The copies of the diaries are dated between 1889 and 1926 and contain brief entries for each day. They relate to both personal and farm activities and appear to relate to a comparatively small general farm. For example: "stayed at house and made a set of steps for the dairy"; "reaped 1 1/2 acres oats for seed"; "stocked up oats and made a rake"; commenced putting in culvert down by cottage"; ''2 loads of hay - too green"; "grubbing large boulder stones out of 18 acres"; "went to morning service ¬ Archdeacon Richards preached"; "made organ stool for Black River Church"; "party of young people from Smithton for evening"; "picked the quinces and some apples, killed a sheep"; "8 loads of cut up wood for home during winter"; "putting up wire fence by potato shed to let calves get shelter under the pines"; "pottering around all day, Leon called"; "1/2 day in vegetable garden"; "marked lambs. Worked 4 hours at P.O."; "Carl finished ploughing 6 acres for peas"; "helped to cut chaff for Mr L. Medwin"; "carting hay, Frank Medwin with team". The entries appear to relate to a comparatively small general farm and by 1918 Anderson's children (daughter at Stanley, and Leon) were grown up and were living independently. One diary is dated 1889 and was much damaged with parts of pages tom or worn away. The 1889 entries are similar (eg: "made bullock yoke"; "Joe took load of potatoes to township"; "boiled pig potatoes").
Collection consists of five ledgers containing details of wages and accounts, rations and shearing for two properties, Morningside and Riccarton. Located at Campbell Town in northern Tasmania and owned and managed by James Mercer.
Collection consists of photocopies of three letters and two pamphlets bound into four volumes. The family papers remain in the possession of the family and include diaries and work notebooks of John Waldie, jun. c.1854-1896; agreements over timber and land, accounts and receipts 1856-1892, letter from W.C.Blyth 1869, letter to his mother 184S, letters from John Waldie senior 1822, 1832, 1833 and letters to Delia Waldie from Mary Quinn 1883.
The William and John Clark Papers are a record of a settler family in Tasmania. They include papers concerning the management of the Cluny property, a few papers relating to Bothwell and John Clark's correspondence concerning his work as a magistrate. There are also letters to John Clark from William Barnes (1791 ?-1848). brewer of Launceston, 1829-1839; Matthew Curling Friend of Newnham, Port Officer at George Town, 1833-1841, and from Charles Arthur (1808-1884), nephew of and Aide-de-Camp to Lt. Governor George Arthur, 1827-1829. There are also letters from British army officers' wives and daughters addressed to Jane Clark. Also included are papers relating to the Weston Family, Ann (neeClark) and William Pritchard Weston
This collection consists of the papers of George Marshalland his grandson George Douglas Marshall who married Beatrice Terry granddaughter of Ralph Terry, of Lachlan Mills, New Norfolk, Tasmania so some papers of the Terry family papers are also included. Also included are notes on family history and genealogy.