- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-US-32 - Opinion of the Department of State Legal Adviser on the establishment of inchoate titles in the Antarctic
- ItemBB-US-33 - United States draft agreement for placing Antarctica under a United Nations trusteeship
- ItemBB-US-34 - United States draft agreement providing for a condominium over Antarctica
- ItemBB-US-35 - United States aide-mémoire to Australia proposing an international status for the Antarctic area
- ItemBB-US-36 - United States, Department of State paper outlining proposed territorial claims in Antarctica
- ItemBB-US-37 - United States draft declaration to establish a regime of international co-operation and a moratorium of claims in Antarctica
- ItemBB-US-38 - Letter from the US Deputy Under Secretary of State Dulles concerning notification to claimant states of United States activities within claimed areas
- ItemBB-US-39 - United States, State Department memorandum concerning claims to Antarctica and participation in the International Geophysical Year
- ItemBB-US-4 - United States note to Norway concerning rights to Arctic lands which may be discovered and claimed during an expedition by Amundsen
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