. Salier; hon. auditor, Mr. R. M. Johnston ; trustees, Messrs. Chas. Butler, C. E. Walch, F. J. Salier.

Gillian Ward

Gillian Ward is both a qualified librarian and graphic designer who specialises in print and web design with a particular interest in book design. Her skills include photography and photo-editing, web optimisation and digital imaging, picture research and the curating and design of exhibitions.

George William Evans

  • Person
  • 1780–1852

George William Evans (1780-1852), surveyor and explorer, was born on 5 January 1780, the third child and eldest son of William Evans, secretary to the earl of Warwick, of the parish of St James, Westminster, England, and his wife Ann, née Southam. He served a short apprenticeship with an engineer and architect and gained some elementary training in surveying. In 1798 he married Jennett, daughter of Captain Thomas Melville, commander of the Britannia in the Third Fleet and later of the Speedy, and migrated to the Cape of Good Hope. He was employed in the Naval Store-keeper's Department at Table Bay and remained there until May 1802 when, in compliance with the treaty of Amiens, British forces were withdrawn. Evans was persuaded by Captain William Kent to go to New South Wales, and he arrived at Port Jackson in H.M.S Buffalo on 16 October.
For more information see :

George Washington Walker

  • Person
  • 1800-1859

George Washington Walker (1800-1859), Quaker, shopkeeper and humanitarian, was born on 19 March 1800 in London, the twenty-first child of John Walker (1726-1821) by his second wife, Elizabeth, née Ridley. Because of the death of his mother and the absence of his aged father engaged in the saddle trade in Paris, he was brought up by his grandmother in Newcastle. He was educated by a Wesleyan schoolmaster near Barnard Castle, and apprenticed in 1814 to a linen draper. Impressed by the probity and wisdom of his Quaker employers and James Backhouse of York, a leading Quaker minister, he left the Unitarian persuasion of his family in 1827 and became a member of the Society of Friends. The next year he formed the first Temperance Society in Newcastle.
For more information see

George Thomas William Blamey Boyes

  • 1787-1853

George Thomas William Blamey Boyes (1787-1853), public servant and diarist, was born probably at Stubbington, Hampshire, England, the son of George Thomas Boyes of Winchester. After education by various private tutors, in 1809 he took his first public post in the Commissariat Department of the army. From 1810 to 1815 he served under Wellington in the Peninsular war.
In 1818 Boyes married Mary Ediss. In 1823 the Treasury appointed him deputy assistant commissary general in New South Wales. For more information see :

George Thomas Jamieson Wilson

  • Person
  • 1907-1991

George Thomas Jamieson Wilson (1907-1991), university history lecturer and sportsman, was born on 5 September 1907 at Kumara on the west coast of New Zealand’s South Island, eldest son of New Zealand-born parents George Wilson, dredge master, and his wife Edith Alice, née Jamieson. George attended local Greymouth schools before being admitted to Canterbury University College (later the University of Canterbury), Christchurch, in 1925. He studied arts and some science subjects (BA, 1928), qualified as a teacher, and did postgraduate work in history (MA Hons, 1930).

Wilson began teaching at Greymouth Main School in 1929. The following year he became assistant master at St Andrew’s College, Christchurch. Selected first among three years of graduates for a postgraduate travelling scholarship, he took up residence at St John’s College, Cambridge, in 1931 (BA Hons, 1933). He travelled extensively during vacations and, on his return to New Zealand in 1933, wrote several articles for the Grey River Argus about the political situation in Ireland, Germany before Hitler’s rise to power, and post-revolution Spain.

Back in the classroom, Wilson taught science at Shirley Intermediate School, Christchurch (1934-35), and was assistant master at Wairarapa High School, Masterton (1935-36). In 1936 he was appointed lecturer in history at Canterbury University College. In connection with the New Zealand centenary celebrations, in 1938-39 he gave a series of radio talks on the history of Canterbury and produced a four-hundred-page history, publication of which was prevented by the outbreak of World War II. Wilson married Marjorie Nance Wood in Christchurch in 1939. From 1942 to 1944 he served as a meteorologist in the Royal New Zealand Air Force.

