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Quakers -- Tasmania -- History
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Photograph Album

Photograph album of the Hodgkin's visit to Australia during 1909. Includes photos of Christ Church Annual Meeting, Adelaide General Meeting, other meeting groups, Evelyn Camp, Gosforth Camp, Healsville Camp, members of families of Woodham, Erskine, Benson, Howie, Greaves, Allen, Sayce, Robson, Dixon, Mather, Mackie, Isaac Sharp. Also views of New Zealand, Maori carvings, Dandenongs Victoria, Sydney and Point McLeay Mission. Also a loose photo of Mary Augusta Walker aged 93 wearing her mother’s Quaker dress, and the first General Meeting in Hobart 1903

Thomas Hodgkin

Francis and Anna Maria Cotton

Corresponcence between Francis and Anna Maria Cotton dated 1867 to 1868 during his visit to South Australia (including Adelaide, Streaky Bay, Wanstead, Melrose), Victoria and New South Wales

Francis Cotton

Francis Cotton Jnr.

Letters from sons and daughters: Francis Cotton jr.: farm (from Bentmore ) 1865 & 1867

Francis Cotton

Edward Octavius Cotton

Letters from sons and daughters: Edward Octavius Cotton 1872, 1875 Kelvedon: Earlham sheep (1872); Hobart: death of Sarah, memorial card (12 March 1875)

Francis Cotton

Anna Maria (Cotton) Mather

Letters from sons and daughters: Anna Maria (Cotton) Mather 1848, January-February 1856. To Mother: the children, Anna very active, servant leaving, free girls difficult to obtain, Esther Mather delighted with shells (11 September1848); to Father: hopes his health improved and not affected by South Australian heat, Sarah Ball going to England, Baby still alive but very emaciated ; to Mother: she must be lonely without Mary and with Father away so long, baby a mere shadow, Joseph harrassed with Steam Company's affairs

Francis Cotton

William May

Letters from sons and daughters: William May, son in law, dated 23 August 1866. Incomplete letter to "Father" from Wanstead, S.A. (? William May husband of Mary nee Cotton): loss of Henry and Lavinia's baby, Francis, Yearly Meeting, Adelaide Friends, price of wheat below a remunerative one, copper also low, S.A. importing beef from Queensland, wool sales reasonable, Joseph did not have the experience to manage a distant interior run on the Darling - brother Frederick took new manager, Waugh, to the run but dismissed him as intemperate, Joseph Barritt may sell - 450 sq. miles with 25 miles frontage on the river.

Francis Cotton

Letters from Rachel and Mary Cotton

Letters from sons and daughters: Rachel Cotton and Mary (Cotton) Scholl (England) sisters of Francis Cotton, 1882-1883
Francis Cotton's bad health, wife's illness, aged friend Dr. Story, Essex, weather, lambing, family, James B. Cotton and Hannah Hall.

Francis Cotton

Letter from J. Bassett

Letter received from J. Bassett dated 1858, cousin of Francis Cotton.: potato cargo, corn, Adam Amos' fire, Adelaide.

Francis Cotton

Letter from George Renison Bell

Letter received from George Renison Bell dated 25 November 1882 and 8 January 1883. Regarding Gladstone: tin mining - description, mine shares

Francis Cotton

Letters from James Erskine Calder

Letter received from James Erskine Calder dated 1857, 1858 &1864. Mr Champ, his school fellow and playmate at 13 years old, and Chief clerk Burnett, blocked his promotion in the Survey Department; defects in new land scheme (1857); acting for sprent during his leave of absence; Henry Ashton delected Clerk of spring Bay Municipality (1864)

Francis Cotton

Letter from Samuel Cook

Letter received from Samuel Cook, Adelaide, dated 19 January 1845. South Australia, Jacob Hayn's goats and copper mines, J. Hayne married sister of Baker a director of Bank of Australia, Quakers, taking a run on Murray River for pigs and fish.

Francis Cotton

Francis Cotton : Appointments held : 134 to 150

Francis Cotton's correspondence and papers relating to the Society of Friends. He paid many visits of concern to Friends in South Australia, Victoria and N.S.W. See also (Series C) general correspondence for letters from and relating to Friends.

Francis Cotton

Society of Friends

Francis Cotton's correspondence and papers relating to the Society of Friends. He paid many visits of concern to Friends in South Australia, Victoria and N.S.W. See also (Series C) general correspondence for letters from and relating to Friends.

