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University of Tasmania -- History
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Grant of land at 31 Campbell Street, Hobart to Joshua Fergusson

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2017/2
  • Collection
  • 1827-03-26

Grant of land at 31 Campbell Street, Hobart to Joshua Fergusson made by his Excellency Colonel George Arthur Lieutenant Governor of Van Diemen's Land on the 26th day of March 1827. Subject to the payment of a yearly quit-rent of two pounds payable on the 31st day of January each year.
31 Campbell Street is the site of the University of Tasmania's major creative industries and performing arts development, 'The Hedberg', adjoining Hobart's historic Theatre Royal on the 'Wapping 4' site. The University of Tasmania opened at the Hedberg in Semester 1, 2020 after almost 10 years in conception, consultation, planning and construction stages. The project was led by Tasmanian firm Liminal Architecture and designed in collaboration with WOHA and Arup.
The significance of the Hedberg site in the heart of Wapping dates to the 1830s, when it was a lively convergence of working-class homes, industry and entertainment. Archaeological work was undertaken in consultation with the Tasmanian Heritage Council, and results from the archaeological investigation informed aspects of the design.
The heritage-listed facade of the Hedberg Brothers Garage on Collins Street is the University of Tasmania entrance at the Hedberg. Built in 1925, it has intrinsic heritage value as an early, unusual and important example of its type.

Colonial Secretary, Van Diemen's Land

Christ College Collection

  • Collection
  • 1840-1947

Collection cosists of material relating to the foundation of the college, reports, accounts, students activities and the library.

University of Tasmania

College Prospectus and Library Catalogue

College Prospectus, printed by Elliston, Collins Street, Hobart Town and dated 1848. Includes note of nature and advantages of a college, steps taken by Bishop, subscribers, trustees, Hutchins & Launceston Church Grammar schools, scholarships, Franklin Museum; Also bound into this volume is the Catalogue of the Christ's College Library, in the Diocese of Tasmania parts one & two.
Pat one lists books by subject, part two list books by author.

University of Tasmania

Annual Report of the High School of Hobart Town

High School of Hobart Town report on the 1859 annual examinations, with copies of examination papers, and list of council and masters. Drawing of building at front. Printed pamphlet J. Davies 'Mercury' office.

High School of Hobart Town

History of the University of Tasmania Collection

  • Collection
  • 1885-1973

Documents and extracts relating to the history of the University of Tasmania, complied for the Centenary Committee.

University of Tasmania

Photograph of Christ's College, (High School building) Domain

Sepia photograph of a group of boys and masters outside the college door, including small boys, some in sailor suits holding straw "boater" hats.
Photo by Wherrett & McGuffie, mounted.
Some names written on back, including Alic Cruickshank, Cyril James, A Murray, B. Hunt (master), Max Stephens, Reynolds, Gosnell (master), R. Stourton, Lilley.

University common seal

The University's Common Seal was originally the seal of the Tasmanian Council of Education, which was
established in 1859 to hold university entrance examinations ‘in imitation of the Oxford and Cambridge
annual local examinations’. The TCE awarded scholarships for higher school education, an Associate of
Arts award (equivalent to matriculation) and two annual scholarships for study at a British university. Its
elaborate seal, bearing an open book, a star and a rose, was designed by Bishop of Tasmania F.R. Nixon.
When the University of Tasmania was established in 1890 it took over the functions of the TCE and the
TCE's seal became the University's seal until 1901 when the University commissioned its own seal
bearing the words "University of Tasmania Common Seal 1890". Seals were and are used on official legal documents such as property transfers and letters to the Monarch.
The seal design without the border and inscription was also used on letter heads.
Depicts an open book enscribed with "Floreat Tasmania' (May Tasmania Prosper) on a diamond pattern

University of Tasmania

Domain House Staff

Black and white, 35mm slide of teaching staff at Domain House, Hobart, Tasmania. Centre back Dugald Gordon McDougall, appointed as the Professor of Law and Modern History in the University of Tasmania and took up the appointment in the year 1901 (January); he held the post until June 1933 when, at an age of 65, he retired.

