Index to UA13 - University of Tasmania Cricket Club

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Minute book of the Tasmanian University Union, 1899 to 1913 including the University Cricket Club
- 1899-1913
The Tasmanian University Union (TUU) was created in 1899, only 9 years after the establishment of the University of Tasmania, making it one of the oldest student bodies in Australia. The first part of this minute book contains notes on the establishment of the University Cricket Club, match results and memos of arrangements made for matches, also included is a printed invitation card. The remainder of the volume contains minutes of the General Committee of the Tasmanian University Union from 1899 to 1913 listing rules, finances, attendees and decisions made. It is noted in the Constitution & Rules of 1899 that the object of the Union is the encouragement of social intercourse among the members of the University and the creation of a more general and active interest in University sports.
University of Tasmania
University of Tasmania Cricket Club
- Collection
- 1961-1973
Collection consists of material relating to the University Cricket Club. Minutes, score books rules and correspondence.
University of Tasmania