Library staff Xmas 1952
Library staff Xmas 1952
Library promotional video
University of Tasmania Charter
University Badge
Domain House Library
Group at the Springs
Interview with Dr Geoffrey Cheeseman
Main reading area
Microfilm reader
Library entrance
Interior of chemistry laboratory, University of Tasmania, Queen's Domain, Hobart, late nineteenth century
Corner of library, University of Tasmania, Queen's Domain, Hobart, late nineteenth century
Main reading area
Exterior of chemical laboratory, University of Tasmania, Queen's Domain, Hobart, late nineteenth century
Main reading area
Entrance to physical laboratory & registrars office, University of Tasmania, Queen's Domain, Hobart, late nineteenth century
Loans desk
Tasmanian University team
Interview with Professor J.A. Cardno
Interior of physical laboratory, University of Tasmania, Queen's Domain, Hobart, late nineteenth century
Loans desk
Library workroom
Exterior of physical laboratory, University of Tasmania, Queen's Domain, Hobart, late nineteenth century
Photograph of Christ's College, (High School building) Domain
Library workroom
South front, University of Tasmania, Queen's Domain, Hobart, late nineteenth century
University of Tasmania, Queen's Domain, Hobart, late nineteenth century
Library Staff 1956
Tasmania University Rugby Club
Interview with Mrs Margaret Scott
Australian Universities rifle match
The Royal Society of Tasmania Medal
Letters Patent of the University of Tasmania
Professors and candidates for degrees 1923
Tasmanian University Graduates 1929
Recipients of Degrees at Commemoration
Councils funeral
Senior Public Examination Prize-takers
Annual Commemoration 1896
Students Representative Council photograph
University common seal
Inter-varsity rifle match
Schiller 150th Anniversary
United States Military Academy
Hobart and Suburban Cup
T.U. Rifle Club hat
Staff and students of the Political Science III class
Students outside Trinity House, Hobart
Staff of the Biology Department
Staff of the Commerce Department
University Council and Staff
Staff with Japanese Visitor
University Staff & Students 1908
College Prospectus and Library Catalogue
1947 Orientation Handbook
1949 Orientation Handbook
Grant of land at 31 Campbell Street, Hobart to Joshua Fergusson
The University of Glasgow
Tasmanian and Sydney teams
University Blazer : Rifle Club
Sarah Dunbabin
Registrar, James Henry Robert Cruickshank and his wife Mary
Domain House Staff
Interview with Mr Ken Dallas
University Blazer
Tasmania 150th Anniversary
Inter-varsity - Adelaide
Interview with Claudio Alcorso
verso of photograph of Christ's College, (High School building) Domain