University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates

  • Collection
  • 1890-1970

The two volumes of the green leather-bound, gold-embossed University of Tasmania roll books list University of Tasmania graduates conferred since the university's formation in 1890 until 1970. In the first few decades it also includes graduates from other universities in the Empire whose degrees were conferred at the University of Tasmania as ad eundem gradum degrees. The first graduates were conferred on 25 June 1890. The first University of Tasmania graduate was Samuel Picken and his degree was conferred 21 December 1894. The first University of Tasmania female graduate was Miss Eliza Wilson and her degree was conferred on 23 December 1896. Please note: the index to this volume appears to be incomplete. We will be working to rectify this over time. Please check the entries for the year.

University of Tasmania

25 June 1890 to 23 April 1959: University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates

List University of Tasmania graduates conferred since the university's formation in 1890 to 23 April 1959 In the first few decades it also includes graduates from other universities in the Empire whose degrees were conferred at the University of Tasmania as ad eundem gradum degrees. The first graduates were conferred on 25 June 1890.

University of Tasmania

Registrar, James Henry Robert Cruickshank and his wife Mary

Black and white, 35mm slide of the University of Tasmania's Registrar, James Henry Robrert Cruickshank and his wife Mary.
Cruickshank was born on 24 May 1840 in Bombay, and he died on 26 January 1916 m Hobart. Cruickshank received his first commission in 1858, and served in the Bombay Presidency until he retired in 1885 when he immigrated to Tasmania, as one of the 'Non-Effective Officers . Cruickshank and his family arrived in Launceston on the Flinders on 15 May 1885.36 He was appointed Registrar of the University of Tasmania in succession to George Richardson on the 1 August 1892, and he held this post until his death on 26 January 1916. Cruickshank was given a land grant of 100 acres in the Parish of Wickham in the County of King Island on 13 June 1885 but he did not settle there. He had married Mary Emma Wright in 1865 in Bombay. Mary Emma was born on 24 May 1846 in Rochester Kent, and she died on 17 October 1940 at 'Burnside' Glenorchy Tasmania. The couple had nine children, the youngest of whom was Margaret Winifred Cruickshank. Margaret was born on 12 July 1888 in Hobart, and she died on 4 March 1980 in Hobart. She was married to Percy Hamilton Scott in 1922 in Hobart. Two years before her death Margaret was interviewed by John Roberts, as part of the University of Tasmania oral history recording program. Margaret told of her early life in the 1900s as the daughter of the Registrar of the new university. Her reminiscences are particularly valuable, as they provide a rare window into the early life of the university: interview available here

University of Tasmania Photograph Collection

  • Collection
  • 1890-1980

Collection consists of glass plates, lantern slides, 35mm slides, prints and negatives of images relating to the history of the University of Tasmania some later images produced by the University photographer Fred Koolhof 1960-1980

University of Tasmania

Appointment Indentures Collection

  • Collection
  • 1892-1932

Appointment Indentures for early University of Tasmania lecturers, 1892-1932, including some correspondence.

University of Tasmania

Alexander McAulay

Appointment Indenture for Alexander McAulay, dated 1892 - 1913. Lecturer in Mathematics (1892 & draft); Professor of Mathematics and Physics (1904, 3 copies); Professor of Mathematics (1913, 2 copies).

