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Antarctic Documents Database
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Seventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Wellington

Provides extract of document relevant to Antarctic Treaty decisions and recommendations, meeting hosted by New Zealand, ATCM VII. Includes list of acceptance of the meeting's recommendations. [Full report of the meeting is available at:]. [Published by Bush as AT30101972]

Bill Bush

Eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Oslo

Provides extract of document relevant to Antarctic Treaty decisions and recommendations, resources, minerals, meeting hosted by Norway, ATCM VIII. Includes list of acceptance of the meeting's recommendations. [Full report of the meeting is available at:]. [Published by Bush as AT09061975]

Bill Bush

Ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, London

Provides extract of document relevant to Antarctic Treaty decisions and recommendations, resources, minerals, meeting hosted by United Kingdom, ATCM IX. Includes English and Spanish texts of Recommendation IX-1. Includes list of acceptance of the meeting's recommendations. [Full report is available at:]. [Published by Bush as AT19091977]

Bill Bush

Tenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Washington

Provides extract of document relevant to Antarctic Treaty decisions and recommendations, resources, minerals, meeting hosted by United States, ATCM X. Includes list of acceptance of the meeting's recommendations. [Full report is available at:]. [Published by Bush as AT17091979]

Bill Bush

Statement of the Chairman of the Conference on the conservation of Antarctic Marine living resources concerning application of the convention drawn up at the conference

Inter-governmental document relevant to territorial claims, maritime zones and boundaries, Kerguelen, Crozet, France, Australia, Heard Island, the sub-Antarctic, marine resources, CCAMLR, Chairman's statement. Provides copy of document or extract, and source information. [Published by Bush as AT19051980]

Bill Bush

National statements concerning the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

Documents relevant to CCAMLR, Treaty interpretation, fisheries, fishing, Federal Republic of Germany, German Democratic Republic, Poland, Soviet Union, USSR, Netherlands, Ukraine, France, Kerguelen. Provides document or extract, source information and Bill Bush notes. [Published by Bush as AT20051980C]

Bill Bush

Third Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Buenos Aires

Inter-governmental document relevant to Consultative Party status, non-Consultative Parties, ATCPs, NCPs. Meeting hosted by Argentina, SATCM III, Federal Republic of Germany. [Full meeting report is available at:]. Provides document or extract, source information and Bill Bush notes. [Published by Bush as AT03031981]

Bill Bush

Schema for an instrument on Antarctic mineral resources from First session of the Special Consultative Meeting on Mineral Resources, Wellington

Inter-governmental document relevant to mining, Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities, CRAMRA, Chris Beeby, meeting hosted by New Zealand, SATCM IV. Provides document or extract and source information. [Published by Bush as AT23061981]

Bill Bush

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty consultative meetings, Buenos Aires

Provides extract of document relevant to Antarctic Treaty decisions and recommendations, marine living resources, minerals, tourism, meeting hosted by Argentina, ATCM XI. Includes list of acceptance of the meeting's recommendations and Bill Bush notes. [Full report is available at:]. [Published by Bush as

Bill Bush

Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) various papers

This is a selection of papers relevant to protected areas (ANT/XII/14 and ANT/XII/17 - here in the unmodified forms): operation of the Antarctic Treaty System (ANT/XII/8 - here in its complete form with Annexure 1): and ANT/XII/PREP/7/ADD.2 - from the May 1983 Preparatory meeting). Provides documents and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Papers submitted to the Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Brussels 1984

These two papers not on the ATS web site are relevant to the meeting agenda: ANT XIII/1 - a paper submitted to the April 1985 Preparatory meeting): ANT/XIII/WWP9 - a resubmission of Chile's 1983 paper on the operation of the Antarctic Treaty System: ANT/XIII/WP7Rev1 in English. Provides documents and source information.

Bill Bush

Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Working paper 24 Revision 2 "Final report of the Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (ANT/XII/24/REV.2)

Inter-governmental document relevant to ATCM XII. Provides document, source information and Bill Bush notes. Also available at: and in published form at: [Published by Bill Bush as AT011121959C]. See also 3-BB-AQ-89.

Bill Bush

Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Working paper 24 Revision 1 "Final Report of the Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (ANT/XII/24/REV.1)

Inter-governmental document relevant to outcomes of Treaty meeting. This is the second draft. Second draft and final published version are at: See also 3-BB-AQ-87.

Bill Bush

Antarctic Treaty, various documents concerning the Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and Preparatory Meeting, Brussels

Inter-governmental documents relevant to ATCM XIII. Provides documents and source information. Provides documents and source information. Not on ATS web site in this form. Note that there is a discrepancy in the document numbering of the versions on the ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Oslo, Information paper 19 "Speech by Foreign Minister Knut Frydenlund at the opening of the 8th Consultative Meeting under the Antarctic Treaty, Oslo" (ANT/INF/19) (Norway)

Inter-governmental document relevant to ATCM VIII, organisational arrangements, opening address. Provides document and source information. Page 4 of this document not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Working paper 32 Revision 1 "Issues relating to the exercise of jurisdiction in Antarctica" (XVIII ATCM/WP 32 Rev.1) (Uruguay)

Inter-governmental document relevant to ATCM XVIII, jurisdiction, territories administration, sovereignty, accidents, Russian program, King George Island. Provides document and source information. This document not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Working paper 32 "Issues relating to the exercise of jurisdiction in Antarctica" (XVIII ATCM/WP 32) (Uruguay)

