- Collection
- c1903
Collection of framed caricatures drawn by Thomas Claude Wade Midwood depicting colleagues, members of Midwoods household and local Hobart characters. Most are identified.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
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Collection of framed caricatures drawn by Thomas Claude Wade Midwood depicting colleagues, members of Midwoods household and local Hobart characters. Most are identified.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of Miss Effie Milne lady help and companion in the Midwood family.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of Nicholas J. Brown Speaker, House of Assembly. 1903
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of a messenger in the government resting.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed coloured drawing of a bottle of Grumbleene. My father (T.C.W. Midwood) did not like any grumbling at meal time hence this medicine for it.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of an Englishman living at Hobart on his regular remittance from "Home" which he at once spent on alcohol etc.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Messenger at the Public Works Department
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of a messenger at the Public Works a sticker for full uniform.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of Mr. Timothy Julian Haywood, pianist and choirmaster at Hobart. A noted accompanist at Hobart concerts.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of Buff Scott, a very popular gentleman of Hobart.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of W. Watchorn, merchant, Elizabeth St., Hobart. Senior partner in the firm of Watchorn Bros.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of a civil servant at the Public Works Department.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of Bruce Hood. Very fond of singing songs at parties, his favourite being Egypt. Could not stop him once he began.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of John Turner, father of J.G. Turner and grandfather of Col. Turner. In the early days of Hobart he had a woodyard on the land in front of Parliament House. It was then the Customs House.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of William Grubb. Wood and coal merchant known to Hobart as Billy. A keen yachtsman and fisherman.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of Mr. Baker, Chief Clerk, government department.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of two civil servants disliking each other intensely.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of W. Baker, a senior official in the Public Works Department.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of W. Morling. He hired boats at the Bellerive ferry.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of Mr. H. Steinbach. A popular vocalist of early Hobart. He often appeared at the Hobart Town Hall; his favourite
song was "Alice Where Art Thou "
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of Jerry, one of the boys at the Public Works
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of George Wright. An officer in the Public Works Department, a martyr to flatulence and stomach trouble.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of J. Brain, a well-known citizen, a big order.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of Miss Sarah Bignell. School teacher at a school (Hobart Ladies College - in Anglesea Barracks) near Anglesea Barracks. On the school wall was a text framed "Follow after Truth".
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of a very highly respected Government Clerk at Hobart.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of James White, Recorder of Titles, Hobart.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of Mr. James, retired wharfie.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of Captain Harold. Retired Indian Army Officer. An eccentric who lived at Bellerive. Had a mania for water tanks and
ended his life by drowning himself in one.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood
Part of Midwood Collection
Framed caricature of Mr. Barnett, Civil Servant and cribbage expert.
Thomas Claude Wade Midwood