With the object of expanding his work in Pacific and Asian studies, in 1945 Wilson took up the post of lecturer in history at the University of Tasmania. His enthusiasm for Asian history was conveyed to his students in lively classes which opened up new ideas and put forward points of view quite different from established notions of the time. He dealt with the largest continent in four regions: Western Asia, with its major contribution to the religions of the world; North Asia, with its projection of Russian civilisation; India, which owed nothing to other civilisations; and the Far East, which, with China as its hub, acted as a civilising influence on Japan and the mainland all the way south to Australia. Wilson stressed the proximity of Australia to India’s four hundred million people and China’s five hundred million, and emphasised that these nations had been continuous civilisations for several thousands of years. Among his many students, Stephen Fitzgerald—later Gough Whitlam’s advisor on China and Australia’s first ambassador to the People’s Republic of China—stands out. In the preface to his book, Is Australia an Asian Country? (1997), Fitzgerald wrote that his intellectual interest began with Wilson.

A research fellowship at the Australian National University, Canberra, in 1949-50 enabled Wilson to visit India and to assemble a considerable body of information about political developments there. His application for study leave from the University of Tasmania in 1952 and 1953 to write up the results of his research was denied, greatly undermining his will to publish. Wilson did not produce any significant academic publications during his long career, which was a great pity for one who wrote so well. He implied that, for him, teaching had always come first: in an address to graduating students in 1974, the year he retired, he criticised academics who valued research over teaching and condemned the system that nurtured them.

Wilson was vitally interested in his students, in the standing of his university, and in the State’s education system. These interests were demonstrated by his being a pillar of the staff association; becoming the respected master of Hytten Hall, the university’s first residential college; by his determined opposition to the university administration’s position in the notorious and divisive (Sydney Sparkes) Orr case; and by his leading role in the Defence of Government Schools (DOGS) organisation. As president of DOGS in 1974, he explained that he was not against private schools, he was just opposed to spending money on them.

One of the strongest threads in Wilson’s life was rugby union, which he embraced for its character-building capacity. He had played in three New Zealand provincial sides and in college teams, and on moving to Tasmania he was instrumental in establishing the game there. He played for the State team during 1947-49, captaining it twice, and afterwards acted as State coach and selector. He continued to play rugby for the University of Tasmania and to coach schoolboy teams during the 1950s. Gardening was another strong interest.

Wilson was a distinctive figure. Short and nuggety—as befitted a rugby hooker—he had a mane of hair which became white as he aged, an ‘Einstein-type’ moustache (Milford 2001) on a wrinkled face, and a deep voice. That composition made him, in retirement, a very popular marriage celebrant.

Predeceased by his wife (d. 1972), Wilson spent the last few years of his life with a colleague from his earliest days at the university, Lin Weidenhofer. Survived by his two sons and two daughters, he died on 3 June 1991 in Hobart and was cremated. A portrait of him by the Tasmanian artist Max Angus hangs at the University of Tasmania.

George Taylor

  • Person
  • 1758-1828

George Taylor (1758-1828), farmer, was born at Balvaird, near Abernethy, Scotland, and in March 1791 married Mary Low of the same parish. With their eight children they occupied Balvaird Farm, leased by his family from the earl of Mansfield since the seventeenth century. In 1822 Taylor emigrated to Van Diemen's Land with most of his family, arriving in the Princess Charlotte at Hobart Town in January 1823. He brought with him the usual letter of recommendation from the Colonial Office and capital of £890, and received an 800-acre (324 ha) land grant on the Macquarie River, which he named Valleyfield. Three of his sons, Robert (1791-1861), David (1796-1860) and George (1800-1826) each brought a letter of recommendation and capital of £700, and each was granted 700 acres (283 ha) on the Macquarie south of Valleyfield.
In July 1824 the family successfully defended their home against a gang of seven bushrangers led by James Crawford, and including Matthew Brady and McCabe. The Taylors' defence was so vigorous that the bushrangers were forced to withdraw leaving behind their stores and ammunition. Crawford and another of the gang were captured and later executed in Launceston. Writing to Taylor later in 1824 Lieutenant-Governor Arthur highly commended the family's spirited defence of their home and held it as an example to other settlers.
For more information see:

