Account of the voyage of the Heroine from England to Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land in 1822
Account of the voyage of the Heroine from England to Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land in 1822
Certificate of marriage of Robert Walker and Eliza Hannah Amos
Establishment of the Hobart Town Savings Bank
Image of the Rev. Joseph Benson
Index : 2008/1
Index to scrap book items held in LOR
James Backhouse Walker's Certificate of Membership of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia
James Backhouse Walker's resignation from the Hobart Savings Bank
John Walker's gravestone and biography
Land grant map of Lauderdale
Letter : Ann Mather to her sons
Letter : Mary Mather to her brother Robert
Letter : James Backhouse Walker to his sister Mary
Letter : Robert Mather to his daughter Sarah Benson Walker
Letter : Robert Walker to his daughter Winifred
Letter : Robert Walker to his daughter Winifred
Letter and memorial on the death of Ann Mather
Letter from architect Edward Rowntree to George Washington Walker
Letter from George Washington Walker to James Backhouse Walker
Letter from John and Elspeth Arneil
Letter from John Benson to his sister Ann
Letter from Joseph Benson to his sister
Letter from Joseph Benson to John Wesley
Letter from Sarah Benson to her sister Ann Mather
Letters : Ann Mather to her husband Robert Mather
Letters : Reverend Samuel Benson to his niece, Sarah Benson Walker
Letters : Sarah Benson to her sister Ann Mather
Letters from Ann Benson to Robert Mather
Letters from H.M. Benson
Letters of thanks for condolences on the death of George Washington Walker written by his widow Sarah Benson Walker
Letters to James Backhouse Walker from his mother Sarah Benson Walker and grandmother Esther Mathers
Mary Augusta Walker : certificate from the Slade Fine Art School, University College London
Note written by Rev. Joseph Benson to his son John
Obituaries of George Washington Walker, Tasmania
Photograph of Mrs. Sarah Hammond
Phrenology report of Robert Walker
Phrenology report of Robert Walker
Speeches given to honour James Backhouse Walker at the Working Men's Club
Summary of the Will of James Backhouse Walker, Hobart, Tasmania,
Walker Family Papers 2007
Walker Family Papers 2007
Walker Family Scrapbook
Walker Family Scrapbook