Francis Cotton

John H Fisher Letters

  • Collection
  • 1842-1845

Collection consists of five letters from a Quaker, John H. Fisher, in Hobart to his brothers, Reuben A Fisher and Thomas W.Fisher in Cork, Ireland.
John Fisher asked for news of his family, mentioning particularly his sisters May, Susanna and Margaret, Uncle John, cousins and friends and the other apprentices and he inquired if brother Thomas was still apprenticed to Henry Morris. His past misfortune was his own fault and he did not expect friend Thomas Harvey to forgive him (F.1/2) and he wanted to know if the Friends Society had disowned him and how people he owed money to felt (F.1/4). He had not been much to the Friends Meeting House in Hobart -- it was very different from home (F.1/3). Fisher had been in Port Philip and went into the bush but had an accident crossing the Goulburn River when a bullock dray ran over his legs and broke his thigh. In Hobart Isaac got him a job as overseer to David Lord but he was the only free person employed. Now he was working with Isaac who was teaching him hat making (1843 F.1 /2) but in 1845 he wrote that hats could be imported more cheaply and Isaac was fell mongering - getting up wool for the English market (F.1/4). There was a depression in Hobart but his life was comfortable. Hobart had 4 insurance offices, 4 churches (2 English, 2 Scotch), a Catholic chapel, 4 dissenting houses and a Friends Meeting House. In his last letter, dated 11 November 1845, John Fisher says he is thinking of
trying for Californian gold. One letter was later endorsed with a letter from A. Fisher to Thomas dated 31 . 12 . 1894 from Dymond City, N.C., enclosing the letters from their brother John and commenting on A.F.'s good life in the U.S.A., news of his children and his
farm on which he still led an active life although both he and Thomas had "passed the three score and ten"

John H. Fisher

John Beecham Brownell letter to parents

Written from school, Mr Cowle's 'Hobart Town Classical and Commercial Academy' by John Beecham Brownell to parents [Thomas Coke and Elizabeth Brownell] dated 15 December 1851: Christmas holidays would start on 17 December.

Thomas Judd

Ann Mather's letters home

Ann Mather's letters home Jan 1824 -1829. Extracts and copies of letters from Mrs Ann Mather (nee Benson) to her brother, Rev. Samuel Benson, and sisters, Isabella Whytall and Sarah Benson in London, apparently made after her death, consisting mainly of religious sentiments. Also copy of her Memoir written by her brother Rev. Samuel Benson(18b)

Ann Mather

Robey & Mather Papers

  • Collection
  • 1843-1962

Miscellaneous papers and photographs relating mainly to the family of Joseph Benson Mather

Joseph Benson Mather


Personal letters and other documents, letterbooks and business correspondence

George Washington Walker

Letter from Bicheno, Colonial Secretary's office

Letter dated 30th November 1850 from the Colonial Secretary's office signed by James Ebenezer Bicheno regarding a grant of land at the south end of Collins Street Hobart to the Total Abstinence Society.

George Washington Walker

Plan for the advocacy of the Total Abstinence Society cause

List of gentleman and proposed dates for the plan for the advocacy of the Total Abstinence Society cause in connection with the V.D. Land T.A Society at the Prisoners Barracks, Hobart Town up to December 1851 on the second Friday evening in the month at 7 o’clock

George Washington Walker

Minutes of meeting

Minutes of an overflow meeting held in promotion of National Temperance in the Infant School Room, Murray street on the evening of Thursday 6th July 1854. Address delivered by David Blair on the important subject of "National Temperance". George W Walker in the chair.

George Washington Walker


Copy of an uncompleted petition from the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity to the Honourable the Legislative Council of Van Diemen's Land. Petitioners therefore pray that the 38th Section of the Licensing Act, commonly known as the " Sunday Clause" may not be repealed.

George Washington Walker


Undated complaint by the finance committee of the Hobart Town Total Abstinence Society addressed to Mr J.B. Mather and Mr Geo. Bell, of suffering grievous moral wrong and slander from Geo. W Walker

George Washington Walker

Walker Photographs

Photograph collection consists of Walker family photographs and photographs of local Tasmanian scenes. Some unidentified portraits by unknown photographers. Daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, carte de visite, cabinet portraits, stereoscopic views, Hobart streetscapes and Tasmanian scenes

James Backhouse Walker

St. John's burial ground

Photograph of St. John's burial ground, church in distance (with steeple) Richmond, Tasmania

James Backhouse Walker

House with pillared verandah

Photograph of unidentified house with pillared verandah and shrubbery, paling fence, other houses beyond (? Hobart). A man, woman and child faintly visible on verandah.

James Backhouse Walker

Huon Road

Photograph of Huon Road, Hobart showing wide, graded dirt road, fence, and gum tree. Glossy print, amateurishly mounted.

James Backhouse Walker

Near Fort Macquarie

Photograph taken "Near Fort Macquarie" Sydney from water, looking at landing steps, and showing row boat, horse and cart, dog, cliffs, steps & distant ships' masts.

