Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 25/7/30 ( shrub about 4ft high) Identified by Olive Pink as Eremophila - medicinal. Attached - paper, small watercolour painted at Rodinga, Northern Territory, 18/9/30
Pencil drawing on card with small water colour attached. Painted and sketched by Olive Pink at the Finke 31/8/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Cassia sturtii "usually 7 pairs of leaves on leaf stem - shrub about 3ft high"
Pencil and watercolur on card sketched by Olive Pink at The Finke, Northern Territory 31/8-4/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Camel Weed, Senecio. "near the Rock of Ages" "Scent like (garden) honeysuckle"
Watercolour and pencil on light green card sketched by Olive Pink at Rodinga, Northern Territory 13/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Brunonia australis (Goodeniaceae)
Pencil on paper, sketched by Olive Pink at Rodinga, Northern Territory, 15/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Nicotiana suaveolens "nicotine plant opens at night dainty scent"
Pencil and crayon on card, sketched by Olive Pink at Rodinga, Northern Territory 28/9/30. "from nature (exactly) but most often a creeper and therefore simple petal at top)+ sometimes 4 below - trails of it are feet long in every direction" "normal position of blossom (1 petal at top 3 below)"
Pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, "Near the 10 Mile", Darwin, Northern Territory, 28/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as apple green calyx of bud, bright apple-green leaves, cream blossom (of magnolia texture) warm brown stem
Watercolour and pencil on dark card sketched by Olive Pink, Darwin, Northern Territory 29/9/30- on the way to 10 mile. Identified by Olive Pink as Calytrix "tall shrub (cyprus-like foliage) covered with blossom"
Pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, Darwin, Northern Territory 29/9/30.- The 10 mile. Not identified by Olive Pink "green stems (to flowers) and green leaves, feathery little petals (like small clematis)
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, 50 miles from Darwin, Northern Territory 26/10/30. Identified by Olive Pink as a creeper Convolvulus? "from an almost dead specimen when brought to me"
Pencil and coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Darwin, Northern Territory 27/10/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Loranthus amplexans, Mistletoe
Watercolour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, beyond terminus Birdum, Northern Territory 29/10/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Brachychiton ramiflora (Kurrajong)
Water colour and pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, 20 miles from Darwin, Northern Territory, October 1930. Identified by Olive Pink as - thought not indigenous?
Pencil and watercolour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortanga Quatcha, Macdonnel Range, Northern Territory, 26/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Jonidium
Pencil and watercolour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortanga Quatcha, Macdonnel Range, Northern Territory, 28/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Sida?
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Macdonnell Ranges, Northern Territory 28/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Isotoma petraea "goonboonbu in Aranda Country"
Pencil, some coloured, on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortungah Quadtcha, Northern Territory 1/12/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Cleome viscosa "whole plant, even back of petals of flower and pod sticky - has pungent smell when broken - sticky glands"
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortanga Quatcha, Northern Territory 4/12/30. Not identified by Olive Pink - some of original plant material attached - flower head
Water colour and pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Jay Creek, Northern Territory 26/12/30. Not identified by Olive Pink but thought to be Capparis spinosa
Water colour and pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Jay Creek, Northern Territory 27/12/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Loranthus miguelii "veins in leaves lighter and more yellow than leaf - flowers bright red"
Pencil, some coloured on paper sketched by Olive Pink, 58 miles from Darwin, Northern Territory 26/10/30. Identified by Olive Pink as native cotton - " lemon hybiscus like flowers- naturalised cotton - thought not indigenous?"
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Near Granites, Northern Territory, no date. Identified by Olive Pink as Petalostylis labicheoides "Mulga Plain Country"
Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Darwin, Northern Territory 1930. Not identified by Olive Pink pinned to drawing 6-7-6a "mauve and cream thick textured flowers"
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Jila, Northern Territory, 24/9/34. Identified by Olive Pink as Scavola? "natural size, some 4 mostly 5 'fingers'", "flower whitish cream to buff"
Black and white photograph of Olive Muriel Pink standing next to two camels, 'Quart-Pot'and 'Mangy', with her aboriginal guide Jim at a Central Australian waterhole, 1934, with inscription on the back by Olive Pink, 'To dear Mrs Walker - with love from Olive, Jim, (guide), "Quart-Pot, Olive and "Mangy"!!! (in order, from R to L!!) at a C. Aus. water-hole.' Photographs sent with a letter to her friend Joan Walker in Hobart, Tasmania.
