Showing 6 results
Archival descriptionDr George Fordyce Story Collection
- Collection
- 1821-1878
Collection consists of personal papers, medical case notes and accounts, student notes and exercises, botanical papers which include some correspondence with Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller, copies of electoral returns etc.
George Fordyce Story
Henry Lewis Garrett : Degree of Associate of Arts
- Collection
- 1863
Diploma of degree of Associate of Arts awarded to Henry Lewis Garrett of Hobart Town, who passed in English, Latin(with credit and prize) Greek, French (with credit) and pure mathematics and was placed in the second class Signed by H. Officer, president of the Tasmanian Council of Education. Seal of Tasmanian Council of Education 1859, red wax, lozenge shaped, backed paper: open book "Floreat Tasmania' on diamond pattern, in tin (separate from document). Diploma has decorative border of oak Leaves and acorns designed by Henry Hunter and engraved by Alfred Bock.
Henry Lewis Garrett
- Collection
- 1916-1965
Collection consists of personal and business correspondence, financial records, scrapbook and cuttings scripts of broadcasts, stories and plays. Theatre programs, photographs and pins and badges. There is also material collected by Francis Ruby Fuller and Edwin Charles Fuller
William Edwin Fuller
- Collection
- 1931 -1973
Sketches, mainly in pencil and crayon, made by Olive Muriel Pink of flowers found in the north of South Australia, Central and North Australia. The majority were made between June and December 1930, at various places along the railway between Port Augusta and Alice Springs. Later sketches were made in various parts of Australia between 1931 and 1960, but often without a note of the place and date. The sketches were often hurriedly made on pieces of thin, cheap paper, or even pieces of cardboard or brown paper. Some were coloured with crayon and a few, more finished drawings were coloured with watercolours. A later donation was made of books, personal belongings and sketches. A second series was received from the family of Olive Pink in 2016, this series includes Olive Pink's book collection, photographs, paintings, letters, items of clothing and other ephemera and memorabilia, some of which are nationally significant in their own right - such as the book plate made by Adrian Feint, notes and sketches done whilst camping with Daisy Bates, and photographs documenting life in Central Australia.
Olive Pink
- Collection
- 2018
Interview with Colin Dennison dated 25th August 2018. Interview conducted by Ben Ross (www.oralhistorycompany.com) concerning Colin’s lifetime of collecting photographs, postcards, stamps and other historical resources. Colin donated the collection to the University of Tasmania Library Special & Rare Collections.
Ben Ross