University of Tasmania

Annual Commemoration 1896

Photographic except taken from the Tasmanian Mail, 16 January 1897 showing graduating students : Mr W.A. Roberts (LLB), Mr W.J.T. Stops (LLB), Mr Herbert Nicholls (LLB), Mr J.H. Keating (LLB), Miss E.H Wilson, first lady graduate (BA) and Lieutenant -Colonel Cruickshank, Registrar

University of Tasmania

University of Tasmania Charter

  • UT377
  • Collection
  • 1899-1915

Documents relating to the University of Tasmania Charter

University of Tasmania

Robert Leslie Dunbabin

Appointment Indenture for Robert Leslie Dunbabin, Indenture and amendments: Lecturer in English & Constitutional History, Latin
Greek (1904); English and Constitutional History, Latin & Greek and Mental & Moral Science (1906); History, Latin, Greek, Logic & Psychology (1907); Lecturer in Classics and English History (1913); Assistant Professor of Classics (1914); Professor of Classics (1917).

University of Tasmania

University Staff & Students 1908

Sepia mounted photograph of staff and students taken in front of the main entrance to Domain House, 1908. Named on back -
Back: G.F. Lovett, C.T. Butler, C.S.W. Rayner, Alan Burn
Middle: E. Jeffrey, S.L. Hughes, Beatrice Beedham, Sarah Dunbabin, F.M.X. McMahon (Mrs Dwyer), Caroline M. Walker, Alec D. Mackay, T.M. Crisp
Front: A.W. Clemes, H.D. Wright, R.L. Dunbabin, Alex McAulay, J.H. Mackay, W.H. Williams, S.M. Johnston, D.G. Burn

University of Tasmania

Letters Patent of the University of Tasmania

Parchment document bound with green ribbon and sealed with red wax. Letters Patent of King George V granting recognition throughout the Kingdom, empire and Dominions of degrees conferred by the University of Tasmania in Arts, Science, Law, Medicine, Music and all branches of knowledge except Theology

University of Tasmania

Workers' Educational Association : Secretary's Papers

  • Collection
  • 1916-1931

Collection consists of letter and account book 1916-1924 -Secretary H. Faulkner, Hobart Branch. Correspondence 1930, 1931 (bundle)
A.I. Davern, General Secretary. Pamphlets: “The Problem of the Birth of the Kangaroo” by Prof. T.T. Flynn, 1928

Workers' Educational Association

Records of the Australian Federation of University Women - Tasmania

  • Collection
  • 1918

The collection consists of the records of the Australian Federation of University Women - Tasmania from 1918. Includes, minutes, reports, membership lists, newsletter and correspondence

Australian Federation of University Women - Tasmania

Professors and candidates for degrees 1923

Photographic except taken from the Illustrated Tasmanian Mail, 19 April, 1923 - Photographs of Professors and candidates for degrees 1923. Professor Williams, Professor McAulay, Professor Dunbabin, Professor McDougall, Professor Copland, Professor Flynn, Professor Burn. Students Mr. C. K. Wilkins, (B.A.), Miss Erica G. Headlam, (M.A.), Mr. W. Parker Listner, (M.A.) 1919, (LL.B) 1923, Mr. B. Telford, (LL.B.), Mr. G. L. Doyle, (LL.B.), Mr. H. Guy, (LL.B.) Miss A. M. Wherrett, (B.A.) Miss B. J. Miller, (B.A.)
Miss B. White-Parsons, (B.A.) Mr. H. G. Harris, (B.A.) Mr. D. G. Salier, (B.Sc) Mr, L. F. Briggs, (B.A.) Mr. M. E .W. Stump, (B.Sc.) Miss J. L. Hurst, (B.A), Mr. T. Hytten, (B.A.) Mr. Bryan W. S. Page, (B.Sc.)

University of Tasmania

University Council and Staff

Black and white mounted photograph of University Council members and staff taken in 1924 at the entrance to Domain House.
Back :
Dr. A. L. McAulay, Mr. H.P. Tuck, Mr. C. Malthus, Professor J.B. Brigden, Mr. J. A. Johnson, Professor Burn, Professor Copland.
Mr A. R. Hewer, Mr. P. L. Griffiths, Colonel Thomas, Mr. E. A. Counsel (Member of Council), Mr C.C. Dudley, Mr. C. S. King, Mr. L. Rodway
Professor Dunbabin, Professor Williams, Mr. W. J. T. Stops (Vice-Chancellor),
Sir Elliott Lewis (Chancellor), Professor McDougall, Professor Flynn, Professor Lucas (Acting Professor of Mathematics).


