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52 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

George Musgrave Parker : Correspondence and research records
George Musgrave Parker : Correspondence and research records
Hal Wyatt Collection
Hal Wyatt Collection
Meston Papers
Meston Papers
Frederick K. Astell
Frederick K. Astell
William Archers Diaries
William Archers Diaries
Amos Family Papers
Amos Family Papers
London, Board of Trade : Notices to Mariners
London, Board of Trade : Notices to Mariners
Extracts of officers' logs - French naval vessel Mascarin
Extracts of officers' logs - French naval vessel Mascarin
Miscellaneous memoranda & circulars
Miscellaneous memoranda & circulars
Henry Brune Atkinson : Botanical Papers
Henry Brune Atkinson : Botanical Papers
Australian Cambridge Graduates
Australian Cambridge Graduates
Images of West Coast Tasmania
Images of West Coast Tasmania
Pictorial History of Sandy Bay Campus Buildings
Pictorial History of Sandy Bay Campus Buildings
Asten Collection
Asten Collection
Boyer Lecture : The Spectre of Truganini
Boyer Lecture : The Spectre of Truganini
Dr George Fordyce Story  Collection
Dr George Fordyce Story Collection
Drysdale Collection
Drysdale Collection
Elliott and Le Tall Collection
Elliott and Le Tall Collection
William Gore Elliston Diary
William Gore Elliston Diary
John H Fisher Letters
John H Fisher Letters
Andrew Gatenby : Militia substitute certificate
Andrew Gatenby : Militia substitute certificate
Collection of Religious Hymns
Collection of Religious Hymns
Eric Jeffrey Collection
Eric Jeffrey Collection
Marshall and Terry Family Papers
Marshall and Terry Family Papers
Robey & Mather Papers
Robey & Mather Papers
Mercer Farm Accounts
Mercer Farm Accounts
William Knibb Morris Collection
William Knibb Morris Collection
Diploma of degree of Associate of Arts
Diploma of degree of Associate of Arts
Phrenologist's reading
Phrenologist's reading
Harold Charles Gatty Collection
Harold Charles Gatty Collection
University crest, medals and common seal
University crest, medals and common seal
William Holyman & Sons Collection
William Holyman & Sons Collection
Alexander Leicester McAulay
Alexander Leicester McAulay
Arthur Gordon Lyne
Arthur Gordon Lyne
Barrie de Jersey autograph book
Barrie de Jersey autograph book
Arthur Knight Slides
Arthur Knight Slides
Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Greg Dickens Photographic Collection
Greg Dickens Photographic Collection
Graeme Raphael's collected photographs
Graeme Raphael's collected photographs
Roy Bridges Archives
Roy Bridges Archives
William Grant Broughton Papers
William Grant Broughton Papers
Dallas Collection
Dallas Collection
Louis Lempriere Dobson : Duff Lectures
Louis Lempriere Dobson : Duff Lectures
Donald Davie Papers
Donald Davie Papers
Ogilvie, McKenna & Morris Solicitors
Ogilvie, McKenna & Morris Solicitors
Guiler Collection
Guiler Collection
Appointment Indentures Collection
Appointment Indentures Collection
Donald George Rockcliff Collection
Donald George Rockcliff Collection
Medals presented to the University
Medals presented to the University
University Badge
University Badge
Sir Douglas Mawson's proclamation
Sir Douglas Mawson's proclamation
Convict ship "Waterloo"
Convict ship "Waterloo"
Duncan Loane Pty. Collection
Duncan Loane Pty. Collection
Miscellaneous Quaker Papers
Miscellaneous Quaker Papers
Wilfred Hugh Hudspeth Papers
Wilfred Hugh Hudspeth Papers
James Backhouse Walker Collection
James Backhouse Walker Collection
Sir Ernest Clark Bequest
Sir Ernest Clark Bequest
Knopwood Diaries 1804-1836
Knopwood Diaries 1804-1836
Knopwoods Sermons
Knopwoods Sermons
John Stokell Dodds Collection
John Stokell Dodds Collection
Boyes: Diaries and letters of G.T.W.B. Boyes
Boyes: Diaries and letters of G.T.W.B. Boyes
Boyes Papers
Boyes Papers
St Mary's Hospital Papers
St Mary's Hospital Papers
Beattie Papers
Beattie Papers
Letter to Bartholomew J. W. Thomas of Milford
Letter to Bartholomew J. W. Thomas of Milford
Pike Farm records
Pike Farm records
Rev. Archibald Macarthur Papers
Rev. Archibald Macarthur Papers
Norfolk Island Plans
Norfolk Island Plans
Agnew Collection
Agnew Collection
John Wilkinson: Accounts
John Wilkinson: Accounts
James Backhouse: correspondence
James Backhouse: correspondence
Hobart Maternal & Dorcas Society
Hobart Maternal & Dorcas Society
Hudspeth Diaries
Hudspeth Diaries
The Royal Society of Tasmania: Publications
The Royal Society of Tasmania: Publications
Devon Permanent Committee
Devon Permanent Committee
Historical notes
Historical notes
Lease granted by Edward Lord
Lease granted by Edward Lord
Wool accounts: William Thomas Lyttleton
Wool accounts: William Thomas Lyttleton
Notes and Theatre Programs
Notes and Theatre Programs
(Ross's) Hobart Town almanack and Van Diemen's Land annual
(Ross's) Hobart Town almanack and Van Diemen's Land annual
Log book of Ships
Log book of Ships
Armed Forces
Armed Forces
Montagu-Stephens Dispute
Montagu-Stephens Dispute
Giblin Letters
Giblin Letters
Military training
Military training
James Kelly Papers
James Kelly Papers
Henry Jacob Hookey
Henry Jacob Hookey
Tasman Memorial
Tasman Memorial
Cook Bicentenary Gift
Cook Bicentenary Gift
Captain William Walker Papers
Captain William Walker Papers
Thomas Crouch: Miscellaneous papers
Thomas Crouch: Miscellaneous papers
Harrison Bequest
Harrison Bequest
St. George's Society
St. George's Society
Stokell Family Papers
Stokell Family Papers
List of Tasmanian fish
List of Tasmanian fish
National Trust Acts
National Trust Acts
Letters from John Martin
Letters from John Martin
Expedition to the source of the Derwent River
Expedition to the source of the Derwent River
Fishes of Tasmania
Fishes of Tasmania
Waratah Weekly News
Waratah Weekly News
Results 1 to 100 of 506