The William and John Clark Papers are a record of a settler family in Tasmania. They include papers concerning the management of the Cluny property, a few papers relating to Bothwell and John Clark's correspondence concerning his work as a magistrate. There are also letters to John Clark from William Barnes (1791 ?-1848). brewer of Launceston, 1829-1839; Matthew Curling Friend of Newnham, Port Officer at George Town, 1833-1841, and from Charles Arthur (1808-1884), nephew of and Aide-de-Camp to Lt. Governor George Arthur, 1827-1829. There are also letters from British army officers' wives and daughters addressed to Jane Clark. Also included are papers relating to the Weston Family, Ann (neeClark) and William Pritchard Weston
Collection consists of personal papers, medical case notes and accounts, student notes and exercises, botanical papers which include some correspondence with Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller, copies of electoral returns etc.
Consist of Meredith family correspondence, some accounts and photographs. The letters are mainly between mothers and daughters and sisters and record the life of a settler family from the point of view of the women and children of the family.
Xeroxed copy of Robert Doctors account book for the years 1827 to 1851 with details of goods and services supplied by and to various residents in the Sorell area, including: boots, shoes soled and heeled, plough mould, beans, handle, tobacco, rum, sugar tea, callico, coffin, bread, repairing cart wheel, laying floor, shingles, glass, making ploughs. Also payments made.
Collection consists of documents relating to the Cotton property and farm also correspondence and personal papers of Francis Cotton and his children. Also included are the papers relating to the estate Joseph William Story of Eastern Marshes, Oatlands who appointed his cousin G.F. Story and Francis Cotton his trustees and executors.
Collection consists of scrapbooks, diaries, correspondence and other ephemeral material created, collected and collated by Sarah E.E. Mitchell over her lifetime.
The papers of William Johnstone consists a copy of his diary of the voyage to Launceston on board the "Arab" November 1841 - March 1842 and of material in relation to the business of Johnstone & Wilmot, general merchant, importer of wines, spirits & cigars established in Launceston in 1842
Collection of some Tasmanian and one United Kingdom newspapers dating from 1843 through to 1975 documenting significant occasions. Eg. Jubilee supplement, Bothwell Centenarian, Extraordinary edition of the Mercury
Collection consists of miscellaneous printes papers, pamphlets and xeroxed copies of documents relating to St. Mark's Church of England, Pontville, Tasmania.
Collection consists of one folio leather bound minute book and other material relating to the Chamber of Commerce including annual reports and handbooks and directories. Minutes are incomplete, but annual reports or annual handbooks are complete from 1910 -1984.
Photocopy of the last will and testament of Thomas Alcock, dated 1856, leaving legacies to his children and his second wife, Ann. Executors were Thomas Lodywyk Crowther, surgeon, and John Regan, tanner.
Collection consists of five ledgers containing details of wages and accounts, rations and shearing for two properties, Morningside and Riccarton. Located at Campbell Town in northern Tasmania and owned and managed by James Mercer.
Diploma of degree of Associate of Arts awarded to Henry Lewis Garrett of Hobart Town, who passed in English, Latin(with credit and prize) Greek, French (with credit) and pure mathematics and was placed in the second class Signed by H. Officer, president of the Tasmanian Council of Education. Seal of Tasmanian Council of Education 1859, red wax, lozenge shaped, backed paper: open book "Floreat Tasmania' on diamond pattern, in tin (separate from document). Diploma has decorative border of oak Leaves and acorns designed by Henry Hunter and engraved by Alfred Bock.
Letter from Michael Maxwell Shaw dated 7 July 1869 to William Boyer about the 'Castra' settlement - "I think that a society of gentlemen at Castra would do much to establish a sound tone of feeling and manners through the island". He also describes his own home 'Deans Point' La Trobe, formerly a coal mine and good dairy land.
