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Macdonnell Ranges With digital objects
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Isotoma petraea

Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Macdonnell Ranges, Northern Territory 26/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Isotoma petraea

Olive Pink

Isotoma petraea

Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Macdonnell Ranges, Northern Territory 28/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Isotoma petraea "goonboonbu in Aranda Country"

Olive Pink


Pencil and watercolour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortanga Quatcha, Macdonnel Range, Northern Territory, 26/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Jonidium

Olive Pink


Pencil and watercolour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Macdonnel Range, Northern Territory, 28/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Oxylobium

Olive Pink


Pencil and watercolour on paper sketched by Olive Pink, Tortanga Quatcha, Macdonnel Range, Northern Territory, 28/11/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Sida?

Olive Pink