- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
- 697 more...
- ItemBB-CL-7 - Supreme decree no. 3370 granting a fishing concession to Pedro Pablo Benavides (extract)
- ItemBB-CL-8 - Application from Enrique Fabry and Domingo de Toro Herrera for a concession for sealing and other purposes
- ItemBB-CL-9 - Report by the head of the Topographic Department on an application for a concession for sealing and other purposes
- ItemBB-CL-249 - Chile, Constitution, internal government of the state and provincial administration
- ItemBB-CL-250 - Chile, contribution to the United Nations debate on the "Question of Antarctica".
- ItemBB-CL-251 - British note re Chilean continental shelf claim
- ItemBB-CL-252 - Fourteenth General Meeting of the Permanent Commission of the South Pacific
- ItemBB-CL-253 - Chile, Decree concerning the establishment of the Chilean Antarctic Institute
- ItemBB-CL-254 - Chile, Decree approving recommendations of the Ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, London 1977
- 2110 more...