Inter-governmental document relevant to ATCM XVIII, jurisdiction, territories administration, sovereignty, accidents, Russian program, King George Island. Provides document and source information. This document not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Buenos Aires, Working paper 34 "The twentieth anniversary of the entry into force of the Antarctic Treaty and the functioning of the Antarctic Treaty System" (ANT/XI/34Add.2)

Inter-governmental document relevant to ATCM XI, mineral resources, marine resources, Mt Erebus, status of recommendations. Provides document and source information. This document not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Oslo, Information paper 1 "General information for delegates" (ANT/INF/1), and other Information Papers (ANT/INF/2, ANT/INF/3, ANT/INF/3 Corr.12, ANT/INF/5)

Inter-governmental document relevant to ATCM VIII, organisational arrangements, recommendations. Provides documents or extract and source information. These documents not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 11 "The role of Antarctica in understanding and monitoring global change, including the ozone layer" (XV ATCM/WP/11) (United Kingdom). Includes related paper (XV ATCM/WP/11/REV 1)

Inter-governmental document relevant to environment protection, global atmosphere, climate, scientific cooperation. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 9 "Preliminary draft declaration on the ozone layer" (XV ATCM/WP/9) (France). Includes related Information Papers (XV ATCM/WP/9 Revised and XV ATCM/WP/9 Rev.5)

Inter-governmental document relevant to environment protection, global atmosphere. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 14 "Comprehensive measure for the protection Antarctic environment and dependent and associated ecosystems" (XV ATCM/WP/14) (Sweden).

Inter-governmental document relevant to environment protection, environmental impact assessment, protected areas, marine pollution. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 35 "Draft recommendation on new Sites of Special Scientific Interest" (XV ATCM/WP/35) (United Kingdom). Includes related Information paper (XV ATCM/WP/35 Annex).

Inter-governmental document relevant to environment protection, protected areas, SSSI, scientific research. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 33 "Effects of tourism and non-governmental expeditions in the Antarctic Treaty area" (XV ATCM/WP/33 Annex) (United Kingdom)

Inter-governmental document relevant to tourism, non-governmental activities, environment protection, safety and self-sufficiency, code of conduct, previously circulated as XIV ATCM as ANT/XIV/6. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 37 Revision 1 "Reports on Site of Special Scientific Interest, Specially Protected Areas and historic monuments" (XV ATCM/WP/37 Rev.1) (United Kingdom).

Inter-governmental document relevant to environment protection, protected areas, SSSIs, SPAs. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 43 "Compte rendu des visites effectuees sur le Territoire Antartique Australien" [Report of visits made in the Australian Antarctic Territory] (XV ATCM/WP/43) (Australia)

Inter-governmental document relevant to protected areas, sites of special scientific interest, specially protected areas, historic monuments, SSSIs, SPAs. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 46 "Draft recommendation submitted by the United Kingdom - Promotion of international scientific cooperation in the Antarctic" (XV ATCM/WP/46) (United Kingdom). Includes related Information paper (XV ATCM/WP/46 Rev 1)

Inter-governmental document relevant to scientific cooperation, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, SCAR. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 48 "Draft recommendation on Antarctic ice" (XV ATCM/WP/48) (Chile). Includes related Information papers (XV ATCM/WP/48 Rev.1, XV ATCM/WP/48 Rev.2, and XV ATCM/WP/48 Rev.4)

Inter-governmental document relevant to icebergs, iceberg harvesting and towing, resources. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 52 "Draft recommendation under Agenda item 15" (XV ATCM/WP/52) (United States). Includes related Information papers (XV ATCM/WP/52 Rev.1, XV ATCM/WP/52 Rev.2).

Inter-governmental document relevant to scientific cooperation, meteorology, sea ice, World Meteorological Organization, WMO. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 61 "Draft recommendation on the concentration of the siting of stations" (XV ATCM/WP/61 Rev) (Chile, United Kingdom, Uruguay)

Inter-governmental document relevant to environment protection, scientific cooperation, Antarctic Peninsula, King George Island. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 66 "Implementation of environmental impact assessment procedures" (XV ATCM/WP/66) (New Zealand)

Inter-governmental document relevant to environment protection, Initial Environmental Evaluations, IEE, Comprehensive Environmental Evaluations, CEE. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 65 "Report language and recommendation for new categories of protected areas" (XV ATCM/WP/65) (United States). Includes related Information paper (XV ATCM/WP/65 Revised)

Inter-governmental document relevant to environment protection, sites of special scientific interest, specially protected areas, special reserve areas, specially reserved areas, SSSIs, SPAs, SRAs, natural values, wilderness and scenic values. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 71 Revision 1 "Draft Final Report of the Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (XV ATCM/WP/71 Revision 1). Includes related Information paper (XV ATCM/WP/71 Revision 2)

Inter-governmental document relevant to Treaty meeting, environment protection, recommendations. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 67 "Draft language of report - concentration of the siting of stations" (XV ATCM/WP/67) (United Kingdom). Includes related Information papers (ATCM/WP/67 Rev 1, and ATCM/WP/67 Rev 2)

Inter-governmental document relevant to environment protection, scientific cooperation, Antarctic Peninsula, King George Island, environmental impact assessment, Initial Environmental Evaluations, IEE, Comprehensive Environmental Evaluations, CEE. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Results 1 to 100 of 4546