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Savage River Silver Prospecting Company

Scrip certificate for one hundred five shilling shares for the sum of two shillings and sixpence each, issued to E. Le Rossignol of New Town by the Savage River Silver Prospecting Company. Office of company: Miller's Chambers, Murray St., Hobart. Registered as a No Liability Company under "The Mining Companies Act, 1884". Issue number 55. Share numbers 7201-7300. Dated 23rd December 1891. Signed by the Director and the Manager.

Savage River Silver Prospecting Company

Scrip certificate for twelve (12) five shilling shares for the sum of five shillings each, issued to E. Le Rossignol of New Town by the Savage River Silver Prospecting Company. Registered as a No Liability Company under "The Mining Companies Act, 1884". Issue number 1042. Share numbers 46,865 to 46,876. Office of company: Miller's Chambers, Murray St., Hobart. Dated 23rd December 1891. Signed by the Director and the Manager.

South Oceana Silver Mining Company

Scrip certificate for fifty shares from the South Oceana Silver Mining Co, No Liability, Zeehan, Tasmania, registered under the mining companies act 1884. Issues to Edward leRossignol of New Town. Dated 26th August 1891. Number of issue 236.

Letters written by Frederick Rapp regarding the history of Waterloo Point

Three letters written by Frederik Rapp to Doctor Parker dated 17 March, 16 July & 15 December 1928 regarding the history of Waterloo Point, Great Swanport and the Municipality of Glamorgan in the late 1800's. Mention is made of the old church on the school reserve, the old school, now the War Institute, the pews from the church, various residents, hotels, sailing vessels and the building of the jetty

Letters received 1927-1958

Letters mainly about historical queries and East Coast families from (reference numbers in brackets): A.A. Allen, Bicheno (wool press, whaling, 1929, P/l/2 [3]); H. Amos, 1930-31 (9,10,12,44); T. Amos Heriot, 1949 (news cutting about Meredith's arrival with sheep, 31); Douglas Cotton, Kelvedon, 1947 (diaries at Kelvedon, 26); John Gellibrand 1935 (15,21); Glamorgan Municipality, 1948-1953 (permission to photograph photo of first Council, possible assistance in publishing book on Swanport, (27-29); R.W. Giblin, 1929 (4); Robert Snowdon Hay, Bishop of Tasmania, 1927 (agreeing to open fair for Bellerive Mothers' Union in aid of the Sunday School 11) 1933 (answer to congratulatory letter, 13); J. Heyer, 1934 (Rev. Thomas Dove, 14); W.H. Hudspeth, 1930 (Thorneycroft or other house in Macquarie St., 34); Ernest? Hull (Marquis of Salisbury papers, 20); R.W. Legge, Cullenswood, 1935 (17); N.E. Lewis, 1928 (2); B. Lyne, Campbell Town, 1958 (45); Violet Mace, Bothwell and Schouten House, Swansea, 1930-1935 (offering copies of Australasian, Meredith letters, farm diaries (1858-1898), maps, 5, 7, 8, 9, 16, 18, 19); Ian B. Macdonald, 1939 (Swansea Church Ch 23); T.A. Miles, 1955 (ships, 39); Sarah E.E. Mitchell, 1936, (Christmas greetings, 22); Harry O'May, Shiplovers Society, 1948 (East Coast Shipping, 30); D.C. Pearse, 1958, (artist Munnings, 47) Amy Rowntree, 1954 (Runnymede Church, 37); Amy C. Shaw, 1931 (Joseph Allen memorial window St. David's Cathedral, 11); Fred C. Shaw, 1950 (Rocky Hills convicts, 38), 1956 (All Saints Church Swansea dedicated 1871, 41),1957 (post office, 42); Angus G. Shoobridge, 1947 (25); Karl Von Stiglitz,1950-1955 (32, 33, 35, 36,40); State Library Board, 1957 (proposal that the State Archives Department should undertake 2. cont. p. 1 the care of all archive material and the Board appoint Honorary Archivists to locate historical records, compile inventories, advise on storage and encourage transfer to the State Archives, 43}; Australian Dictionary of Biography? 1957 (provisional list of Tasmanians, 46).

Extracts from East Coast diaries

Brief notes and extracts from diaries of: John Allen, 1837-1876; Adam Amos, 1822-1825 (see also P.1/6 app. B); Capt. B. Bayley, 1838 -1839; Joseph Cotton, 1863 -1880; E.O. Cotton, 1881 -1896; George Meredith's pocket book, 1821; G.F. Storey, Nov. 1855 (on the taking of 'Dido', i.e. William Driscoll with a note by [Rachel Cotton] written from memory in 1918 and a news clipping); Edwin Woodland 1839 -1842 (a short note only from a diary, letter book and log book lent by Edward Marshall); Lady Franklin (brief note only). Also notes about the Meredith family and notes made from Sarah Mitchell's scrap books.

Guides etc.

