Collection consists of of notes on various aspects of the history of Tasmania and drafts of articles, written mainly between 1935 and 1951, some for The Royal Society of Tasmania Papers & Proceedings
Diary of Rev. Robert Knopwood dated 1 January 1805 to 17 July 1808. The diary is headed 'Revd. Robert Knopwood, Chaplain, Hobart Town, Derwent River, Van Diemens Land'. It begins on Tuesday 1 January 1805, noting 'a general muster of all the prisoners in the colony it being New Years Day'. It is written in a neat hand, some words being abbreviated. Knopwood notes, for example, dining with the Governor and others , visiting the Government Farm, kangaroo shooting, fishing, the shortage of provisions in the colony, the weather, the arrival and departure of ships, occasionally christenings, etc. etc. Some pages have been cut out leaving only the date (probably by R.K.)
Collection consists of personal correspondence and historical study of James Erskine Calder. Other material including information on Hobart cemeteries, obituaries, photographs, pamphlets and copies of printed books.
The William and John Clark Papers are a record of a settler family in Tasmania. They include papers concerning the management of the Cluny property, a few papers relating to Bothwell and John Clark's correspondence concerning his work as a magistrate. There are also letters to John Clark from William Barnes (1791 ?-1848). brewer of Launceston, 1829-1839; Matthew Curling Friend of Newnham, Port Officer at George Town, 1833-1841, and from Charles Arthur (1808-1884), nephew of and Aide-de-Camp to Lt. Governor George Arthur, 1827-1829. There are also letters from British army officers' wives and daughters addressed to Jane Clark. Also included are papers relating to the Weston Family, Ann (neeClark) and William Pritchard Weston
Letters, diaries and miscellaneous documents relating to both Sir John and Lady Jane Franklin. Many of the papers are only copies (some with omissions). not original, as, according to Rawnsley, after Lady Franklin's death her niece and companion, Sophia Cracroft, selected some papers for publication and had illegible ones copied or extracted and the originals were destroyed. The copies or extracts have been corrected and edited.
Miscellaneous papers of the Rev. Robert Knopwood including sermon "This is the condemnation", prayers, minutes, marriage register and a copy of Knopwoods diary kept by Knopwood from January 1801 to 22nd July 1802 aboard the H.M.S. Resolution