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William Levitt Wells
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Photograph of William Levett Wells?
Photograph of William Levett Wells?
Don Store : diary four
Don Store : diary four
Letter : William L. Wells
Letter : William L. Wells
William Levitt Wells Collection
William Levitt Wells Collection
Don Store : diary one
Don Store : diary one
Voyage to Australia and visit to Bushy Park
Voyage to Australia and visit to Bushy Park
Diary of Bushy Park continued
Diary of Bushy Park continued
Don Store : diary two
Don Store : diary two
Don Store : diary three
Don Store : diary three
Letters : William Wells to Father
Letters : William Wells to Father
Voyage to Australia
Voyage to Australia
Letters : Bessie Wells to father
Letters : Bessie Wells to father
Letters : William and Bessie Wells
Letters : William and Bessie Wells