University of Tasmania

Torleiv Hytten : summaries of lectures on economics

  • Collection
  • 1925-1933

Typed summaries of lectures on economics, with alterations by Hytten, used between 1925 and 1933, in small binder file 12 cm. x 20 cm. Note at front by K.M. Dallas, 13 Dec. 1962: "This book has been in my possession since Hytten resigned but I was never certain whether he did not take it over from Brigden (or Copland). All emendations are Hytten's."

Torleiv Hytten

Tasmanian University Graduates 1929

Photographic except taken from the Illustrated Tasmanian Mail, 22 May, 1929 - Tasmanian University Graduates . Miss M.L. Andrew (B.A.), Dr H.T. Postle (M.A., LL.D Melbourne) on whom was conferred the degree of LL.D (Tas) ad eundem, Mr G.L. Ife (LL.B), Mr M.F. Sorell (LL.B), Mr A. Smithies (LL.B) who was Rhodes Scholar for 1929, Mr E.H. Boyd (B.Sc), Mr F. Close (B.Sc), Mr E.C. Butler (LL.B), Mr D. Read (B.Sc), Mr J.R. Rex (LL.B)

University of Tasmania

Recipients of Degrees at Commemoration

Photographic except taken from the Illustrated Tasmanian Mail, 22 May, 1929 - Recipients of University of Tasmania Degrees at Commemoration, Mr A.K. Fulton (B.A), Mr T. Hytten (MA), Miss F. Stops (B.A), Mr D.S. Smith (B.E), Miss Y.I. Guilbert (B.A), Mr O.H. Biggs (B.Sc)

University of Tasmania

Photographs of rifle teams

Group photographs of T.U.R.C. teams: Inver-varsity match at Adelaide 1930, Tasmanian and Sydney teams at the Australian Universities match Melbourne 1932, Hobart and Suburban Cup (T.U.R.C. winners) 1933, Inter-varsity 1933, Australian Universities match 1934 (2 photos, one with winners’ shield), group at Springs 1934. Photos mounted, named and signed.

McDonell Watkyn Woods

Alan Burn : correspondence

  • Collection
  • c1930

Correspondence to and from Alan Burn regarding gas cooling system

Alan Burn

University Blazer

University of Tasmania blazer, oxford blue with rose and primrose stripes with badge of open book (pre-1937 badge from old University seal). Blazers were made by Smale Bros. Tailors, Hobart, unlined, with cloth buttons.

Donald George Rockcliff

McDonell Watkyn Woods Collection

  • Collection
  • 1930-1934

A collection of photographs and memorabilia regarding the Tasmanian University Rifle Club and Student Union functions

McDonell Watkyn Woods

Tasmania University Union Collection

  • Collection
  • 1930-1998

The collection consists of student publications, university publications, posters & cartoons, commemoration programs and photographs collected by the Tasmania University Union (TUU).

Tasmania University Union

A School Geometry

Hall, H. S., & Stevens, F. H. (1930). A School Geometry. Parts IV., V. and VI. Macmillan & Co: London.