James Backhouse Walker

Miscellaneous views

Miscellaneous photographic landscape views of Hobart and the West Coast taken in the late 19th century

James Backhouse Walker


Photograph of the town of Waratah, Tasmania (visited by J B Walker 1887) c1878-88

James Backhouse Walker

Mount Bischoff

Photograph of the Mount Bischoff in the early days, undated but thought to be c1885-1890

James Backhouse Walker

Group of ten men

Photograph of a group of ten men, seated and standing, business suits and waistcoats, beards or
moustaches. Undated but may be c?1895-1910

James Backhouse Walker

Sir James Willson Agnew

Printed copy of photograph of Sir James Willson Agnew (1815-1901) dated 1899. Seated, wearing medal and dress of KCMG .

James Backhouse Walker

Hobart and environs

Various photographs of Hobart and Hobart environs taken between 1870 and 1882. Photographed by H. H. Baily, and Anson Bros.

James Backhouse Walker

View of Hobart from West Hobart

Photograph from the collection of James Backhouse Walker of a view of Hobart from West Hobart. Looking down Murray & Harrington Streets. The photographer is Henry Hall Baily who had studios in Elizabeth and Liverpool Streets Hobart from 1865 until 1918.

James Backhouse Walker

Hobart view to the east

Photograph from the collection of James Backhouse Walker of an elevated view of Hobart looking east taken near Browne Street, (about 1876, according to a note on the reverse). Warwick Street in the foreground. Photographed by Henry Hall Baily who had studios in Elizabeth and Liverpool Streets, Hobart from 1865 until 1918.

James Backhouse Walker

Hobart from the top of Murray Street

Photograph from the collection of James Backhouse Walker of a view of Hobart from the top of Murray St in about 1876 according to notes on the reverse. The photographer is Henry Hall Baily who had studios in Elizabeth and Liverpool Streets Hobart from 1865 until 1918.

James Backhouse Walker

Hobart looking south east

Photograph from the collection of James Backhouse Walker of a view of Hobart looking South East with a garden in the foreground and Elizabeth Street in the middle distance. The photographer is Alfred Winter who had studios in Bathurst, Elizabeth and Liverpool Streets from 1874-1880.

James Backhouse Walker

Hobart looking east

Photograph from the collection of James Backhouse Walker of a view of Hobart from West Hobart looking east toward the river, showing Holy Trinity Church. The photographer is Henry Hall Baily who had studios in Elizabeth and Liverpool Streets Hobart from 1865 until 1918..

James Backhouse Walker

Hobart looking south

Photograph from the collection of James Backhouse Walker of a view of Hobart looking south along Barrack Street toward St Georges Hill, Battery Point

James Backhouse Walker

Davey Street and Hampden Road Hobart

Various photographs of Davey St., Hobart and Hampden Road looking towards Davey Street. undated. Photographed by H H Bailey and 1 by Winter

James Backhouse Walker

Liverpool Street, Hobart

Various photographs of Liverpool Street, Hobart including Perkins and Nephew Wholesale & Retail Drapers and Grocers. Photographed by Anson Bros.

James Backhouse Walker

Murray Street, Hobart

Various photographs of Murry Street Hobart. Photographed by Anson Bros. and Winter

James Backhouse Walker

Sandy Bay

Photographs of Sandy Bay taken c1870-1882 by Winter photographer.

James Backhouse Walker

Property : 1 to 21

Documents relating to the Cotton Family property including, plans, rents, leases and gants

Cotton Family

Grange Property

Documents relating to the Grange Property dated 1846 – 1855. Francis Cotton's correspondence relating to the purchase of the Grange estate) including: copies of letters from Charles Swanston (1846) letter from J.L. Gellibrand offering Grange Farm on the same terms as agreed with Swanston, ie. £4000 at 5% (27 May 1850); letters from Thomas Young, solicitor, relating to the survey of the land, original grantees and application by Gellibrand and Bethune for part of the estate (Oct., Nov. 1854).·copy of letter to Surveyor General (31 Oct. 1854) and to Colonial Secretary (25 Aug. 1855 . Also rough note of history of F. Cotton's purchase of the Grange, uncertain boundaries and "proposals for the occupation of the Grange Estate” (Joseph to have the part known as the Bend and the Big River about 3000 acres, Henry to have remainder of estate and Crown land upwards of 5000 acres)

Francis Cotton

Land valuation

Francis Cotton to assessors, dated 1865, that land valuations of Kelvedon and Grange too high