George Rouse

  • Person
  • 1800-1873

George Rouse (1800-1873) was the Van Diemen’s Land Company’s storekeeper, a pioneer farmer and Burnie’s first justice of the peace and unpaid police magistrate. He was Emu Bay’s first ‘mover and shaker’ and was influential in the development of better road and port facilities for the pioneer farmers. For more information see

George Newton Levy

  • Person
  • 1855-1932

Mr. Levy was a builder and contractor and prominent figure in the business and public life of Devonport and district. Two of the best-known buildings he erected are the present E.S. and A. Bank at Devonport (built for the old Bank of Van Diemen's Landin 1891) and the Devonport Town Hall in 1899.For a number of years he was a member of the old Devonport Town Board, subsequently being elected a member of the South Ward in the Devonport Municipal Council at its inception in1907, upon which he retained his seat for nine years, and served as Warden in 1909. Shortly after the adoption of an elective Marine Board for Mersey in 1906, and upon the resignation of the late Warden Chas. A. Littler, Mr. Levy was elected to the vacancy, and served for about 18 months, when he resigned upon undertaking a contract for the Board. He was a prominent Oddfellow for the greater part of his life, and filled at various times all the offices of that institution. A keen follower of bowls, he was known on most of the greens in the State.

George Musgrave Parker

  • Person
  • 1885-1964

Dr G.Musgrave Parker (1885-1965) qualified in medicine (M.B. B.Ch.) at Cambridge, U.K., in 1913, and in 1914 he was appointed a medical officer of health in Swansea. From 1915 until 1918 he served with the Australian forces in Egypt and France. On return he served as medical officer for the Kentish Municipality (Sheffield, Railton) 1919-1921; Swansea 1921-1926 and Clarence, 1926-1947, and then joined the staff of the Repatriation Hospital, Hobart, until he retired in 1955. He acted as president of branches of the RSL at Kentish, Swansea and Lindisfarne. He devoted most of his spare time, however, to a study of the history of the East Coast and hoped to write a book on it, but this was never finished.

George Murdoch

  • Person

George Murdoch was admitted a barrister and solicitor on 3 November 1894 and set up practice in Hobart in the Stone Buildings. Like his partner, Oscar Jones, he seems to have had connections with the Broadmarsh district.

George Meredith Jnr

  • Person
  • 1806-1836

George, eldest son on George Meredith (Snr). on emigrating to Van Diemens Land received a land grant next to his father's at Swanport and also worked for his father in the whale oil business and with the stock, he later settled in South Australia where he was killed by natives in 1836.

George Meredith

  • Person
  • 1777 -1856

George Meredith (1777-1856), settler, was born on 13 February 1777 near Birmingham, England, the fourth son of John Meredith and his wife Sally, née Turner; his father was a prominent barrister and solicitor and descended from the ancient Amerydeth family of Devon and Wales. In 1796 Meredith was commissioned second lieutenant in the marines and later served in the West Indies, at the blockade of Ferrol in Spain and on the Mediterranean Station. At Alexandria in 1803 he made a daring ascent of Pompey's Pillar, a granite column 180 feet (55 m) high, to fasten the Union Jack in place of a French cap-of-liberty placed there by Napoleon's forces. In 1805 when recruiting in Berkshire he met and married Sarah, the daughter of H. W. Hicks. Next year he retired on half-pay and commenced farming at Newbury; later the family move to Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, and farmed there until 1819 when the post-war rural depression stimulated his interest in emigration. He then had two boys and three girls, the eldest being 13. For more information see :

George Martin

  • Person
  • 1778-1842

George Martin (1778 – 1842) was born in England. He married Mary Brett in 1817 when he was 39 and she was 22. By 1835 Mary had given birth to eleven children, three of whom did not survive past infancy. In 1836 he was captain of the 105 ton schooner John Pirie the smallest of the ships in the First Fleet of South Australia that carried colonists and supplies to the Colony of South Australia as well as settlements at Launceston, Hobart Town and Sydney. For more information see:

George Marshall

  • Person
  • 1791-1881

George Marshall (1791-1881), originally of Ruthven, near Dundee, Scotland, arrived in Van Diemen's Land in 1821, and with his family settled near Sorell. One of his grandsons, George Douglas Marshall, married Beatrice Terry, grandaughter of Ralph Terry (1815-1892) of Lachlan Mills, New Norfolk

George Llewellyn Meredith

  • Person
  • 1855-1937

Second don of John Meredith and Maria Hammond. Grandson of George and Mary Ann Meredith. Married Alicia Louisa MacLean on 24 July 1886 in St. John’s Church, Darlinghurst, Sydney. They had two son's- Gwynydd Purves Wynne-Aubrey Meredith (1887-1975) and Ewen Harcourt Wynne-Aubrey MEeredith (1892-1968)

George Henry Gatehouse

  • Person
  • 1826-1864

Farmer of Nonsuch, Wattle Hill, Sorell. Husband of Emma Augusta Newman (1835-1881) son of Silus Gatehouse (1790-1855) and Harriet Hansford (1793-1838)

George Fordyce Story

  • Person
  • 1800-1885

Dr Story made his home with the Cotton family who had settled at Kelvedon near Swansea. He looked after the health of the large family and the farm servants but his main position was assistant district surgeon at the Waterloo Point (Swansea) convict station. His scientific knowledge was helpful in farm and sheep development, analysing patent scab cures etc. Francis Cotton and his wife Anna Maria (Tilney) formerly of Kelvedon, Essex, U.K. were members of the Society of Friends (Quakers)and Dr Story also became a Quaker and made some missionary visits on behalf of the Friends to South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. He was a keen botanist and naturalist and corresponded with and collected specimens for Dr. von Mueller of Melbourne Botanical Gardens. He also kept regular meteorological records for the Royal Society of Tasmania. He served as electoral officer for Glamorgan, was on the Glamorgan School Board and helped to found a Library in Swansea in 1862.
Dr George Fordyce Story (sometimes spelt Storey) {1800-1885), a medical practitioner, was born in Shoreditch, Middlesex [London] but was apprenticed to a doctor in Aberdeen, a George French M.D., also professor of chemistry, while he studied at Marischal College, Aberdeen, where he graduated M.A. in 1821. He then went to Edinburgh University to study for the doctorate in medicine which was conferred on him in 1824. Dr. Story spent three months at the Moorfields Opthalmic Institution, London, and then practised in London for three years. In 1828 he accompanied his friend Francis Cotton to Australia, travelling as surgeon on the "Mary". In April 1829 he was appointed assistant district surgeon at the Waterloo Point (Swansea) convict station until 1844 when the office was abolished. He also attended most of the East Coast settlers and to supplement his income he was also government store keeper at the Waterloo Point depot until 1834. In October 1844, through the interest of the Lieutenant Governor he was appointed secretary of the Royal Society of Tasmania and Superintendent of the Society's Botanical Gardens, at £200 p.a. until September 1845 when the Government reduced the grant to the Society and in November 1845 Dr Story resigned and F.W. Newman of Sydney was appointed at £80 p.a. In December 1845 he was appointed assistant surgeon to the Probation Party at Rocky Hills but in May 1848 this appointment also terminated. Dr Story then petitioned the Government for financial assistance, explaining that on his appointment in 1829 the scattered nature of the district made it impossible for him to supplement his small income as district surgeon by private practice. The district was inhabited by a hostile tribe of aborigines, making travelling on his duties dangerous, especially as there were no roads, only foot tracks. He also, therefore, took charge of the commissariat stores until 1834. In 1841 he resigned as district surgeon but it was impossible to replace him so he continued until November 1841 when Dr F. E. Teush was appointed. However under new regulations for probation most of the district duties were carried out by Dr Story, for 7 months without pay, and then as no other officer was appointed he continued as district surgeon until 1844 when the office was abolished. Dr Story made his home with the Cotton family who had settled at Kelvedon near Swansea and was known to the younger members of the family as the "little doctor", being of small stature. He looked after the health of the large family and the farm servants and his scientific knowledge was helpful in farm and sheep development, analysing patent scab cures etc. Francis Cotton {1801-1883) of London and his wife Anna Maria (Tilney) formerly of Kelvedon, Essex, U.K. were members of the Society of Friends (Quakers)and Dr Story also became a Quaker and made some missionary visits on behalf of the Friends to South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. He was a keen botanist and naturalist and corresponded with and collected specimens for Dr. von Mueller of Melbourne Botanical Gardens. He also kept regular meteorological records for the Royal Society of Tasmania. He served as electoral officer for Glamorgan, was on the Glamorgan School Board and helped to found a Library in Swansea in 1862. He went blind in his old age. Dr. Story's papers include medical case notes and accounts, student notes and exercises, botanical papers including some correspondence with Dr. von Mueller, copies of electoral returns etc. Some of his old medical study notes were later reused as waste paper for drying botanical specimens. Many of his books show signs of having been scorched, probably by a fire at Kelvedon which started when Dr Story was smoking hams. Some letters have had the signature cut out, including part of the letter on the other side. A collection of autographs of East Coast residents was found with Dr Parker's papers (P.1) but the appropriate pieces have not been found.
For more information see :