Ronald Turner Ralph

University Blazer : Rifle Club

T.U. Rifle Club blue badge (T.U.R.C. under crossed rifles) and A.U.S.A (Australian Universities Sport Association).
Blazer was made by Smale Bros. Tailors, Hobart, unlined, with cloth buttons.
It is not known when the Union first adopted a sports blazer and the colours Oxford blue, rose and primrose (1949 TUU Handbook
describes blazers as navy blue with crimson and gold braid and Uni arms on pocket), but University teams were first sent to Inter Varsity sports in the 1920’s and the Student Representative Council was formed in 1926. In 1931 it was reported to the S.R.C. that the
Y.M.C.A. was adopting a blazer similar to the University blazer and the Secretary was instructed to see the Secretary of the Y.M.C.A. (Togatus Sept. 1931). The badge used before 1937 was adapted from the University Common Seal (originally the seal of the Tasmanian Council of Education). In 1932 100 small metal badges were also ordered by the Union from a Melbourne firm. The ‘blue’ award was shown by a badge of the sporting club worn below the pocket badge and in this example worn on a distinctive plain blue blazer. Members of combined universities teams could also gain a ‘blue’ from the Australian Universities Sports Association, but in 1932 it was decided that a separate ‘blue’ would detract from the individual universities’ blues and instead members of combined teams could wear the A.U.S.A. badge below their own badges on their own university blazer or university blue blazer pocket. Donald Rockcliff was one of the first to gain this distinction

Donald George Rockcliff

University Badge

  • Collection
  • c1932

This badge, a smaller version of the cloth badge was probably a badge of the Tasmania University Union, and is based on the official Common Seal of the University, omitting the star and rose and the inscription, with the addition of a punning motto IN UNITATEM UNI.TAS, it also appears on the TUU magazine Platypus and may have been adopted in the 1920’s when the Union first sent teams to Inter-Varsity sports.
In April 1932 it was reported in Togatus that estimates had been received by the S.R.C. from a Melbourne firm for metal badges – ‘Mr Michells considered the Union did not need metal badges and would not be able to dispose of them. But Mr Smith’s motion that a hundred badges should be purchased at 1/6d was carried.”

University of Tasmania Library

Programmes and Menus

T.U.U. (mock) Commemoration programmes 1932,1933, and menus for Inter-varsity Athletics 1931, and dinner for A.V. Davern 1934 (Sydney Uni lecturer, married c1930, died 1954, information from grandson, M. Davern).

McDonell Watkyn Woods

T.U. Rifle Club hat

Trooper style hat with University colours banded round. Also separate band in blue with rose and primrose stripe. See photos UT367/1 (the team are shown wearing such hats in 1932 but not 1930)

Donald George Rockcliff

Mattingley Collection

  • Collection
  • 1932-1934

Collection of lecture note books and issues of Togatus - the independent student media at the University of Tasmania
• Trinity College, Melbourne, History 1932 - Notes on British History "B" from D. Gordon Taylor and Professor Scott.
• University of Tasmania, History 1933,1934 - Notes on English constitutional history, Australasian history, 19th century European history, diplomacy and U.S.A. and Japan from Professor C. King.
• University of Tasmania, English literature: Professor Taylor 1933
• University of Tasmania, Latin II, Ill : Professor Dunbabin 1933-1934 - Notes on Tacitus, Senecca, Horace, Lucretius, Plautus, Juvenal, Martial etc.
• Togatus 1932 – 1934 - M.A.P. Mattingley's copies of Togatus (student magazine), some annotated with full names of writers of articles and notices

Maxwell Albert Percy Mattingley

Students Representative Council photograph

Photograph of the University of Tasmania Students Representative Council 1933(?) taken on the steps of Domain House, Hobart.
Back: S. M. Seares, G.A. McKay, G.E. Hodgson, Brenda Oldmeadow, D.E. Webster, D. Hughes, N.E. Murray; Front: N. Welbrook, Judy Gould, E.R. (Dick) Clive, R. Fagan, A.W. Knight, Betty Erskine, R.D. Frood.

Tasmania University Union

Inter-varsity rifle match

Group photograph of Inter-varsity rifle match, Liverpool, New South Wales. Named and signed. P.C. Tapping, D.J. Barclay, D.E. Webster, M.W. Woods ( Vice Captain), D.G. Rockliff, B.B. Smith, J.A. Jillett (Captain) and S.M. Seares.