Black and white photograph by Olive Pink of a group of aboriginal children swimming in a waterhole in Central Australia, 1934, with inscription on the back by Olive Pink, 'Native children playing in water-hole - Central Australia.' Photographs sent with a letter to her friend Joan Walker in Hobart, Tasmania.
Black and white photograph of Olive Muriel Pink standing next to a camel, 'Quart-Pot', in Central Australia, 1934, with inscription on the back by Olive Pink, '"Quart-pot" and Olivia - (ready for anything!)' Photographs sent with a letter to her friend Joan Walker in Hobart, Tasmania.
Black and white photograph taken by Olive Muriel Pink of her aboriginal guide, near Alice Springs, Central Australia, 1934, with inscription on the back by Olive Pink, 'My native (guide, factotum and friend!) a full-blooded Arunda on our way to Mt Gillen (in distance) He is carrying my waterbag and kit'. Photographs sent with a letter to her friend Joan Walker in Hobart, Tasmania.
Black and white photograph of Olive Muriel Pink sitting on a camel, 'Larry', in Central Australia, 1934, with inscription on the back by Olive Pink 'Larry says " If I cannot be in the centre of the picture I'm not going to show my face!" Darkie says "Oh bother you! Well just my ears then!".'Photographs sent with a letter to her friend Joan Walker in Hobart, Tasmania.
Pencil, with some coloured pencil, on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Aileron Station, Northern Territory, November 1936. Identified by Olive Pink as Whitewood, Tallow wood "a little like May blossom in form"
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Aileron Station, Northern Territory, November 1937. Identified by Olive Pink as Bean Tree [Erythrina vespertilio]
Black and white photo probably taken by Olive Pink –annotated on back as: “Wallaby” and “Des”, July 1941 –on termite mound – ‘When we three went on an exploring expedition on foot’.
Pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, "at Wurley", Alice Springs, Northern Territory, 25/7/42. Not identified by Olive Pink. Drawn on the back of a 1913 sketch
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Thompsons Rock Hole, 27/8/42. Described by Olive Pink as " I call this hybiscus but I think the whites here call it the Desert Rose ( a silly name !). Fully open blossom - the effect is very papery and slightly more mauve ( in parts) than I have it - buds lovely, rosey and like quince blossom buds rather".
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Thompsons Rock Hole, 27/8/42. Not identified by Olive Pink. "Don't know name - small low plant and tall ones too. Very difficult so frail in texture and transparent paperish that the light shine through. They come out at dusk and look lovely ( 5 petals) stamens the same colour as petals with deeper knobs of pollen"
Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, 9/10/42. Identified by Olive Pink as Bean Tree. (Erythrina vespertilio) "flowers point upwards - this branch was growing like this (a la Japanese print I thought!)"
Water colour and pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Thompsons Rock Hole, 16/12/42. Described by Olive Pink as " aboriginal name Nulyubi (vine) don't know whites name - a very strong vine - the aboriginies use in place of string - twine - dull surface, berries".
Coloured pencil on blue card sketched by Olive Pink, T.R.H (Thompsons Rock Hole), 1942. Not identified by Olive Pink. "Has black berries with russ (waxy) calex later, grows from a few feet to 5ft high - creamy blossom and stamens"
Pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, Thompsons Rock Hole, 1943. Described by Olive Pink as "light green stems dark green leaves almost lemon yellow at joints" (drawn on the back of P6-15-13a)
Water colour and pencil on card. Sketched by Olive Pink at Thompsons Rockhole 16/7/45. Identified by Olive Pink as Evening Primrose "Yuggilli Burinyu". Has unidentified sketch on the verso P6-15-18b
Pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink, Anzac Hill, Alice Springs, 1946. "Traced from rough sketch - matt surface pale cream blossom and stamens, leaves leathery greenish - mature "orange" (lemon)"
Identified as Prostanthera striatiflora . Watercolor on card sketched by Olive Pink near power station at Alice Springs on 7 June 1958 'has aromatic scent (leaves?) (very honeyed flower)
Five large black and white photographs of ‘Home Hut’ 2 Gregory Terrace, Alice Springs dated 1955 – hut and surrounding garden. Annotated by Olive Pink on the backs of the photos
Water colour on card sketched by Olive Pink, Alice Springs, 1958. Arid regions (of Australia) Native Flora Reserve, Alice Springs. Identified by Olive Pink as botanical name Prostantera striataflora one "popular" name was the silly one of mint bush.