- Item
- 1930-07-17
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil drawing sketched by Olive Pink, Beltana, South Australia 17/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Acacia salicina
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil drawing sketched by Olive Pink, Beltana, South Australia 17/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Acacia salicina
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil drawing sketched by Olive Pink at Beltana, South Australia 18/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Portulaca oleracea
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour painted by Olive Pink at Beltana, South Australia 19/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Eremophila maculata
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour on card painted by Olive Pink at Beltana, South Australia, 19/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Fusanus acuminatum - Quandong (Santulum acuminatum)
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour on paper painted by Olive Pink at Beltana, South Australia, 19/7/30 Identified by Olive Pink as Loranthus exocarpi
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil drawing sketched by Olive Pink, Beltana, South Australia 19/7/30.
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil sketched by Olive Pink, Warraweena, Beltana, South Australia 19/7/30 Identified by Olive Pink as Mistletoe Berry - Loranthus exocarpi
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil drawing sketched by Olive Pink - Warraweena, Beltana, South Australia 19/7/30.
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Callanna, South Australia, 20-21/7/30 - identified by Olive Pink as "plant about 2 to 3 inches high both at Beltana and Callanna"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil some coloured on card sketched by Olive Pink at Callanna Reservoir South Australia 20-21/7/30
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Callanna Reservoir, South Australia 20-21/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Lavatera plebeia
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on dark card, sketched by Olive Pink at (Ry)Dam Callanna, South Australia 20-21/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Stenopetalum
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil, some coloured on card, sketched by Olive Pink "from" Meadows, South Australia 20/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Vetch - Swainsona
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on dark card, sketched by Olive Pink at Callanna, South Australia 20-21/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Scaevola aemula
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on paper painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 5/8/30. Notes on paper - "plants grow to about 4ft high". note on flower details "twice actual size or more" Identified by Olive Pink as Psoralea patens.
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek , South Australia. (no date) notes on page "five long ones underneath five short on top then smaller leaves on to of these - rough sketch from nature (as far as arrangement went) five long 3 short and one almost long. Root about 3 inches long, white with little roots. Sunset shades (in mesembrianthemum foilage) and puce-petunia flowers" Identified by Olive Pink as Parachylia
Olive Pink
Crolataria cunninghammi - seed pods
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on dark card sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia 25/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Seed pods of Crolataria cunninghammi. Attached - on white paper watercolour of leaves and bud 10 x 7.5 cm
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 25/7/30 ( shrub about 4ft high) Identified by Olive Pink as Eremophila - medicinal. Attached - paper, small watercolour painted at Rodinga, Northern Territory, 18/9/30
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil and watercolour on card by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia 25/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Calandrinia
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia "arrived" 25/7/30, "near waterhole"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 25/7/30 "near cottages". Identified by Olive Pink as Watsonia
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on paper, painted by Olive Pink, Edwards Creek, South Australia, 23/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Calandrinia
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia "near creek" 25/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Swainsona
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolur on paper painted by Olive Pink, Edwards Creek, South Australia, 25/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Frankenia
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on paper, painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 26/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Kochia
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and coloured pencil on paper painted by Olive Pink, Edwards Creek, South Australia, 26/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Kochia tomentosa
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on paper, painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 30/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Centaurea
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 26/7/30. Identified by Olive pink as Solanum helipticum (ellipticum)
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and colured pencil on paper painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia ?/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Trichodesma zeylanicum
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 25/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Billy Buttons, Myriocephalus stuartii
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia (no date). Identified by Olive Pink as Tribulus (Bindii)
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia ?/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Trichodesma zeylanicum
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on card with some pencil painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia 5/8/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Zygophyllum
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and coloured pencil on paper painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia 6/8/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Helichrysum semi-papisum
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on paper painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 13/8/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Crotalaria dissitiflora
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on card painted by Olive Pink at Wire Creek, South Australia 25/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Clianthus speciosum
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia 4/8/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Senecio gregoryi
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on card with pencil, painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia 1930. Identified by Olive Pink as Psoralea
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil and watercolur on card sketched by Olive Pink at The Finke, Northern Territory 31/8-4/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Camel Weed, Senecio. "near the Rock of Ages" "Scent like (garden) honeysuckle"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at the The Finke, Northern Territory 4/9/30. "natural size"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil drawing on card with small water colour attached. Painted and sketched by Olive Pink at the Finke 31/8/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Cassia sturtii "usually 7 pairs of leaves on leaf stem - shrub about 3ft high"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at the Finke, Northern Territory 4/9/30
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and pencil on paper, painted by Olive Pink at the Finke, Northern Territory 4/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Eremophilia oldfieldii
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and pencil on light green card sketched by Olive Pink at Rodinga, Northern Territory 13/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Brunonia australis (Goodeniaceae)
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil and crayon on card, sketched by Olive Pink at Rodinga, Northern Territory 28/9/30. "from nature (exactly) but most often a creeper and therefore simple petal at top)+ sometimes 4 below - trails of it are feet long in every direction" "normal position of blossom (1 petal at top 3 below)"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on paper painted by Olive Pink at Rodinga, Northern Territory 13/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Goodina or Velleya?
