- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
- 830 more...
- ItemBB-CL-179 - Chile, Decree no. 185 altering the structure of the Chilean Antarctic Commission
- ItemBB-CL-180 - Chilean note to the United Kingdom asserting Chilean claims in response to British place in the Falkland Islands
- ItemBB-CL-181 - Decree no. 499 reorganising the Chilean Antarctic Commission
- ItemBB-CL-182 - Argentine note to Chile reserving its rights in response to Chilean stamps depicting territories claimed by Argentina
- ItemBB-CL-183 - Decree no. 946 approving the foreign fishing in Chilean territorial waters
- ItemBB-CL-184 - Chilean note to Argentina asserting its claims in response to Argentina's reservation on Chilean postage stamps
- ItemBB-CL-185 - Chilean note rejecting Argentina's protest about their common border as depicted on a Chilean map
- ItemBB-CL-186 - Decree no. 130 regulating foreign fishing vessels in Chilean territorial waters
- ItemBB-CL-187 - Supreme decree no. 144 regulating foreign fishing vessels in Chilean territorial waters
- 1977 more...