Henry Grant Lloyd

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Henry Grant Lloyd

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Henry Grant Lloyd (1830-1904), artist, was born on 6 January 1830 at Chester, England, son of Lieutenant Henry Lloyd, Bengal Native Infantry, and his wife Charlotte, née Williams. His father retired to Van Diemen's Land in 1840 and bought land at New Norfolk, which he named Bryn Estyn after the family home in Wales. Henry Grant became a divinity student at Christ's College, Bishopsbourne, Tasmania, but in 1851 Bishop Nixon decided that he was not a suitable ordinand. In 1846-57 Lloyd sketched in Tasmania and by 1858 was painting in New South Wales. He was influenced by Conrad Martens and was probably one of his pupils. Lloyd painted sporadically in Martens's style until the 1870s but could not subdue his own spontaneous vision. In artistic style and temperament he was perhaps closer to Samuel Elyard than to the accomplished Martens. Lloyd may also have been influenced by J. S. Prout. For more information see : http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/lloyd-henry-grant-4030


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