Photocopies of thirty letters written by Edward Nicholas Coventry Braddon and published serially in The Calcutta Statesman & Friend of India, May to October 1878, describing life in Tasmania. entitled "A home in the colonies" also THRA article and reprint dated 1979 & 1980
This collection is comprised of scrip certificates of shares issued to Edward le Rossignol of New Town in Tasmanian mines: Royal Mint Gold Mining Company, North Mount Cameron; Savage River Silver Prospecting Company; City Prospecting Association, West Coast; Sunrise Prospecting Association; Godkin Silver Mining Co., Whyte River Tasmania; New Waverly Gold Mining Co., Lefroy, Tasmania; South Oceana Silver Mining Co. , Zeehan.
The copies of the diaries are dated between 1889 and 1926 and contain brief entries for each day. They relate to both personal and farm activities and appear to relate to a comparatively small general farm. For example: "stayed at house and made a set of steps for the dairy"; "reaped 1 1/2 acres oats for seed"; "stocked up oats and made a rake"; commenced putting in culvert down by cottage"; ''2 loads of hay - too green"; "grubbing large boulder stones out of 18 acres"; "went to morning service ¬ Archdeacon Richards preached"; "made organ stool for Black River Church"; "party of young people from Smithton for evening"; "picked the quinces and some apples, killed a sheep"; "8 loads of cut up wood for home during winter"; "putting up wire fence by potato shed to let calves get shelter under the pines"; "pottering around all day, Leon called"; "1/2 day in vegetable garden"; "marked lambs. Worked 4 hours at P.O."; "Carl finished ploughing 6 acres for peas"; "helped to cut chaff for Mr L. Medwin"; "carting hay, Frank Medwin with team". The entries appear to relate to a comparatively small general farm and by 1918 Anderson's children (daughter at Stanley, and Leon) were grown up and were living independently. One diary is dated 1889 and was much damaged with parts of pages tom or worn away. The 1889 entries are similar (eg: "made bullock yoke"; "Joe took load of potatoes to township"; "boiled pig potatoes").
Letter written by Frederick K. Astell a miner from Zeehan to his uncle, referring to a downfall in the share market, friends and family, the Waratah to Zeehan railway would be a boon to the coast if constructed, house on Argent Tram property, changes and building at Zeehan, Zeehan and Queen mines lodes good, working underground at Western, then underground boss at North East Dundas.
Material relating to John Earles parliamentary career including his appointment as attorney general, photographs and material belonging to his wife Susanna Earle nee Blackmore
Letters from Walworth Baguley, Smithton written 12/8/1914 and 20/5/1915. Two photocopies of original letters, signed W. Baguley, written from Smithton and Irishtown, addressed to 'Wilkie'. He describes attempts to establish a settlement in North West Tasmania: 'Blythe and I are at present squatted in the midst of a vast forest…' They hoped to obtain a grant of 10,000 acres on condition 50 people were settled there within three years and has had a promise from 5 cabinet ministers to that effect. The organisation was to be known as 'The Tasmania Colonizing Association Ltd.' In the meantime they were clearing timber and living in an old surveyors' hut 24 miles from Smithton - 'Smithton has a population of about 500, six stores, seven churches, 1 pub. 1 school, a sawmill, post-office etc.' By the time Baguley wrote his second letter they had been joined by 3 men, wives and children from British Columbia, Canada, but the bill to authorise the land grant had been defeated (although they hoped to try again) and so they had taken various jobs, including road making. Baguley also referred to the war - 'Bad job isn't it' - and sent 'kind regards to all in the office', probably his former colleagues since he also commented that now 'I ... shoulder an axe and walk into the forest, just as naturally as I used to walk up stairs to that refrigerator called an office in Birch St., Dunedin!