George Douglas Marshall

  • Person
  • 1891-1964

Born 8 April 1891 in Warwick Queensland, son of David Marshall and Helen Pillans Jackson. Married Beatrice Terry (1891-1973) on the 7 March 1916. They had one child Margaret Read Marshall (1919-2009)

George Dixon

  • Person
  • c1800 -

George Dixon also known as George Dixson Cockfield, watercolourist and landowner, was born in Durham, England, probably in about 1800. In 1821 he came to Van Diemen’s Land with his brother, Robert, aboard the Westmoreland . For two years he worked as overseer on the property of Edward Lord, chief magistrate of Hobart Town. He wrote lengthy letters home describing the homestead, the topography and local customs (Mitchell Library [ML]). After receiving land grants from Governor Macquarie, the brothers settled at Green Valley on the Lower Clyde. Robert later sold out to George and joined the New South Wales Surveyor-General’s Department in 1826. Since Robert must have had some professional training for this position, it seems likely that George had some early instruction in draughtsmanship as well, but nothing further is known about his life. The National Library holds George Dixon’s watercolour, Green Valley. A West View. George Dixons Farm Van Diemen’s Land in 1827 , alternatively titled Green Valley Homestead, Van Diemen’s Land .

George Cotton

  • Person
  • 1829-1916

Son of Francis Cotton and Anna Maria Cotton. Husband of Margaret Connell and father of Augustine Cotton; George Fordyce Story Cotton; Emily Elizabeth Cotton; Fanny Cotton; Charles Edward Cotton; Margaret Cotton; Agnes Cotton; Female Cotton and Clement Connell Cotton.
Brother of Henry Cotton; Francis Cotton; Anna Maria Mather; Thomas Cotton; Mary May; Suzanne Cotton; John Cotton; Frances Cotton; James Backhouse Cotton; Tilney Cotton; Edward Octavius Cotton; Joseph Cotton and Rachael Salmon.
Appointed Superintendent of Police for the Glamorgan municipality 1864-1870
For more information see :
Voices from the Orphan School: Margaret Connell & St Columba Falls by Dianne Snowden
Tasmanian Ancestry, V35 (2) Sept 2015 p.77

George Clark

  • Person

George Clark was Government Printer at Hobart Town Van Diemen’s Land from around 1810 to 1815. He printed the first two newspapers in Van Diemen’s Land, as well as the earliest surviving book printed in the colony. Clark was one of Hobart’s very earliest convicts. For more information see:

George Clark


The first printer in Tasmania, Clarke was government printer from about 1810, when he produced the Derwent Star and Van Diemen's Land Intelligencer, to 1814, when he was dismissed by government owing to a dispute while publishing Van Diemen's Land Gazette and General Advertiser.

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