Chorus Plays edited by Clive Sansom, Youth Theatre No. 4, London A. & C. Black (no date) containing short plays mostly arranged by Clive Sansom but not written by him: book, letter from Navy Records Society giving permission to reprint "Cawsand Bay", copy of "The Dumb Wife", a mime arranged by Clive Sansom from School Magazine March 1963. Also further collection of typed drafts of plays: "The Nightingale"; "The golden journey to Samarkand", J.E. Flecker; "The House of the Magi"; "The Enchanted Shirt" by John Hay (The School Magazine 1 April 1958, 3 pages 82-84); "Three Little Billy-Goats", Clive Sansom (The School Magazine June 1963); "How d'ye do" a mime, Clive Sansom; "Faithless Sally Brown", dramatization by Clive Sansom from a poem by Thomas Hood; "Captain Reece", W.S. Gilbert Bab Ballads, adapted by Clive Sansom (2 versions typescript); "Hiawatha" (3 typescripts and Song of Hiawatha, Longfellow, dramatised version by Florence Holbrook); "Robin Hood and Alan-a-Dale", dramatised by Clive Sansom, and poem; "Absolutely Nothing", Eleanor Farjean; "The Pied Piper", Robert Browning (abridged by Clive Sansom); "The Princess and the Gipsies", Frances Cornford; "Little Billee", W.M. Thackeray, dramatised by Clive Sansom; "The golden image", Clarissa Graves; "The Rose and the Cross"; "Guy Fawkes", a verse melodrama by Clive Sansom, also rough manuscript draft; "The Acts of Saltpeter, being ye true historie of ye gunpowder plot" (a "parody of Gordon Bottomley's 'Acts of St. Peter'"; "The ballad of the invisible gardener", based on the story of the twelve dancing princesses.