- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-NO-73 - United States Secretary of State memorandum concerning Bouvet Island
- ItemBB-NO-74 - British note concerning other Argentine recognition of Norway's claim to Bouvet Island
- ItemBB-NO-75 - British note concerning "Norvegia" whaling voyage to Bouvet Island, Peter I Island.
- ItemBB-NO-76 - Norwegian note to Poland concerning claim to Bouvet Island
- ItemBB-NO-77 - Norway, Law no 1 relating to the preservation of fur seals
- ItemBB-NO-78 - Norway, Authorisation for "Norvegia" expedition to claim territory
- ItemBB-NO-79 - Norwegian note informing the United Kingdom of planned activities of "Norvegia" expedition and its authority to claim territory
- ItemBB-NO-80 - British Foreign office memorandum concerning Amundsen's visit to Scott's Nunataks
- ItemBB-NO-81 - British concerning the "Norvegia" expedition in the Australian Antarctic sector.
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