Battleship - Queen Elizabeth at Lemnos
Battleship with soldiers
Big bombardment
Captured Turkish equipment
Contingent of guardsmen
Corner of the library at Domain House
Dead horses on the beach
Domain House - front view
Domain House - side view
Domain House Library
Domain House Staff
Dugouts at Gallipoli
Entrance to physical laboratory and registrars office at Domain House
Exterior of chemical laboratory at Domain House
Exterior of physical laboratory at the rear of Domain House
First artillery gun
Graves at Gallipoli
Gun dugouts in the mountains
Index to glass plate collection
Indian camp
Indian mule transport
Interior of chemical laboratory at Domain House
Interior of physical laboratory at the rear of Domain House
Military parade
military parade of uniformed men
Military parade of uniformed men
Murphy and the donkey
Photograph of Braeside from the south west
Photograph of the old prison station
Photograph of the old prison station
Photograph of the schoolhouse
Photograph of the schoolhouse - front view
Photograph of barn at house on Windsor Road
Photograph of barn on Dromedary Road
Photograph of doorway at Braeside
Photograph of doorway at Strathelie
Photograph of front view of Braeside
Photograph of front view of St Augustine's Anglican Church
Photograph of house on left after Broadmarsh golf course
Photograph of house on road to Windsor Park
Photograph of northern wall of Braeside
Photograph of Post Office
Photograph of Post Office
Photograph of Roydon
Photograph of Roydon
Photograph of Roydon
Photograph of St Augustine's Anglican Church and rectory
Photograph of stables at Strathelie
Photograph of stables at Strathelie
Photograph of stables at Strathelie
Photograph of the Congregational Church
Photograph of the plaque on side of the rectory of St Augustine's Anglican Church
Photograph of the rectory of St Augustine's Anglican Church
Photograph of the stable at the old prison station
Photograph of window at Strathelie
Registrar, James Henry Robert Cruickshank and his wife Mary
Saphis [Spahis ] at Lemnos Island
Saps for mule transport
Sarah Dunbabin
Stretcher bearers at Gallipoli
The Pass
Uniformed men in parade