- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-US-27 - Geographic names of Antarctica
- ItemBB-US-28 - United States Department of State policy and information statement on polar regions (extracts)
- ItemBB-US-29 - United States, Basis for possible claims in Antarctica
- ItemBB-US-3 - United States, Secretary of State Richard Olney statement on reasonable possessions
- ItemBB-US-30 - United States, History and current status of claims in Antarctica
- ItemBB-US-31 - United States paper on the formulation of a United States policy regarding Antarctica (extract)
- ItemBB-US-32 - Opinion of the Department of State Legal Adviser on the establishment of inchoate titles in the Antarctic
- ItemBB-US-33 - United States draft agreement for placing Antarctica under a United Nations trusteeship
- ItemBB-US-34 - United States draft agreement providing for a condominium over Antarctica
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