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Diary 1870-1872

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania from June 1st 1870 to January 19th 1872. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell

Diary 1875

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania -1875. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell

Diary 1877

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania - 1877. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell

Diary 1891

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania - 1891. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell

Diaries of Jorgen Jorgensen

  • Sub-item
  • 1826-1827
  • Part of Meston Papers

Copies of diaries of Jorgen Jorgensen, including Journey to Ouse Plateau, Repat of Jorgensen to V.D.L. Co. on route between Hobart and Circular Head, and Journal kept while exploring from Circular Head to the Pieman River, 1826-7.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Diary 1872-1873

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania from January 1872 - December 1873. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell

Diary 1874

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania - 1874. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell

Diary 1876

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania - 1876. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell

Diary 1878

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania - 1878. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell

Diary 1879

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania - 1879. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell

Knopwood Diary

  • Collection
  • 1805-1808

Diary of Rev. Robert Knopwood dated 1 January 1805 to 17 July 1808. The diary is headed 'Revd. Robert Knopwood, Chaplain, Hobart Town, Derwent River, Van Diemens Land'. It begins on Tuesday 1 January 1805, noting 'a general muster of all the prisoners in the colony it being New Years Day'. It is written in a neat hand, some words being abbreviated. Knopwood notes, for example, dining with the Governor and others , visiting the Government Farm, kangaroo shooting, fishing, the shortage of provisions in the colony, the weather, the arrival and departure of ships, occasionally christenings, etc. etc.
Some pages have been cut out leaving only the date (probably by R.K.)

Robert Knopwood

Diary 1866-1868 & 1869-1870

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania from November 12th 1866 to June 20th 1868 and from July 13 1869 to May 31st 1870. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell

Diary 1881

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania - 1881. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell

Thomas Judd's diary

Diary of Thomas Judd (1822-1915) son of Thomas Judd (1794-1887) and Elizabeth (Cane) on a voyage from England to Tasmania on the "Sir Charles Napier" with his family: "Father and Mother, Elizabeth, myself, John, Ann, Rebecca, Susan, Martha and Henry (we have left William behind - being deaf and dumb - to receive his education in the asylum)". The diary consists mainly of the voyage: weather, activities on board, prayer meetings in their cabin. On arrival they took a house in Macquarie Street and looked for jobs. Ann and Elizabeth were offered posts as governesses but Elizabeth died on 30 December, at the age of 22, and was buried in the Scotch burial ground.
Typed typescript made by D. Little 2 July 1953 - spelling and punctuation altered.

Thomas Judd

Diary 1880

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania - 1880. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell

Diary 1889

Diary of Sarah E.E. Mitchell of Lisdillon on the East Coast of Tasmania - 1882. From the age of thirteen she daily noted in her journal the state of the weather, her routine activities about the house and property and visits of friends.

Sarah E.E. Mitchell