McDonell Watkyn Woods

Group at the Springs

Group photograph of team members and others taken at the Springs, Mt. Wellington, Hobart during the 1934 Australian Universities Rifle Match

McDonell Watkyn Woods

Australian Universities rifle match

Group photograph of Australian Universities rifle match, Hobart 1934. Tasmanian team and emergencies. Named : D.G. Rockliff, J.J. Graham, P.C. Tapping, T.L. Malone, H.M Nicholls, M.M. Bruce, D.J. Barclay, M.W. Woods (Captain), S.M. Seares, and J.A. Jillett

McDonell Watkyn Woods

Tasmanian University team

Group photograph of the Tasmanian University team winners of the Australian Universities Rifle match, Hobart 1934. Named : D.G. Rockliff, J.J. Graham, P.C. Tapping, T.L. Malone, H.M Nicholls, M.M. Bruce, D.J. Barclay, M.W. Woods (Captain), S.M. Seares, and J.A. Jillett

McDonell Watkyn Woods

Cardno Collection

  • Collection
  • 1934-1974

Collection of study note books from Aberdeen University and t St. John's College, Cambridge and miscellaneous notes and draft article

James Alexander Cardno

Text book of Physiography

Handwriten loose leaf note book, entitled "Text book of Physiography " begun in June 1937. Based on lectures to Geology 1, University of Tasmania, 1928-30, with chapter headings with some detailed notes.

Arndell Neil Lewis

Staff of the Commerce Department

Black and white mounted photograph of University of Tasmania Commerce Department staff taken in 1938. Left to right: Miss Jeanette Audrey Cox (Clerk 1932-1939), Ken M Dallas, D. L Anderson and Professor F.R.E. Mauldron (front).

University of Tasmania

Keith Sydney Isles Papers

  • Collection
  • 1939-1967

Material relating to Universities, commissions and committees.

Keith Sydney Isles

Box 1

Twelve black notebooks dated between 1939 and 1941. Notes for the subjects of Physics, Pure Mathematics and Radio

Ronald Turner Ralph

The founding of the University of Tasmania

Article copied from the Bulletin of the Tasmanian Institute for Educational Research, entitled
“The founding of the University of Tasmania”, an address given by the Chancellor of the University,
William Joshua Tilley Stops, Esq. LL.B. on the fiftieth anniversary of the first meeting of the University Council, on the 19 February 1940.

William Joshua Tilley Stops

Box 5

Collection of Uni Review programs, miscellaneous study materials, applications and correspondence and photographs

Ronald Turner Ralph


Yarsley, V.E & Couzens. (1941). E.G. Plastics. London: Penguin Books.

Ronald Turner Ralph

Ronald Turner Ralph Collection

  • Collection
  • 1941-1948

Collection consists of material related to Ronald Turner Ralphs time at the University of Tasmania during the 1940's studying Civil Engineering. Included are text books, note books and Uni Revue programs and issues of Togatus relating to the reviews.

Ronald Turner Ralph

Box 2

Handwritten notes for assignments, exams and classwork for Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering

Ronald Turner Ralph

Photographs of University of Tasmania lower campus

Black and white photographs of University of Tasmania lower campus at Sandy Bay taken by Lindsay Crawford, a science student at UTAS during1945-1947. The old Sandy Bay rifle range sheds were initially used by staff and students as part of the move from the Domain site to the new Sandy Bay campus after the Second World War

Lindsay Crawford

1947 Orientation Handbook

Pages from the Handbook that detail the site plan and floor plan of Domain House, University of Tasmania. As published in the 1947 University Orientation Handbook.

Tasmania University Union

1949 Orientation Handbook

Pages from the Handbook that detail the site plan and floor plan of Domain House, University of Tasmania. As published in the 1949 University Orientation Handbook. Key to buildings and rooms provided by Peter Freeman, Heritage Architect

Tasmania University Union

Results 1 to 100 of 228