Mildred Esther Lovett

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Mildred Esther Lovett

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Attended Mrs H. Barnard's Ladies' School in 1887-93, and was trained in the domestic arts by her mother. On leaving school she worked as a retoucher at Richard McGuffie's photographic studio. In 1896-1901 she studied painting, modelling, life-drawing and china-painting at Hobart Technical School under Benjamin Sheppard. In 1898-99 she spent six months at Julian Ashton's art school in Sydney. Early in 1909 Miss Lovett moved to Sydney and in 1910 succeeded Long as second-in-charge of Ashton's Sydney Art School. Until the mid-1930s she exhibited regularly with the Art Society of Tasmania and the Society of Artists, Sydney, serving on the latter's committee in 1911-19. More information :

Returning to Hobart Miss Lovett painted miniatures, gave private tuition and in 1906-08 taught modelling and life-drawing at Hobart Technical School. Lucien Dechaineux encouraged her to start china-painting classes, and supplied her with designs from native flora. In 1909 in Art and Architecture Ashton praised her 'superior' china-painting. A vase she painted that year from a design by Sydney Long (Art Gallery of New South Wales) is one of the most characteristic examples of Australian Art Nouveau work.


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