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Centenary of the University of Tasmania: Current Activities at the University

This copy of the original twenty minute video tape was extracted from the 48 minute film written and directed by Mr John Honey as part of the University's 1990 Centenary Celebration. It features Professor David Green, Chairman of the Professorial Board and Professor Alec Lazenby, Vice Chancellor. It documents activities and research from University departments. The music for the video was performed by the Tasmanian Conservatorium Chorale, the Tasmanian University Music Society and the Conservatorium Chorale Orchestra and recorded at the Centenary Concert held 13th February 1990.

University of Tasmania

Guiler Collection

  • Collection
  • 1953-1978

Collection consists of Thylacine Expedition 8 mm films, and notes on site locations etc. collected on location at Mt Nelson, Granville Harbour and Cape Portland , in Tasmania between 1953 and 1978 by Eric Guiler.
Reel 104 is an example of the films. All films are available for viewing at

Eric Rowland Guiler

Engineering building

Digital footage from University CCTV camera during the flood event of May 2018

University of Tasmania

Law building

Digital footage from University CCTV camera during the flood event of May 2018

University of Tasmania

Law building-sped up

Digital footage from University CCTV camera during the flood event of May 2018

University of Tasmania

Library promotional video

  • Collection
  • 1981

Consists of one Library promotional video made in 1981, VHS cassette recording, 6.5 minutes. Script by Mary Howard and Peter Cohen, narrated by Meg Taylor, camera work by Michael Knott, Ross James and Eve Pettit, technical director Brian Rieusset, programme director Eve Pettit. Originally recorded on Umatic cassette for continuous playing over 1 hour, copied on to VHS by Brian Rieusset July, 1993, for University Archives (two showings over 15 minutes). Reformated to DVD in 2017. Includes typed copy of script.

University of Tasmania Library