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on paper, sketched by Olive Pink at Rodinga, Northern Territory, 15/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Nicotiana suaveolens "nicotine plant opens at night dainty scent"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on card. Painted by Olive Pink at Rodinga, Northern Territory, 17/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Scaevola depauperata
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on card, sketched by Olive Pink at Rodinga, Northern Territory 18/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Helicrisum
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and pencil on card. Sketched by Olive Pink at Rodinga, Northern Territory 18/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Grevillea chrysodendron
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink at Rodinga, Northern Territory 19/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Pimelea microcephala
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, 50 miles from Darwin, Northern Territory 26/10/30. Identified by Olive Pink as a creeper Convolvulus? "from an almost dead specimen when brought to me"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, beyond terminus Birdum, Northern Territory 29/10/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Brachychiton ramiflora (Kurrajong)
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil, some coloured on paper sketched by Olive Pink, 58 miles from Darwin, Northern Territory 26/10/30. Identified by Olive Pink as native cotton - " lemon hybiscus like flowers- naturalised cotton - thought not indigenous?"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour and pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, 20 miles from Darwin, Northern Territory, October 1930. Identified by Olive Pink as - thought not indigenous?
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil and coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Darwin, Northern Territory 27/10/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Loranthus amplexans, Mistletoe
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Darwin, Northern Territory 1930. Not identified by Olive Pink
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Darwin, Northern Territory 1930. Not identified by Olive Pink pinned to drawing 6-7-6a "mauve and cream thick textured flowers"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Darwin, Northern Territory, 29/10/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Eucalypt? tall tree, cream blossom
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and pencil on dark card sketched by Olive Pink, Darwin, Northern Territory 29/9/30- on the way to 10 mile. Identified by Olive Pink as Calytrix "tall shrub (cyprus-like foliage) covered with blossom"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, Darwin, Northern Territory 29/9/30.- The 10 mile. Not identified by Olive Pink "green stems (to flowers) and green leaves, feathery little petals (like small clematis)
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil and watercolour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Macdonnel Range, Northern Territory, 28/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Oxylobium
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil and watercolour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortanga Quatcha, Macdonnel Range, Northern Territory, 26/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Jonidium
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortungah Quadtcha, Northern Territory 4/12/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Stemodia viscosa
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Macdonnell Ranges, Northern Territory 26/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Isotoma petraea
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil, some coloured, on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortungah Quadtcha, Northern Territory 1/12/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Cleome viscosa "whole plant, even back of petals of flower and pod sticky - has pungent smell when broken - sticky glands"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Macdonnell Ranges, Northern Territory 28/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Isotoma petraea "goonboonbu in Aranda Country"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortunggah Quadtchah, Northern Territory 27/11/30. Not identified by Olive Pink
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortanga Quatcha, Northern Territory 4/12/30. Not identified by Olive Pink - some of original plant material attached - flower head
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortanga Quatcha, Northern Territory 1/12/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Sida
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil and watercolour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortanga Quatcha, Macdonnel Range, Northern Territory, 28/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Sida?
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, Tortanga Quatcha, Water Hole, C. Aus, Northern Territory 27/11/30. Not identified by Olive Pink
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Near Granites, Northern Territory, no date. Identified by Olive Pink as Petalostylis labicheoides "Mulga Plain Country"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour and pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Jay Creek, Northern Territory 26/12/30. Not identified by Olive Pink but thought to be Capparis spinosa
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour and pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Jay Creek, Northern Territory 27/12/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Loranthus miguelii "veins in leaves lighter and more yellow than leaf - flowers bright red"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Jay Creek, Northern Territory (no date). Identified by Olive Pink as Loranthus migulii
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour and pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Jay Creek, Northern Territory 26/12/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Capparis
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, (place and date unknown) Northern Territory. Identified by Olive Pink as Crotalaria cunninghamii
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on light card, sketched by Olive Pink, (place and date unknown) Northern Territory. Identified by Olive Pink as Trichinium obovatum "sage"
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour on card sketched by Olive Pink, (place and date unknown) Northern Territory. Not identified by Olive Pink
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour on dark card sketched by Olive Pink, (place and date unknown) Northern Territory. Identified by Olive Pink as Mathiola?
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, (place and date unknown) Northern Territory. Identified by Olive Pink as Sida
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Coloured pencil on dark card sketched by Olive Pink, (place and date unknown) Northern Territory. Identified by Olive Pink as Nicotiana suaveolens
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Horseshoe Bend, Northern Territory, 1930. Identified by Olive Pink as Didiscus glaucifolius.
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, (place and date unknown) Northern Territory. Identified by Olive Pink as Erodium cygnorum.
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Water colour and pencil on dark card sketched by Olive Pink, (no place or date) Northern Territory. Identified by Olive Pink as Convolvulus erubescen.
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Northern Territory, 1930. Not identified by Olive Pink
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Northern Territory, 1930. Identified by Olive Pink as Wahlenbergia gracilis
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Northern Territory 1930. Not identified by Olive Pink
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, from Kalamunda, Western Australia, 1912. Line drawn diagonally across card separating pictures. Top section "V" identified by Olive Pink as a Grevillea. Bottom section "VI" identified by Olive Pink as a Calothamnus (above has "a grevillea" crossed out)
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, Western Australia, 1912. Not identified by Olive Pink
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, Claremont, Western Australia, 1912. Identified by Olive Pink as Tempeltonia
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour on card sketched by Olive Pink, Stanthorpe, Queensland, September, 1925. Not identified by Olive Pink
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Mt. Tambourine, Queensland, 1926. Not identified by Olive Pink
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, Mt. Tambourine, Queensland, 1926. Not identified by Olive Pink
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Darwin, Northern Territory, 1930. Identified by Olive Pink as Careya australis
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour and pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, "Near Farina", 21/8/31. Identified by Olive Pink as Swainsona
Olive Pink