- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-US-1 - United States, Declaration of President James Monroe
- ItemBB-US-10 - Account of claim made by Lincoln Ellsworth on behalf of the United States
- ItemBB-US-11 - Letter from UK Dominions Office to Foreign Office re Lincoln Ellsworth's flight
- ItemBB-US-12 - United States, Letter from Secretary of State Cordell Hull concerning claims made by Admiral Byrd
- ItemBB-US-13 - United States, comments by the Department of State on areas claimed by Admiral Byrd
- ItemBB-US-14 - United States, Act authorising the President to present a medal to Lincoln Ellsworth
- ItemBB-US-15 - United States despatch concerning advice to be given to Ellsworth with regard to claiming territory on behalf of the United States
- ItemBB-US-16 - United States telegram to Cape Town containing additional advice to be given to Ellsworth with regard to claiming territory on behalf of the United States
- ItemBB-US-17 - United States, Department of State letter to the President urging a more active policy on asserting claims
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