Collection consists of personal and business correspondence, financial records, scrapbook and cuttings scripts of broadcasts, stories and plays. Theatre programs, photographs and pins and badges. There is also material collected by Francis Ruby Fuller and Edwin Charles Fuller
The collection features photographs taken by Hobart photographic studio Beattie’s Studio, also known as J.W. Beattie, for the Electrolytic Zinc Co. at the company’s Risdon smelter between 1920 and 1940. The collection depicts construction of new facilities at the factory complex. The first sod was turned on the zinc smeltering plant at Risdon on the western shore of the Derwent River on 16 November 1916, and a test smelter called the 250 lb plant was opened in 1917 to produce 250 lb of zinc a day using the recently developed Roast-Leach-Electrowin (RLE) process of extracting zinc through electrolysis. Electrolytic Zinc’s office occupied the former Derwent Inn. The larger 10-ton plant opened in January 1918 and the 100-ton plant opened in November, 1921. This collection of photographs depicts the phases of construction of the 100-Ton Plant, further expansion of the smelter and decomissioning of some of the older equipment at the zinc works. Beattie’s Studio was a photographic studio founded by Scotsman John Watt Beattie (1859-1930), who began exhibiting photographs soon after his arrival in Tasmania in 1878.
Sketches, mainly in pencil and crayon, made by Olive Muriel Pink of flowers found in the north of South Australia, Central and North Australia. The majority were made between June and December 1930, at various places along the railway between Port Augusta and Alice Springs. Later sketches were made in various parts of Australia between 1931 and 1960, but often without a note of the place and date. The sketches were often hurriedly made on pieces of thin, cheap paper, or even pieces of cardboard or brown paper. Some were coloured with crayon and a few, more finished drawings were coloured with watercolours. A later donation was made of books, personal belongings and sketches. A second series was received from the family of Olive Pink in 2016, this series includes Olive Pink's book collection, photographs, paintings, letters, items of clothing and other ephemera and memorabilia, some of which are nationally significant in their own right - such as the book plate made by Adrian Feint, notes and sketches done whilst camping with Daisy Bates, and photographs documenting life in Central Australia.
Collection consists of various black and white photographic views of the interior and of the staff of the University of Tasmania Library at Domain House, Hobart also at the Morris Miller Library, Sandy Bay
Photographs taken by Greg Dickens, many depicting railway lines and sidings, ships, historical buildings, rural scenes, churches and infrastructure throughout Tasmania.
Collection consists of the Launceston City Council annual departmental reports, 1973-74, and, the Mayor's Valedictory address, 1973-1974 given by Alderman David Vincent Gunn
Interview with Colin Dennison dated 25th August 2018. Interview conducted by Ben Ross ( concerning Colin’s lifetime of collecting photographs, postcards, stamps and other historical resources. Colin donated the collection to the University of Tasmania Library Special & Rare Collections.
Microfilm includes - Diary of Adam Amos (1774-1845), May 1822 - December 1825. A record of chief happenings in the district of Great Swan Port of which Adam Amos was Chief District Constable, including notes of musters and convict passes, with names. 1931. "History of the Amos and Lyne families", by C(larendon) Amos, also duplicated notes for members of the family (later published privately as 'Family history of Adam Amos of 'Glen Gala' and William Lyne of Apsley'. manuscript list of memorials in the Amos burial ground, Cranbrook, Tasmania
This collection is a sample of images of Queenstown, Zeehan and Macquarie Harbour, sourced from the Colin Dennison image collection. Most of the images were originally created prior to 1956 and have been sourced from private Tasmanian collections. Most of the images have been obtained by scanning photographs either donated to or purchased by Mr Dennison or copied by him with the permission of families, one or more of whose members took the photographs. Some of the images can be identified as copies of original images created by government departments which were discarded and destroyed.
Photographs collected over several years by Graeme Raphael, a beekeeper and state government apiary officer, councillor of the Oatlands Council and later Southern Midlands Council and founding member of the Oatlands District Historical Society.
Birchall's Bookshop, Launceston, rough accounts or day book for items received for sale from printers, newspapers, clubs and some private writers, photographers etc. Enclosed: advice notes and bill.