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Pictorial History of Sandy Bay Campus Buildings

  • Collection
  • 1948-1970

The photographs show the University Campus at Sandy Bay during the construction of the buildings on the site.

University of Tasmania

Dead horses on the beach

Black and white photograph showing dead horses on the beach. Photo caption says Beachey [Beachy] Bill's work, Anzac. "Beachy Bill" was the collective nickname given to a battery of Turkish guns located in a position known as the "Olive Grove". The guns were constantly seeking out targets on the beach at Anzac Cove, thus the nickname.

Photographs of rifle teams

Group photographs of T.U.R.C. teams: Inver-varsity match at Adelaide 1930, Tasmanian and Sydney teams at the Australian Universities match Melbourne 1932, Hobart and Suburban Cup (T.U.R.C. winners) 1933, Inter-varsity 1933, Australian Universities match 1934 (2 photos, one with winners’ shield), group at Springs 1934. Photos mounted, named and signed.

McDonell Watkyn Woods

Group at the Springs

Group photograph of team members and others taken at the Springs, Mt. Wellington, Hobart during the 1934 Australian Universities Rifle Match

McDonell Watkyn Woods

Balbi from the sea

Photograph of Mt. Balbi taken from the sea at the Laruma River mouth. Johnson photo.

Roland Arnold Rodda

Library workroom

One small black and white photograph of Library workroom at Domain House taken in November 1960. Staff identified as M. McClymont, Dr. Wojtowitz, Mr S. Flood

University of Tasmania

Photograph of Westcott's Bookshop and circulating library

Photograph of Westcott's Bookshop and circulating library, Collins Street, Hobart. Standing outside are Mr Westcott and a little girl, Till, wearing a pinafore. The photograph shows the shop of John Andrew, Bellhanger. The photograph was made by the University photographer from an original 'stereoscopic' photograph (i.e two adjacent photographs mounted on card to be viewed through a special viewer), made by S. Clifford, Hobart Town. The original was endorsed 'The little girl with pinafore Auntie Till, Dad in his
shirt sleeves standing next to her. Fitzgerald's building now; M. Westcott 4.7.32'.
In this photograph street numbers are not visible. Westcott's circulating library sign is shown on the middle shop in a two-storey brick building, with three shops. The shop on the right has the sign 'Depot Christian Knowledge Society'. The shop on the left has a sign, part of which can be read under a magnifying glass as 'wool warehouse', and underneath on the shop lintel is a faint sign which may include the word 'bookseller" On the right of the photograph a small weatherboard shop bears the sign 'Andrew, Bellhanger'. - W. Westcott of 63 Collins Street, advertised new and second-hand books and a circulating library in Wood's Tasmanian Almanac, 1856 (p.126). The same advertisement appears in Walch's Tasmanian Almanac, 1864, but in the 1865 Almanac the address is given as 63 & 65 Collins Street. However, Hull's Hobart Town Directory, 1859 lists W. Westcott as 65 Collins Street', (65 being apparently the middle shop), so possibly both premises were already occupied by Westcott. By 1871 it had become Westcott's Circulating Library, 63, 65 &67 Collins Street. In 1879 the advertisement read (Westcott, Beedham & Co. circulating library and importers of books, stationery and music', The last advertisement in Walch's almanac appeared in 1881. The Christian Knowledge Society (Tasmanian Auxiliary, President the Lord Bishop of Tasmania}, for which Westcott acted as depository was first listed in Walch's Almanac under (Societies and Institutions) in 1869 (p. 132). John Andrew, Bellhanger, Collins Street, advertised in Wood's Almanac in 1856 (p. 148L and is listed in HuWs Hobart Town Directory of 1859 at 61 Colllns Street. He does not appear in Walch's Almanac of 1863 or any later date, nor was he listed in Macphail's National Directory of Tasmania, 1867-68. S. Clifford, photographer, Liverpool Street, Hobart Town (photographer of album and stereographic portraits, private buildings, shipping, monuments....L advertised in Walch's Almanac of 1864 (p. 43) and again annually up to 1869. It would seem, therefore, that the photograph was probably taken between 1863 and 1869. It is a clear photograph of exceptional quality.

Kenneth McKenzie Dallas

Inter-varsity rifle match

Group photograph of Inter-varsity rifle match, Liverpool, New South Wales. Named and signed. P.C. Tapping, D.J. Barclay, D.E. Webster, M.W. Woods ( Vice Captain), D.G. Rockliff, B.B. Smith, J.A. Jillett (Captain) and S.M. Seares.

McDonell Watkyn Woods

Australian Universities rifle match

Group photograph of Australian Universities rifle match, Hobart 1934. Tasmanian team and emergencies. Named : D.G. Rockliff, J.J. Graham, P.C. Tapping, T.L. Malone, H.M Nicholls, M.M. Bruce, D.J. Barclay, M.W. Woods (Captain), S.M. Seares, and J.A. Jillett

McDonell Watkyn Woods

Tasmanian University team

Group photograph of the Tasmanian University team winners of the Australian Universities Rifle match, Hobart 1934. Named : D.G. Rockliff, J.J. Graham, P.C. Tapping, T.L. Malone, H.M Nicholls, M.M. Bruce, D.J. Barclay, M.W. Woods (Captain), S.M. Seares, and J.A. Jillett

McDonell Watkyn Woods

Print of Mt. Bagana

Photographic print of Mt .Bagana an active volcano located in the remote portion in the centre of the island of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea

Roland Arnold Rodda

Balbi Creek

Photograph of Balbi Creek, November 1945. Johnson photo.

Roland Arnold Rodda

University Library Photographs

  • Collection
  • 1952-1969

Collection consists of various black and white photographic views of the interior and of the staff of the University of Tasmania Library at Domain House, Hobart also at the Morris Miller Library, Sandy Bay

University of Tasmania

Library workroom

One small black and white photograph of Library workroom at Domain House taken in November 1960. Staff identified as J. Reynolds

University of Tasmania

Main reading area

Photograph of the main reading area of the Library, Domain, House . Taken in November 1960 showing students working at desks. Fire place and mantel on rear wall.

University of Tasmania

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