Francis Cotton

Moulting Lagoon

Rent for 350 acres at Moulting Lagoon requested by Survey Office

Francis Cotton

Moulting Lagoon

W.L. Dobson to Francis Cotton dated 1871: John Meredith's Cambria estate not for lease - trustees bound to sell

Francis Cotton

James Munro

Property query : James Munro dated 6 February 1883

Francis Cotton


Frederick S. Gray, Earlham, Orford. Wished to buy or rent "Ringrove" at present leased to Alexander Ferguson dated 15 March 1883

Francis Cotton

1856-59: Farm Journal

Farm journal for Kelvedon, January 1856 to February 1859. A journal recording farming activities at 'Kelvedon', the Cotton family's property near Swansea on the East Coast of Tasmania. George Fordyce Story lived with the Cottons at Kelvedon and contributed to their farming efforts. The journal contains monthly records for 1856 - 1859 describing the management of crops and livestock, as well as important family events. Kept by Edward Octavius cotton

Francis Cotton

1863-66: Farm Journal

Farm journal for Kelvedon, June 1863 to March 1866. For the years 1867-9 see also Sheep Record 1866-70 (36)

Francis Cotton

1874: Pocket book diary

Pocket book diary dated 1874. E.O. Cotton (?): entries incluse notes on sheep gathering, shearing etc., bullocks, quarrying stone at Bend, carpentery work, work of Costello and Leckie, father & brothers, picnic on Hollyhock Hills, Belmont fence

Francis Cotton

Labour and order book

Labour and order book dated.1844 to 1846. Including notes of sheep; sawyers and wood; labourers' wages, rations, tobacco and clothing. entries include Henry Pickering, James Harris £10 pa, James O'Daly, Hugh Fullam £9 pa., David Akin £9 pa., Alexander Dougal £10 pa., John Spencer £12 pa., Walter Thompson £20 pa., Timothy Coleman, James MacMillan, Mary Crofton, Ann Sullivan; produce etc shipped to R. Mather by "Mary Ann"

Francis Cotton

Stock records and accounts

Stock records and accounts dated 1869 - 1903. Mainly sheep including ewes, rams, culls, wethers, lambs, sheared, dry stock,
bells, purcases and sales etc.; fatstock; horses (including mares for service with name of owner, name of stallion, date of foaling, filly or colt). Also Roads Account 1879-1887,1898: account of work on roads - carts, men, spars, sand etc and other Council expenses.

Francis Cotton

Don Store : diary four

Diary of the Don Store, 11 February 1887 - 30 December 1888. In February 1886 Wells was appointed manager of the Don branch store of the Don Trading Company by John Henry, the owner, and about 1888 he took over the store, which became William Wells & Co

William Levitt Wells

Letter : William L. Wells

Letter written by William L. Wells to "Sister" dated 17 July 1910. Grandson, Frank and Isabel's child, William Walker Wells, little Francie,
Arnold, Ella.

William Levitt Wells

Miscellaneous Quaker Papers

  • Collection
  • 1889-1950

Collection consists of miscellaneous items found in books that were purchased for the Quaker Collection from the Rowntree Family. Includes circulars, photographs, Ackworth School material and sketches

Friends' Meeting Papers

Drafts and circulars to Members of Friends' Meetings reminding them to organise their monetary affairs and to make their wills, etc.
To Hobart friends, signed by Hannah Propsting and J. Ridley Walker.
To Lisburn friends, signed by Clerks of Committee on Ministry and Oversight:
• Norah Douglas - 20 December 1943
• Arnold Benington - 7 December 1946
• Cecil M. Johnson - no date

Proposed voyage in ship 'Hope'

Proposed voyage to Van Diemen's Land in ship 'Hope' June 1821 - January 1822. Papers relating to the proposal of some members of the Wesleyan Methodist Society to proceed to V.D.L . and the decision at meetings of 29 June, 2 July, finalised on 4 July, to travel in the ship 'Hope' owned by Messrs Degraves and Macintosh, Captain Francis Allison. However the ship was held up by HM Customs at Ramsgate, being both unseaworthy and overloaded, and the owners failed to provide the provisions and accommodation promised. The Government eventually chartered another ship, 'Heroine', to continue the voyage.

Robert Mather

Joseph Benson Mather Correspondence

  • Collection
  • 1862-1881

The bulk of the correspondence consists of Francis Cotton's letters to Joseph Benson Mather, and some other correspondence from members of the Society of Friends (Quakers), family and a few business correspondents also a few letters addressed to Joseph Benson Mather’s children.

Joseph Benson Mather

Thomas Cotton to son Francis

Letters from Thomas Cotton, England to his son Francis dated c1831, & 1834 regarding religion and death, son Thomas' business fallen off.

Francis Cotton

Results 1 to 100 of 331