Guides include:
• L.S. Bethell, The Story of Port Dalrymple [1957];
• Millbrook Rise 1914 -1918;
• Catalogue of furniture at 'Narryna, Hobart 1957;
• Bligh Museum, Adventure Bay 1956;
• Fenton, Bush Life in Tasmania;
• Dick Wardley, Tasmanian Adventure, 1953;
• Fearn Rowntree, Battery point Sketchbook, [?1953];
• Air raid precautions, 1941;
• Hutchins School prospectus ND c1930s
• Launcestonian, Launceston Church Grammar School Magazine, Centenary Issue 1946;
• St. Michael's Collegiate School, Hobart: blessing and opening Assembly

Apsley house

Photograph of Apsley House. Originally a single storey sandstone Georgian house built in the 1840's on land granted to John Lyne who was MHA for Glamorgan in the period 1843-1865. Small kodak prints. ?G.M.P photographer thought to be taken c1920's - (See also book ch.3, P1/35 (262)

George Musgrave Parker

Milton: the residence of J. Allen

Photograph, thought to have been taken in the 1930's, of the rebuilt Milton Farm house. In 1826, young John Allen applied for and received a grant of land on Tasmania's east coast: four hundred acres on the west bank of Cygnet River. He named the property Milton, after his home village in England. In February 1828, he reaped his first harvest, but in that same month, an Aboriginal raiding party attacked the (undefended) property, after previously harassing Allen's neighbours John Lyne and George Meredith. Allen's house was robbed and torched and his wheat stack burnt; damage was estimated at £300. Subsequently awarded a two hundred acre extension to his land grant 'as a remuneration for the Aforesaid Loss', he set to work rebuilding, this time a two-storey house of stone.

George Musgrave Parker

Milton: the residence of J. Allen

Photograph, thought to have been taken in the 1930's, of the rear of the rebuilt Milton Farm house. In 1826, young John Allen applied for and received a grant of land on Tasmania's east coast: four hundred acres on the west bank of Cygnet River. He named the property Milton, after his home village in England. In February 1828, he reaped his first harvest, but in that same month, an Aboriginal raiding party attacked the (undefended) property, after previously harassing Allen's neighbours John Lyne and George Meredith. Allen's house was robbed and torched and his wheat stack burnt; damage was estimated at £300. Subsequently awarded a two hundred acre extension to his land grant 'as a remuneration for the Aforesaid Loss', he set to work rebuilding, this time a two-storey house of stone

George Musgrave Parker

Swansea: Resthaven House

2 storied brick building, no veranda - mounted photo
Now known as Oyster Bay Guest House and located at 10 Franklin Street, Resthaven was built in 1841 and operated initially as the Black Swan Inn. In 1870 it became a store and then became a private residence which was occupied by a number of different doctors.

George Musgrave Parker

Swansea: Resthaven House

2 storied brick house
Now known as Oyster Bay Guest House and located at 10 Franklin Street, Resthaven was built in 1841 and operated initially as the Black Swan Inn. In 1870 it became a store and then became a private residence which was occupied by a number of different doctors.

George Musgrave Parker

Swansea: grave of Rev. Thomas Dove MA

Anglican Cemetery . Photograph taken by George Musgrave Parker
Front Inscription
In memoriam Rev Thomas Dove M.A. First Minister of this church born in Glasgow Scotland April 24th 1803
Arrived in Swanport in August 1844
And after labouring in this District as a Christian Minister for 38 years, he died at Swansea August 27th 1882 aged 79 years
Erected by his congregation.

George Musgrave Parker

Harbottle's cottage at Swansea

Postcard produced by Swansea photographer, Miss F.M. Kennedy, (c1880-c1950s) of titled Harbottle's at Swansea, Tasmania.
This Cottage has also been know as Harbottle's Cottage and Caulfield Cottage. This single storey, sandstone rubble building with a corrugated iron hipped roof was listed by the National Trust in 1976 as it demonstrated the principal characteristics of a single storey, sandstone Victorian Georgian domestic building . Located at 45 Shaw Street, Swansea, Tasmania

George Musgrave Parker

Apslawn House

Photograph of front view of Apslawn House. A sandstone Georgian house built in the 1840's on 640 acres of land granted to John Lyne, MHA for Glamorgan ,1843-1865. Located on the Tasman Highway, Apslawn, 13km south-west of Bicheno.

George Musgrave Parker


Parachilna –‘first sketch on trip to Darwin 1930

Olive Pink

Calendar design

Indian ink with some colour sketch on tracing paper made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland.

Olive Pink

Letter to TMAG

Letter to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) regarding donation of her Albert Namatjira paintings – copy of typed letter

Olive Pink

Climbers near site of avalanches

Colour photograph of party of snow climbers nearing a ridge with evidence of recent avalanches, possibly near Mount Field National Park, photograph taken 1968

Wrest Point Hotel 1952

Photograph depicts forecourt of Wrest Point Hotel, Sandy Bay, showing front door with decorative masonry, with five dolphins, ship with St George Cross atop front door. Man in brown uniform standing alongside a Holden FX with dark body paintwork and a yellow painted roof, a taxi affiliated with Hobart's Yellow Cabs, Tasmanian licence plate WXG 772.

Hal Wyatt

A & P Roller with Baler 1972

Colour photograph of Aveling & Porter Limited steam engine, painted green, towing yellow and red baler in a paddock with people and other machinery on display.

Centenary train steams into Relbia Station

Colour photograph depicts red C Class steam locomotive, steaming on line approaching Relbia Station railway platform, near Launceston, between Western Junction and Inveresk. The words: ?CENTENARY TRAIN 1871-1971? emblazoned on front of boiler.

Hal Wyatt

Machinery at Launceston Show

Colour photograph shows men sitting on hay bales amid farm machinery display at Launceston Show, near Webster Woolgrowers sign and W logo.

Hal Wyatt

At the Yacht Club

Colour photograph shows yachts at Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania and cars parked beside waterfront

Hal Wyatt

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